Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Will you take me with you?

Thanks for nothing

by CherriBoomBoom 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Humor,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-08-23 - Updated: 2011-08-23 - 977 words

There you go~

Chapter nine

He sighed.

-I guess you’re mad now and you want me to stay away, like I promised I’d do if I annoyed you.

I was about to snap a terribly bitchy answer when I had another urge to puke. I literally jumped out of bed and screamed at Mikey to move. I ran for the bathroom again. Seriously, I was starting to get a little freaked out. I wasn’t that hungover. Puking twice in a day wasn’t normal. I heard a knock on the door as I drew that conclusion.

-Lia? I thought you said you were fine?

-I am! It came randomly, like that time at school.

I spit in the sink to rinse my mouth out.


-Okay, let me take you to a doctor. Please. I just want to know what’s going on with you. If you’re really sick or not.

His voice was so desperate. Yet an idea had formed in my mind. An idea that freaked me out more than I ever wanted to let on. I hoped with all my heart I was wrong. I neede to find a way to get rid of Mikey for at least an hour to find out.

-Mikey? I croaked, faking a dry throat.


Dear god. He sounded so eager. Poor boy had his hopes up.

-I’m really not feeling that good. I... I think I’m gonna take a nap.

-Want me to get something for you? Check in on you later?

I could feel his worry practically dripping from the words he spoke.

-No. I-I’ll be fine. Thanks.

-O-okay. Later then.

-Yeah, later, I muttered.

I waited a few minutes for his footsteps to end downstairs, and a few more for the door to close behind him. Phase one of plan? Success. I then grabbed my purse and rushed out of the house without explanation to complete phase two. Which led to my horrible demise.


I had to call Mikey. I had to. I was a mess. But I had to. I picked up the phone and dialled his house. I knew he’d rush to the phone and pick it up as soon as he’d see my number showing up.

-M-Mikey? I sobbed, trying not to sound like I was.

-Lia? Everything okay?

-Listen, I know this’ll sound weird, especially from me, but I need you here, like, now. We... we have to talk.

-Be there in five.

He didn’t even hesitate. Not a second. The poor boy. I feel sorry for him after that day. I should’ve left him alone and ran away. But no, I had to be an idiot and cling to him like he’d be able to salvage what was left of my train wreck of a life. He hung up. And 5 minutes later, he was there. I heard the muffled conversation he had with my mom before she unknowingly sent him up into the biggest trap of his life. I hadn’t told her. I couldn’t. Which was one of the reasons I was crying so hard. But he needed to know. It wasn’t fair. I had to tell him. I heard his footsteps growing louder as they approached my door. It flung open a second later.

-Lia? What is this all about? Are you- oh god!

He saw the wet tracks on my cheeks, the runny makeup on my eyes, the messy hair on my head, the lost look on my face. And then flung himself at me.


-Mikey, I need to know something, I hiccupped.

-Anything. Anything, he breathed, sitting down next to me.

-Do you love me?

He fell silent. He wasn’t expecting that question at all.

-Don’t fuck with me, Michael, not now! I screeched.

He winced at the urgency in my voice. I literally lost my shit at that moment and bawled my eyes out even harder. I went psycho. I don’t know how I managed not to scare the poor Way child to death.

-Please, Mikey, I screamed, pounding my fists on his chest. Just tell me. Do-you-love-me?!

I knew he had told me in the closet at Brittany’s party. But we were drunk and it wasn’t enough. I needed to hear it from him sober, conscious, and fully aware.

-Lia- calm down- I-I can’t understand half of what you’re saying- please- just relax! This can’t be that bad!

-But it is! It is! Now tell me! I need to know! I cried, smudging my makeup even farther.

He took a deep breath. Then blurted out a practically silent “yes.” Blushed. Looked away. Cleared his throat. Looked directly in my eyes. And replied and simple and steady “yes.” It was all I needed to hear.

-Are you willing to go at lengths for me? Suffer? Go through hardship?

-But why- what is this all about?! Why do you suddenly care?!

-Please, Mikey, please! I sobbed, burying my face in his chest. Please.

He hesitated and laid his hand on my head. Sighed. Ran his other hand on his face. I could feel him moving. I could practically feel his heart pounding in his chest.

-Fine. As stupid as this may sound, seeing how you keep putting me down, yes. Yes. I am. I- ugh. I do.

He grunted. I snapped back straight up.

-I’m... Gonna be needing you around. A lot.

He cocked his eyebrows. Oh, fuck. Out with it already. I just couldn’t bear the atmosphere anymore. I wanted it to fucking end. I wanted to fucking die. I felt like shit and nothing would change that. Nothing. No one. It’d just get worse.

-I’m fucking pregnant, Mikey, that’s what it’s all about.
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