Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > 100 Ways To Torture Gerard Way

24. Tasers

by theescapist99 5 reviews

"His whole body was left with the sense of vibration." Suggested by: Heymimusic

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Horror - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-08-22 - Updated: 2011-08-22 - 499 words - Complete

A/N: Okay, so after much debate, it is the opinion of myself and others I know that that I am not going to do the torture that number 24 was supposed to be. It's not even necessarily that it was too messed up, but some people felt that it was ineffective. Either way, I have a really fucked up chapter for you guys coming up soon.

24. Tasers

Gerard had finally been given a blanket by the healer, so he did not succumb to hypothermia after the freezing method. He was extremely grateful for this, but was disappointed when it was taken away once his temperature was no longer dangerously low. Mind, it had been rather thin anyway.

Not that long after, Gerard had another piece of cloth wrapped around him. A blindfold covered his eyes. One black bird wrapped it around his skull tightly, while the other one brought in a medium sized box.

He was then shoved down into the bed and told to lie still. The blindfold was thick, and he was in complete darkness, left to wonder what they were going to do to him this time.
He found out soon enough. Minutes later, Gerard felt a piece of metal meet his stomach. Next, an electric shock went through him. He yelped. He felt his body become rigid, and he felt paralyzed. Panic rose inside him. Then nothing. His muscles relaxed. Still, he did not get much of a break before a second shock was delivered to him on his arm.

Gerard knew they were doing this from opposite sides. That was what the blindfold was about --- the element of surprise. Left to guess where the next blow would come from.

Another shock. His whole body was left with the sense of vibration. The recovery periods were getting shorter and shorter.

Soon, it was just one shock after another. Gerard tried to scream, but he could not bring himself to move his jaw. So he just lay there withstanding it, mentally begging them to stop. They shocked him in the nipples, in the genitals, and on his face, pinpointing any sensitive areas they could find. Eventually one of them spoke.

He said, "No one is looking for you. Worthless piece of shit. You're better off dead, but we won't give you that honor as a punishment for wasting our time."

He then whispered to the other. They both flipped him around and laid him on his stomach. One of them stuffed the taser up his anus, and triggered it.

Gerard gasped inaudibly, then unable to close his jaw again. He tried to even out his breathing as he felt the shock go up his back.

Gerard was then left to wait for the next blow, but it never came. He just lay in fear and darkness, his body still convulsing from the electricity that coursed through him.


Next chapter: "Drink from my thighs; the rain of lies. A sight so cursed; breasts which never nursed."
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