Categories > Celebrities > 30 Seconds to Mars > People Aren't Always who They Appear to Be

Chapter 8

by BlackThorn 2 reviews

Category: 30 Seconds to Mars - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2011-08-10 - Updated: 2011-08-10 - 222 words

Jared sat up in bed and readjusted his pillows. Although he was completely exhausted, he couldn’t sleep. He rested his heavy head in his hands. His wrists were still sore from the rope burn. He felt like shit.
‘I’m a horrible fucking person,’ Jared thought to himself, ‘I should have refused. How could I even allow myself to enjoy that? I’m a terrible brother. Shannon would NEVER do that to me. I know it wasn’t completely my fault but I could have prevented it. I mean why’d I have to go invite her up to my room?! I’m so fucking stupid! I mean when I was tied up what was I supposed to do about it? But as soon as the handcuffs and rope came off… that’s when it should have ended. I’m a shit brother. If Shannon ever finds out about this he’ll hate me. He’ll be so pissed off. But it’s fine… he’ll never know. How would he know? The only other person that knows is Jade and I highly she’ll be running around telling people. This is fine. It’s okay. I mean I was fucking drugged. It’s not my fault...’
Jared’s thoughts slowly faded and his eyes flickered close. Finally, he fell asleep.
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