Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Ghosts in the snow.

Frank's House!

by ILove_FrankIero 3 reviews

Gee is over Franks for a take away. What more could happen?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2011-08-08 - Updated: 2011-08-08 - 914 words

Hey guys, It's been a really long time since i've writen any of my story. Like a really long time, so i'm sorry i'm sorry if this is short or if i've lost it a bit :)

Gee's POV -

I followed Frankie into his house. It seemed unusually large for such a small family, but if they had the money why not? We entered the hall and dropped all our school stuff, before turning to the right into a large living room. I faced a large fire place in the center of the far wall, pictures stood across the mantel piece. But from what I could see there were none of Frankie. There was a large rug in front of the fire and two large brown leather sofas ether side of it. The room had a warm atmosphere, like at Christmas. I smiled to myself before turning to Frankie.

"What are you smiling at?" Frankie's face twisted up.

"Nothing, it's just your house!" I paused "It's amazing!"

Frankie smiled "It's not the house that makes it amazing, It's the people inside it!"

"I'm not that special" I laughed

Frankie just shook his head and took the pizza's from me. Frankie lit the fire and we sat face to face in front of it eating our pizza, chatting a way with Smashing Pumpkins on in the back round. It was nice, the warmth of the fire hitting my cheeks and the sound of our voices entwined with the music. It was like a romantic scene in a film.

Frankie's POV -

Me and Gee sat in front of the fire eating our pizza and chatting about our childhoods, and how so very different they were.

"You had a horrible childhood Gee!" I couldn't help but shed a tear.

Gee looked up at me and laughed, "Why are you crying?" He smirked "Just because I had a Toxic step-mum doesn't mean there weren't any good times!"

"But still, no child should have to go through all that!" I exclaimed.

"No your right, but the good times got us through it." He laughed "I remember this one time, when mom had taken me and Mikey on this big adventure. She woke us up early on a Saturday morning and dragged us down to the car. Both Mikey and I still half asleep! There were bags on the back seat filled with stuff, but mom wouldn't let us look. We drove for hours, stopping at gas stations for a coffee and fuel, so Mikey could go for the pee he needed o-so bad. When we'd finally go there, and all three of us stepped out of the car we were all lost for words. Mom had driven for three hours up to this big lake! It was beautiful Frankie, it really was! There was ducks and fish, and if you weren't careful the geese would come and pinch your food. It was so funny!"

"Wow" I didn't know how to reply, I could picture the lake so clearly. Little Gee and Mikey, running around by the lake, splashing by the water. It was so perfect!

"That's one of my favorite memories I have of me, Mikey and mom." Gee gave a weak smile.

"It sounds beautiful Gee! Your so lucky, the closest thing I got to a lake was the puddles i used to splash in on the way to school!" I laughed along with Gee.

We'd both finished our Pizzas and had moved on to the bags of skittles we'd bought from the shop earlier. It was all Gee's fault, he started it...

Gee threw a skittle into the warm air above him before positioning himself and catching it in his mouth "Haha, finally!" This was Gee's 5th attempt and he'd finally got it. I clapped for him as he struck his fist into the air.

"Your turn Frankie" He laughed.

I accepted the challenge with a smile and did as Gee had, but unlike Gee i got it first time.

Gee frowned "Beginners luck" he winked. "Lets see how good your aim is".

Gee shuffled back a little and opened his mouth wide. I picked up a skittle and threw it directly into gee's mouth. "Yess.." I laughed as Gee put on his pouting face. It was like i'd known him for years.

"Right it my turn" Gee grabbed a skittle and I opened my mouth. Gee threw the skittle and I lent back to catch it, I managed to fall back and miss the skittle.

"Damn it" Gee wasn't impressed at all. He moved swiftly across me and positioned himself above me as I did to him in the field in school. I tensed a little before relaxing, the butterflies in my stomach were back. Gee reached above my head and I followed his hand slowly as he picked up the skittle. He raised it to his face and popped it in his mouth quickly before smiling. Damn it i the purple ones are the best. Gee stared down at me. His floppy black hair stuck to his cheeks from the rain, his pale face so dark, and not being able to see his eyes due to the fact that we were so close. Gee smiled lightly before leaning down and Kissing me softly on the lips.

:D Did you like it guys? I hope so :) Please R+R It's been such a long time that I've probably lost readers but oh well! Thanks guys
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