Categories > Games > Mega Man > Phoenix Evolution

TamaMedia's Net Arenas

by darkskysong 0 reviews

The Net Arenas are the newest and most versitile NetBattling centre around and Lan discovers the flexibility of Double Battles the hard way.

Category: Mega Man - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure - Characters: Other - Published: 2006-06-05 - Updated: 2006-06-06 - 1248 words

Chapter Five - TamaMedia's Net Arenas

MegaMan, Roll, Glide, GutsMan and IceMan stood in wonder at TamaMedia's Net Arenas. The place was huge. There were several stadiums, each a different arena style. The stadiums included water, forest, desert, maze, stealth, fire, ice and rock.

There was an announcement for all new comers explaining the procedures. Battlers chose an arena to battle in and waited for their turn, or they could go to a private arena with customizable battle options.

The Navis decided the Rock Stadium was the best to try out first. The arena wasn't as busy as some of the others, for which the guys were thankful.

While they were waiting, Roll spotted Phoenix near the stadium entrance. She nudged MegaMan. As they watched, Phoenix glanced around and started walking straight towards them.

"Welcome to the TamaMedia NetBattle Arenas." Phoenix gave a small bow and nodded to each of them in turn. "MegaMan. Roll. Glide. GutsMan. IceMan."

"Hey wait! How did you know who I was?" protested IceMan.

"All NetNavis and their NetOps are registered compulsorily into the TamaMedia Battler Database on arrival," Phoenix replied.

"Kaie, I challenge you to a rematch." Lan went battle crazy.

"Since we're in equipped facilities, let us make it interesting and have a Double Battle," Kaie answered.

"We accept" said Lan.

"So who do you choose as your partner?" queried Phoenix.

"Ah." Lan was caught off guard; he hadn't thought that far before accepting. He looked around his friends. "I choose Maylu."

Maylu smiled. "Thanks Lan."

"So who's your partner?"

"A good friend of mine, Audrey."

A NetNavi appeared next to Phoenix. "Hi, I am Obelix."

Obelix was a basic warrior NetNavi with a touch of flair. He had a full length, black battle suit with a diagonal green stripe across his chest, forearms and thighs. Both Obelix's boots and gloves had green stripes around their tops. His symbol was on the front of the headband he wore over his short and spiky, green hair.

The Navi turned to MegaMan, "MegaMan, your reputation precedes you." Then he turned to Roll. "And the beautiful Roll, a pleasure to meet you."

MegaMan grinned and Roll blushed at Obelix's chatter. Phoenix rolled her eyes; Obelix was a show-off sometimes.

"The stadium is free for us to battle," said Kaie.


The four Navis stepped onto the rocky surface of the arena.

Obelix took up his position. "I hope you know the Double Battle rules. Else you better start learning fast" he shouted to the other side.

A single siren began the Rock Double Battle.

MegaMan and Roll stood guard, wary of the new terrain. They had already lost sight of the opposition among the few towering rock pillars littering the field.

"Obelix Crush."

"Phoenix Blade."

Suddenly MegaMan pushed Roll out of the way of Phoenix's attack as he also avoided the swing from Obelix. Phoenix disappeared into the terrain again.

"Cyber Sword battle chip, download." MegaMan stood ready.

"Cyclone battle chip, download."

Lan asked Maylu, "What is Roll doing?"

"Clearing some of the rocks and hopefully catching Phoenix or Obelix off guard."

Roll's Cyclone shifted a large area of rock. One of the pillars become unstable and was ready to fall any second.

Phoenix was underneath it. "Area Steel battle chip, download."

Kaie knew the Double Battle rules like the back of her hand. Phoenix escaped the rock pillar while Obelix used the Area Steel to get close to MegaMan.

MegaMan and Obelix clashed and fought furiously, Long Sword on Cyber Sword. Obelix used the terrain to go as quickly as he had come.

"Spreader battle chip, download."

MegaMan aimed the blaster at the rocks. If Obelix won't stand and fight, MegaMan would run Obelix out of hiding with the dust cloud.

Meanwhile Roll had found Phoenix among rocks.

"Roll Blast."

"Phoenix Blade." Phoenix fended the blasts off with flicks of her wrists.

"Audrey, switch!" Kaie ordered.

"Level Three Booster battle chip, download."

Roll and MegaMan were caught off guard as both Phoenix and Obelix disappeared from the field.

A second later Phoenix stood behind a barrier in front of MegaMan. Obelix was likewise behind Roll. Roll quickly spun around to face her new opponent.

"What gives?" Lan asked.

Kaie showed a ghost of a smile. "Double Battle rules."

The barriers vanished.

"Multiple Mini Boomer battle chips; download."

MegaMan threw the Mini Boomers to surround Phoenix's position. Mini Boomers also appeared in Roll's hand.

"Roll, throw them." Maylu shouted.

A bewildered Roll got rid of the Mini Boomers just before they exploded. They didn't hit her mark but they made a lot of smoke, choking Roll as well as Obelix.

"How did Roll get Mini Boomers?" asked Maylu.

"Great technology and Rule One of Double Battle rules: the partner of the NetOp that downloads a battle chip can also choose to use it as well," Kaie explained patiently, just as she would to a beginner NetBattler. "Roll must have accidentally triggered the command to get the battle chip if you didn't know this rule."

Obelix came at Roll with a Long Sword on his arm.

"Triton battle chip, download."

Obelix had a little trouble deflecting the spears with his sword.

"Mega Buster."

MegaMan's aim missed and blasted the rocks near Phoenix's head. She was distracted and dodged right; just narrowly missing a few spears from Roll's reflected attack.

Obelix edged around Roll to the left, keeping her within range of his sword. MegaMan fought off Phoenix Blade as he lost ground to Phoenix.

"Fire Tower battle chip, download."

Phoenix and Obelix had subtly driven Roll and MegaMan in between them. They stood back to back facing their experienced opponents.

"Double Chain Fire Tower!"

Two boosted Fire Towers circled Roll and MegaMan, closing in on them every second.

"Maylu we need Aqua Tower and fast" Lan shouted.

"Aqua Tower battle chip, download."

"MegaMan, use the battle chip."

"I'm right on it."

"Double Aqua Tower!"

MegaMan and Roll sent their Aqua Towers at the Fire Towers. The separate Aqua Towers were not enough against the boosted Fire Towers and they dissipated. Both Maylu and Lan watched as though they had no more chips that could save them.

Phoenix and Obelix let their Fire Towers twist into one tower on top of Roll and MegaMan.

The Rock Double Battle was decided and the single siren terminated all current attacks.

Both Lan and Maylu were extremely disappointed they didn't win but then again, this type of battling was new to them.

The Navis left the stadium so others could have their turn at battling. Phoenix and Obelix came over.

"Practice before challenging anyone to a Double Battle again MegaMan," Obelix said as they shook hands.

"We will, no doubt about that," MegaMan said resolutely.

Phoenix took Roll's hand. "I thought a champion Chess NetBattler would have checked the rules."

"I won't forget if I battle you again Phoenix."

Obelix bowed to Roll, "A pleasure battling you Roll. Until we meet again." And he left the vicinity of the NetBattle Arenas.

"You are welcome to stay at the NetBattle Arenas," Kaie said to the group.

Lan was pumped. "I'm just getting started."

"Maylu I advise giving Lan a lecture and, oh, a question Lan," Kaie said offhandedly. "Why didn't you use the Level One Booster chip?"

Lan was dumbfounded and didn't get a chance to reply as Phoenix had left the vicinity also.

AN: I want to do some Double Battling now. I hope this chapter was good reading. Please review!
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