Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Will you take me with you?

Recipe for disaster

by CherriBoomBoom 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Humor,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-08-21 - Updated: 2011-08-22 - 1004 words

Hey! I've been busy for a while and it's why I haven't updated. I'm starting school tomorrow so I figured I'd update before rushing :) So there you go!

Chapter eight

The week finally ended and I was able to go home after detention (with a follow-your-every-step Mikey shadowing me, of course) for the last time in what I hoped would be forever. I could finally have time for me after class, and I started by spending the whole weekend alone. Drawing, listening to music, reading, that sorta thing. Peace. Of. Mind. That is, until the next Monday came along.

A few weeks went by and Mikey was still not dropping it. On various occasions did he try to come onto me and on various occasions did I turn him down. The kid had a strong will, I’ll give him that. It was getting on my nerves and I made sure to let him know. But there was this part of me that found it cute, how he kept coming back no matter how harsh I’d be. Of course, I didn’t let it show. Well, I tried not to. There was this time especially, where I almost let it slip. I think it was two or three weeks after we had stopped having detention. We were getting out of history class.

-C’mon, Lia, admit it, he grinned at me.

-I’m not admitting to anything.

-There HAS to be some part of you that likes me, at least a little, at least as a friend!

-How about no? I replied, not slowing down.

I hid a small grin behind strands of hair. Mikey suddenly shoved himself in front of me, forcing me to come to a brutal halt. I almost bumped into him.

-At least say you don’t dislike me, he begged.

I grinned and shoved him aside:

-Move, Way.

What he didn’t hear was the giggle I let out after repeating under my breath “don’t dislike me.”

Later on that week, the biggest bitch of the whole school, Brittany, threw this major party at her rich-ass parents’ mansion. I have no idea why, but she insisted every single person in the school had to come, and that included me. She even said she’d pay the booze, meaning her parents would have to spit out the cash. It seemed weird because Brittany has always hated me for no particular reason. Her and her friends used to bully me. That’s exactly why I had no intention to go. And suddenly, like a bad dream, there was a Mikey knocking at my door, coming to pick me up. My mom sided with him and forced me to go, almost threatening to ground me if I didn’t. So I ended up at Brittany’s mansion, like the rest of the school.

Which resulted in a half-drunk me. Locked in a closet with a pretty damn drunk Mikey. Playing Seven Minutes. Like children. Dear god, recipe for disaster.

-Hey Lia, he giggled. Wanna make out?

-Y-noooo, I slurred.

-C’mon, it’s part of the gaaaaaame, he whispered.

-Alright, but just a little kiss.

-I love y-

-Shut up.

I leaned in quickly to peck him on the lips. And I... fuck. I lost control. Both mine and his drunkenness combined was really a terrible idea. We ended up in a corner of the basement. He got me even more drunk. And we ended up... shit. We ended up making out. Almost all damn night. I remember snuggling, falling asleep, then briefly waking up only to realize he was setting me down on my own bed.

I woke up the next morning and I was feeling okay. I was sure I’d have either a massive headache or a monstrous nausea, but no. Nothing. That is, until I got downstairs. My mom was in the kitchen, making breakfast for me.

-Hi, honey! Are you okay? You were pretty drunk last night. You’re lucky you have this very nice friend, the one you had detention with, who br-

She stopped talking as I had made a run for the bathroom. Again? In just a few weeks? This time, I could blame it on the alcohol, but I didn’t even feel sick when I woke up! It was sudden, exactly like the time at school after detention.

-Lia, are you feeling alright?

-Yeah mom, I’m fine now, I drank a little too much last night, it’s all. I’m sorry, I gargled.

Fortunately, my mom was nice enough not to ask questions or not to ground me, seeing as she was the one who pushed me to go at the party. She told me to rest in bed all day. She even was too nice, actually. So nice, that she let Mikey in when he came to check on me.

-Hey, he said, sitting down on my bed.

-Urgh, get off, I groaned.

-You still feeling drunk?

-No, Michael. I’m perfectly fine. And before you ask, I’m acting this way because you got me drunk to abuse of me! You fucker!

-What? I didn’t abuse of you! If I remember correctly, you said yes first.

-I said yes to a peck on the lips, so you would fuckin’ leave me alone. I didn’t agree to a drunken make out fest! I snapped.

He gave me sad puppy eyes before replying that he would’ve stopped if I had told him to.

-I was DRUNK, Mikey. Of course I wouldn’t tell you to stop. I wasn’t myself.

-I’m sorry.

-Whatever. Just don’t do it again, I muttered.

I couldn’t be as mad as I wished to be. Because there was a slight memory in my head that had started it all. I do believe he had forgotten, but I could still remember, though it was a little dazed. He had told me he loved me. Now that changed everything.
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