Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > If It Looks Like Im Laughing Im Really Just Asking To Leave..

Chapter One: Those School Uniforms Made a Joke of Me and You ♪

by TashaMxOxO 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Erotica,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2011-08-04 - Updated: 2011-08-16 - 772 words


'Now class. Todays lesson we will be sketching as practise for the end of year exams. You choose your subject. Remember, detail.' The words echo'ed around my head. I had the worlds worst headache, and sat in a grotty art room was the last place I wanted to be. The only thing that kept me sane was being able to see Gerard soon. He was home from art school for summer break.

Three people knew I was Bi, Mikey, Ray and Bob, but I guessed alot more people knew than I had told. Walking through the school coridoor at lunch kinda gave it away. Mostly the preppy cheerleaders stood bunched in corners, wispering and giggling, the odd point and stare. I knew it wouldn't be long before I got slammed into the lockers and beaten to a pulp.

I picked up a pencil and started drawing. Lines after lines, my pencil carving into paper, leaving feint silver trails behind it. I lost myself in thoughts and daydreams. Before I knew it the overly loud siren sounded. Under a second later there was a chorus of voices, and the screeching of stools moving against the putrid green lino that lined the floors of the art block.

'Frank? Frank! Come on buddy, end of school, wanna grab a coffee?' I felt Rays hand shove me hard on my left shoulder as I looked down at my paper. I realised i'd unknowinly scetched Gerard. It was bad, but you could tell it was him. The glowing golden orbs encased in long lashes, the crimson cupids bow lips that complimented his ghostly pale skin so well. The flowing black hair that curved around his ears, framing his delecate face. I had to get rid of it before anyone else saw. It would be hell if people found out that I had a crush on my bestfriends brother two years above. Can you imadgine if all of the homophobes found out? There would be hell.

'Yeah sure' I replied as I scrunched up my drawing and threw it deep into my bag. I got up out of my seat and walked out of the Art block with Ray. We managed to dodge the hoards of people as we wondered out of the school gates and started walking towards the comic book bar we practically lived in.

I pushed the door, to be greeted with the welcoming tinker of the bell above the door. It always reminded me of a petshop I used to go to when I lived in New Orleans, before me and my Ma moved to Belleville.


(Background noise of a tv gameshow, e.g: buzzers, cheering, music ect)
~Phone rings~ 'I'll get it hun, don't you worry'

'Yeah sure mum!'

Franks Mother comes back after 3 minutes, in tears.

'Whats wrong Ma?' Questions young Frank.

'It's your Father sweetie' She forces out a small, pain-filled smile 'He might not come home for a bit' She kisses her son on the head. 'I love you so much' She coos. 'I know its short notice, but go and grab an overnight bag, you can stay at auntie Judes for the night tonight, with Kellin and Peter? You'd like that wouldnt you?'
Frank could only nod, he entirely understood what was happening. He knew something bad had happened to his father.


'Come in, come in, oh dearie, whats wrong love? You shouldn't be out on a bitter night like this! You both must be freezing! Come inside for a warm drink Linda!' You could see the feint
clouds of breath illuminated by the light from the front door lingering in the air by a pair of hot pink lips...


'I just don't know what to tell him' She broke down into tears.

'There there, It will get better. Its a huge shock... What a horbile way to go...' Young Frank was sat in his cousin Kellins room, wide awake, listening to the conversation of the two women in the room below. He was three shades whiter than Ivory, and sick too his stomache. He felt like curling up into a ball and dying, just so he could go and see his Father one last time. And as much as he was heart broken, he hadn't cried. Not one single tear was shed, because he had already drowned himself on the inside...

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