Categories > Celebrities > 30 Seconds to Mars
Der Krieg ist kommt ...
0 reviewsThe war is coming, you must prepare yourself for WAR! ECHELONS UNITE! KILLJOYS UNITE THIS. IS. WAAAAAR!!!
Der Krieg ist kommt (Kapitel 1)
1 reviewThe war is coming, you must prepare yourself for WAR! ECHELONS UNITE! KILLJOYS UNITE THIS. IS. WAAAAAR!!!
0UnratedDie Angst beginnt (Kapitel 2)
0 reviewsJared is panicking and Shannon has a secret...
0UnratedDie Dust nicht klar (Kapitel 3)
0 reviewsJared is questioning Shannon and Shannpn is being rude >:|
0UnratedEin Krieger kommt (Kapitel 4)
0 reviewsShannons' friend arrives and Jared will not stop talking ot himself
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