Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Everybody Wants To Change The World

Chapter Thirteen - I'll Find You When The Sun Goes Black.

by Nightstars 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Published: 2011-08-21 - Updated: 2011-08-21 - 1481 words

Chapter Thirteen - I'll Find You When The Sun Goes Black.

Missile Kid stared, her eyes taking on the long hallway before her as she stepped carefully along its path. Slowly, each of her friends wandered into a seperate room and her light brown orbs traveled to the last unsearched room. Taking in a deep breath she stepped forward, crossing the threshold of the room.
Her eyes darted, a whirl of brown and black that flashed from one corner of the room to the next. She fought to keep her breathing even as she started at the windows on the far corner of the room. The frame was shoved upwards, the glass shattered in the floor. Her eyes widened, fear suddenly darkening the usual bright shade of her eyes.
A black gloved hand clamped down over her mouth, a white rag pressed heavily against her lips. In shock and fear she gulped in a deep breath of air.
The contaminated breath hit her lungs and then her vision blurred and she could feel her grasp in reality begin to slip away.

The air was tense.
It was almost visible in the air as the red head slammed his foot on the gas pedal, never pulling it away from the floor. His eyes were dark, not the bright dancing hazel they usually were. Instead they were almost a light shade of brown, darkened by the rage, fear, and dread that coiled around his stomach in a tight vice.
He clamped his foot closer to the ground, as if that was even possible, and pushed the stick into the highest gear, wishing the car to accelerate and fly faster.
His leg jolted off the gas for a moment before pushing it back down. Then a hand clamped onto his shoulder and jerked him back in his seat, forcing his foot away from the pedal.
"Stop before you crash the car!"
Bright hazel eyes snapped over to the blonde sitting in the passengers seat.
"Kobra!" Party Poison snapped, trying to pull away from his brother's restraining hands and push the Trans-Am away from the slow coast. "Stop it right now! We have to find Gr..Missile!"
"You stop! You aren't thinking rationally!"
As the car pulled to a complete stop Party Poison threw his door open and stormed away from the car, letting the harsh grains of sand dig into the exposed skin of his face. Then he could hear the grains pushing together as someone made their way over to him. A hand wrapped tightly around his arm and jerked him around, away from the general direction he knew Zone One was in.
"You're gonna get yourself killed before you even make it into the city so just stop!"
His eyes narrowed at the light brown that glared right back at him.
"I don't care, you guys could just go in after I make a distraction and get her out!"
"Just stop! I don't care whatever stupid scheme you already made up I can tell you right now it isn't going to work!"
The two glared at each other, daring the other to argue as the rumbling from the three motorcycles that had been driving behind the Trans-Am quieted and then it was silent.
"You can't expect me just to wait here for any scrap of news! I don't care what you say I'm going to go get Missile!"
Party Poison whirled away from his brother, beginning to race away from the group that waited for him. As he made his way from them....
He halted.
His fists clenched, his muscles halted, and his jaw locked together.
The use of that long forgotten name, the use of what he had once been known as stopped him in his tracks.
Ever since the world they had once known had ended the only time his brother used his real name was when he was really angry or making his point known. This was only the second time his real name had been used.
"Gerard, just stop! I know how pissed you are but you're get yourself killed!"
Slowly Party Poison felt his jaw loosen and his fists dropped back to his side, no longer balled tightly. He took in a deep brath and turned around to see his brother staring at him, his eyes silently pleading with him to listen.
"We can get her back, I know we can, okay, but you're not gonna do it alone, we're all gonna go
He took in another breath and nodded, letting his eyes flutter closed for a moment to calm himself.
"What did you have in mind?"
Kobra Kid smiled, letting his arms open and enfold his brother close to his chest.
"Thank you," he breathed, his voice a low whisper as he murmured it close to his brother's ear.
Fun Ghoul and Jet Star who had been lingering a few feet away grinned towards each other before walking over to pull the brothers into an even larger hug.
"Okay," Kobra Kid said as they all pulled away. He turned back around to face the others who waited behind them. "So, there's a chance that they haven't reached BL/ind yet, Missile is smart, she knows where the Dracs are take her."
"But how would she get away, she's can't very well take down a whole group of Dracs by herself." Cyanide Killer cut in, his hands clenching and unclenching by his side his brother, Northern Lights, held onto his arm in a comforting gesture.
"Yeah, Killer's right," Zany Dead agreed, her hands wringing together as worry etched itself across her face.
Screeching Cola sniffed quietly and stared at the ground, her arms laying at her sides. Her nose was a soft pink color and the whites of her eyes were tinged a light shade of red.
Moonlite Suicide wrapped her arms tightly around herself, one hand still resting on the handle of her sword as if it provided her comfort. Slowly a tear fell from her eye, falling from behind the black surrounded sparking blue. Then she felt a hand holding her shoulder comfortingly.
Vera Vanity stood beside her, her face espressionless as she held onto Moonlit Suicide's arm in a soft way. Her mouth was straight, her nose and cheeks untinged by any color but her eyes were glistening with unshed tears. The light brown shimmered even lighter as the sun bounced off of them in a brighter way.
They all stood together, providing comfort in a way that didn't need to be expressed in words. They were simply all there for each other.
"She'll get away, I know she will." Jet Star spoke, his voice quiet.
Fun Ghoul pulled his lip into his mouth and bit it softly, letting his teeth sink into the skin and closing his eyelids on sparkling amber orbs. His hands twitched towards his raygun and resisted the urge to swear to whatever god was supposed to exist.
Kobra Kid held tightly onto his brother's hand, clasping them together and refusing to let go should Party Poison make some rash decision to go after Korse and Draculoids himself. His heart was racing in his chest, pounding against his ribs in an almost painful way as he thought of Missile Kid sitting in the back of one of their cars, or of the Draculoids dragging her through the desert.
Jet Star shifted, his eyes fluttering to each of his friends in the group that stood around him. He could feel the way the sadness and fear settled in all of them the same way it did to him. He knew the way it wrapped itself around their hearts and minds because it was doing the very same to him.
Party Poison refused to let his eyes go to any of the people around him. His mind was a thousand miles away, searching for any idea of where Missile Kid could be but instead all he could think of was her sitting all alone and the way his promise was broken. His promise to always protect her, no matter what happened. He could feel tears prickling the edges of his bright hazel eyes but he blinked furiously refusing to let them fall.
He would get her back, no matter where she was at, he would get her back. They all would.

(A/N: Hey everyone, I'm sorry for the long wait again. tugs hair Blech! School is starting up again and things are getting pretty hectic..Today is my last day of summer vacation and then it's back to hell. So, my updates might get even more spaced out...grumbles But, I'll update when I can as soon as I can, I refuse to abandon this when it's so close to the end! I'm working on chapter fourteen right now so it should be up in a wee bit)
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