Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Bloody Man of Čachtice

Chapter 2

by ILoveGerardMCR 8 reviews

Meet Frank, the boy who picks apples

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Horror,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-08-14 - Updated: 2011-08-14 - 858 words

A/N: Well, this came up later than I planned, sorry :/ I want to let you guys know that I have a bit of a problem with writing their conversations because I just really don't know how they used to speak back then. I tried to my best to make them sound more imperial but idk.... Anyway this is the second chapter. Enjoy 


Today, unlike most days, was a surprisingly sunny day. A cold breeze would still send a chill down your spine occasionally. But other than that, it was perfect. Frank strolled down the trail in the nearby woods. His axe was held firmly in his left had, while in his right hand he was carrying a basket, swinging it carelessly as he whistled. He loved coming down there on a sunny day, listening to the birds chirping and occasionally a deer (I'm thinking of Bambi now) would be sighted.

The reason he came down there in the first place was because while the other peasants were working their asses off growing their own fruit trees and plowing their fields, waiting for the vegetables to grow, he knew the location of a marvelous apple tree right down the path. A lot of people sold apples, but none of them were sweeter than the ones Frank gathered. And that was how he made a living, he would gather the apples in a basket, bring them down to Edward –the old man who he worked for- and they would sell their crops.

His mother also worked. She was a seamstress, which made things a little easier for them since they did not have to buy other clothes. His mom, Linda, was a very sweet lady. The other villagers loved her. And she made the cutest dressed for the little girls.

I am totally aware I made Frank sound like a Disney princess who likes to go "visit" the woods and hang out with little bunny rabbits, and skunks. But bear with me okay? o.e I don't know what poor people did at that time so I ended up making him seem like snow white, who picks apples and whistles in a forest. I just need to get that out there, but I assure you, I will not dwell on this part and most of this story is blood and gore and Frank/Gerard action.....Woo!...I'm gonna shut up now.

Frank was walking back home when he noticed the news man standing on a wooden platform trying to get the people's attention, he was holding a white scroll in his hand, and wondered what was happening. He paused, and stood to listen, curious.

"Sir Gerard Arthur Way would like to announce that he needs some assistance at his home. The first 79 peasants that would volunteer will be happily accepted, and will be paid generously. All their debts will be paid off, as well." As he spoke those words furious chatter suddenly emerged from the people. Some were uncertain, knowing the young man's temper, and others were excited. The young boy was uncertain he would like volunteering. He had heard such awful rumors about that man between the people, but he said he would pay off the volunteeres debts. His mom and Frank has been struggling to pay off a debt for months, maybe this would finally help. He took a deep breath and emerged the man in the white tights, telling him his name as the news man smiled and scribbled it down.

"And what are you planning to do if the villagers ask of them?" Michael asked, raising his eyebrows.

"I don't know yet, but I assure you everything will be fine," Gerard sighed as he dipped his middle and index finger in a glass bowl, and smeared the scarlet liquid on his cheeks.

"I think you are mad, you have gone insane! Your head has snapped since your wife's death" Gerard winced "and what you are doing is monstrous and demonic!" Michael yelled. Raymond and Robert did not oppose Gerard's idea. Michael, however, was getting on his nerves.

"Since when did I ask of your approval on my actions?" Gerard asked

"Since you are being stupid, and if the villagers found out you will be burned, they will think you're a demon, though I hardly blame them. Look at what your doing!" Michael yelled.

Gerard shrugged as he continued dipping his fingers and smearing blood all over his face. Michael didn't understand. Human blood was a beautiful, powerful thing. It is what make's you function, you cannot survive without blood. All the energy and beauty, Imagine how beautiful it could make you, it would provide you eternal youth. Forever young and beautiful. And Gerard will stop at no one to get it. It had only been one day since the maid incident. But he had already become obsessed.

This chapter is purposely short, because I'm preparing the next chapter to be something bigger and better because in the next chapter Gerard and Frank meet. Woo! This chapter is really shitty I promise the next one to be better! Rates? Reviews? Possibly abuse? I have 269 views :]

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