Categories > Cartoons > Xiaolin Showdown > Awaken the Nightmare

Awaken the Nightmare

by GothicPrincessTomoe 0 reviews

Sae Tominaga and her band Akumu are the hottest rock/techno band in Asia. When they perform in China, a curious Kimiko invites her back to the temple, where she later gets abducted by...

Category: Xiaolin Showdown - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Romance - Characters: Chase Young, Clay, Dojo, Jack Spicer, Kimiko, Master Fung, Omi, Raimundo, Wuya - Warnings: [?] [V] [X] - Published: 2006-06-04 - Updated: 2006-06-05 - 489 words

Awaken the Nightmare
by GothicPrincessTomoe

Rating: PG-13

Summary: Sae Tominaga and her band Akumu are one of the hottest rock/techno bands in Asia. When they take a tour of China, Kimiko (and Jack) just happen to be in the audience. Kimiko later asks Sae to come back to the Xiaolin temple with her. Naturally, Sae agrees. She then tells the warriors about the origins of most of the songs-from her dreams. Unfortuantely, they couldn't be interpreted before Sae was kidnapped by...

Chapter 1:
Red Sae

The stagelight shone on a band at the front of the concert hall. It was the focal point of attention. But the main attraction, emphasis on attraction-was a young woman of twenty. She had straight, red hair that went down to her waist. Her eyes were a lightish brown, almost a dark gold color. The band struck up, in all of its guitars and drums. Sae then began to sing.

Here I stand
Empty hands
Wishing my wrists were bleeding
To stop the pain from the beatings
And there you stood
Holding me
Waiting for me to notice you
But who are you?

You are the truth
Out-screaming these lies
You are the truth
Saving my life

The warmth of your embrace
Melts my frostbitten spirit
You speak the truth and I hear it
The words are
"I love you"
And I have to believe in you
But who are you?

You are the truth
Out-screaming these lies
You are the truth
Saving my life

My hands are open
And you are feeling them
Hands in the air
In the air
In the air
In the air

And I worship
And I worship
And I worship
And I worship

You are the truth
Out-screaming these lies
You are the truth
Saving my life

The entire concert hall went up in screaming and clapping. A little much for Kimiko Tohomiko to handle.
But that wasn't the only thing troubling the fire dragon. Something was very strange about Sae Tominaga, the lead singer of the band called Akumu. She had a sort of eerie, sort of evil energy coming from her. It was definately something to consider. Thankfully, the concert was being held in a city near the Xiaolin temple-and Kimiko had a backstage pass. Rai liked Akumu also but wasn't feeling up to going, so he asked her to get him an autograph from either Kenji Yamanaka, one of the singers and lead guitarist, or Sae. So Kimiko thought, "Why not persuade Sae to come to the Xiaolin Temple in person?"
After the concert, Kimiko went backstage to see Sae. When she let her in, Kimiko introduced herself, and the two started talking.
"Hey, Sae, I'm training in a temple not far from here. You wanna come back with me for a while to come visit?"
Sae smiled. "Sure. I've always been interested in martial arts. Let's go!"

A/N: Review please! Constructive criticism only!
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