Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Things You Never Told Me

Chapter? This ain't a chapter.

by fueledbyPanic 2 reviews

MCR on Jimmy Fallon

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Published: 2011-08-09 - Updated: 2011-08-09 - 450 words

Holy shit guys! Did any of you stay up just to watch MCR perform on Jimmy Fallon? I was fucking hyperventilating and my face was like two inches from the screen. I also found myself resisting the urge to in any way touch the tv. October is gonna be interesting... I was really happy that I checked the tv schedule because I saw that Jay Leno was on right before Jimmy Fallon. No, I was not happy because of Jay Leno himself. I was happy because Panic! At the Disco was performing on his show. So I was all "HELL YEAH" but then I was like "FUUUCK" you know why? Because Spencer was not there. Either that or Spencer was in disguise. Or I was hallucinating. That's not unlikely, seeing as I had previously nearly passed out from seeing MCR for literally three seconds on a HCT commercial. I'm hopeless. But yeah Panic! did alright. Brendon was as usual a big ball of adorable spazziness but to be honest, I've heard him sing better. And Ian's guitar was slightly sharp. As for MCR, well how bout this. Let me tell you about each time I died.

1) when I saw Gerard's hair
2) when I saw Frank
3) when they started to play Kids From Yesterday
4) when I saw the fro
5) when I saw Mikey's incredibly awkward knees
6) when I saw Frank
7) when Gee turned around and I saw his ass
8) when Ray bent over and his shirt rode up
9) when I saw Frank
10) when I saw Pedicone being the badass that he is
11) when they all hugged at the end except for Frank and then Gee beckoned him over and he totally blushed and smiled all sheepishly and went over to hug him. I have to say he looked pretty damn good that night.

As you may have noticed I die very easily. And I am (well actually was, by the time i upload this) writing this in the middle of the night because who the hell can go to sleep after nearly seeing Raymond fucking Toro's fucking ass? I'm referring to cause of death number 8. Random fact #1: the only person I refer to by surname is Pedicone. Random fact #2: As you know Mikey's full name is Michael James Way. Well, my brother's name is Michael and my dad's name is James. That is just weird. I wouldn't dare call my brother "Mikey" though. He'd probably kill me with his third degree black belt status.

You know what sucks about the whole London riot thing? I feel like the whole world is going to shit and Frank hasn't even revealed his secret identity yet. Wtf man, wtf.

My Lesbian Romance ftw
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