Categories > Cartoons > Avatar: The Last Airbender > Roses of the Valley

Chapter Four: Roses and Tea

by Giroro5X 0 reviews

This chapter took the longest to write out of all the ones I've done so far, there were a lot of interruptions to contend with. As usual, I hope you all enjoy the chapter, and I would really, R...

Category: Avatar: The Last Airbender - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure - Characters: Other - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-06-05 - Updated: 2006-06-06 - 4800 words


The village of Bai-Jing was large in both size and population, nestled comfortably within the Kun valley. Nearby rivers allowed for constant trade and commerce, leading many Earth Kingdom nobles to make their home within it. The tall mountains surrounding the valley hindered foot travel considerably, leading many to rely chiefly on water transport.

Many plans had been formed to enter the valley by means of the river, yet these often met with dismissal. The Fire Nation felt that the conquering of a few aristocrats and scattered troops of the Earth Kingdom were hardly worth the expenses in both resources and manpower that would be required to enter the valley. To make the attempt by means of the mountains was even less justifiable.

Anticipating this, the Earth Kingdom left only a few squads to guard over the Kun valley, moving the majority of the valley's soldiers to where they felt they would be far more useful. With the appearance of "the Demon," the commanders of the Earth Kingdom army felt their presence even less necessary, perhaps even undesired. Such notions were kept silent, no one wanting to give the idea that they condoned or even permitted the actions of a vigilante. Wanted posters of him were common, found throughout the valley and any villages nearby.

This was the first thing Wen Lan noticed as they reached a small outpost at the entrance to the valley. She stared at the poster, lost in thought. The sound of Xiu calling out snapped her back to attention.

"My lady?" the girl drew closer, having tried and failed to catch Wen Lan's attention multiple times.

"Hmm? Ah, my apologies Xiu, I was distracted."

"That's him!" Xiu gasped slightly as she looked over the poster. "Wow, they drew him all wrong," she studied it further. "Why'd they put a Fire Nation mark on his mask? Wasn't it an Earth Kingdom one?"

"Perhaps to make the locals more wary of him?"

"I guess," she shrugged. "My lady, we can see Bai-Jing from just ahead!"

"Ah, already? We must have been closer than I thought," she smiled kindly. As she stepped forward several of the girls surrounded her, following close behind and working with her hair to make her appear at her best for when she met with the Earth Kingdom representative. Through their efforts, they were able to hide her exhaust, the result of a full night's travel.

Wen Lan studied the valley as they crossed over towards the village. What stood out to her most were the roses, something unique about them that she could not quite explain.

The roses looked unhealthy, as if they were wilting and malnourished. Yet from the grass and plants surrounding, it was easy to ascertain that there was nothing wrong with the soil, nor anything surrounding. As they passed under the village gates, her curiosity calmed, an anxiousness growing within her.

"Where do we go from here?" Xiu looked about, impressed by the liveliness of the village streets.

Wen Lan took note of this, but was far more surprised by the lack of reaction to their arrival. After their stay in the last village, she had anticipated immediate animosity. Yet now, she found her and her party to be almost entirely ignored. She looked up over the crowd of people occupying the village's main street, noticing a mansion in the distance.

"I believe that's Chin-Hwa's home," she nodded towards Xiu. "We should hurry, I suspect he'll be curious as to our late arrival." She hoped that it would be merely curiosity, and not disdain.

It was not long before the party found themselves standing before the mansion, two figures standing near its entrance. The first was a tall man, his beard a shade of white, brightened with age and care. His hair was long, trailing down just past his shoulders. His face seemed stoic, his features aged and deep. A young soldier stood next to him, bowing as Wen Lan grew closer.

"I won't keep you," the soldier rose from his bow, "but I do apologize for bringing you such bad tidings."

"Good news, bad news, both will continue to be bred and shared. To be in tune with the earth is to accept this, and to take both in stride with calm head. Once again, congratulations on your promotion," Chin-Hwa answered.

"I thank you for your wisdom," he bowed again, turning and leaving with quick pace. He passed Wen Lan nervously, staring forward and hoping she would not recognize him.

Having never seen the man before, Wen Lan merely bowed her head politely in passing, stopping as she drew closer to the old noble.

Once far enough away, Seung sighed a breath of relief. He was unsure as to whether anyone from her party had seen him the day before, but had been carrying a fear that one would recognize him and create a situation within Chin-Hwa's home. He continued towards the village entrance, his soldiers meeting and following him from there.

"Lord Chin-Hwa, I am Wen Lan of the Fire Nation. I hope that we have found you in good spirits this morning," she bowed, her hands folded politely in front of her as the girls followed suit.

"You are late," he said it almost curiously.

"There were...Complications in our travels," Wen Lan closed her eyes, recalling that such complications led to the death of Gang and her guards.

"To have kept me waiting is the equivalent of an insult, lady Wen Lan," he began. "What if I were to tell you I expect some form of compensation for the troubles endured?"

She wanted to narrow her eyes, but had control enough to merely bow again, deeper this time. "I can offer you only my sincerest apologies. Anything request of me you issue that I am capable of granting, I will carry out."

"Hmm, very interesting," his face remained stoic as his old hand lifted towards his chin, stroking his beard. "My request is this, then. Your servant there. You, with the brown hair. Speak your mind."
"Eh?" Where Wen Lan had succeeded in hiding her emotions, Xiu failed miserably. She had spent the last few lines of conversation glaring at the old man with hatred. "Su...Surely my opinion doesn't matter...?"

"If you cannot carry out this simple request, you are wasting my time." Chin-Hwa began turning away, stopping as Wen Lan whispered.

"It's alright, Xiu. Please answer his question."

"Honestly and sincerely," he added.

"You want my honest opinion? You're horrible!" Xiu had a nasty habit of not holding back. "Earth Kingdom soldiers tried to kill us all yesterday, and we were separated from the guards! We spent the entire night wandering through the forest trying to find our way here, and when we finally do get here, all you can do is act like a stuffy old man who thinks he's better than others just because he has more money!"

Wen Lan treated her servants as equals, understanding that for all intents and purposes, they were the same. Though a graceful and kindhearted notion, it would occasionally lead to a servant being out of line when encountering another noble or person of higher social standing.

If there was ever a clear example of this, it was Xiu's scolding of Chin-Hwa. Wen Lan winced slightly, understanding that she'd gone too far. She looked towards Chin-Hwa, awaiting his reaction.

He stepped forward, stopping just in front of Wen Lan as his eyes remained on Xiu. "What is your name?"

"Xiu, servant to lady Wen Lan!" she had no fear.

"And you're loyal to the Fire Nation?"

"No, I'm loyal to Wen Lan!"

"And she allows you to speak so freely?"

Wen Lan simply stared forward, giving no reaction.

"Always! And when we are out of line, she asks us to apologize and corrects us, but she never treats us like we're wrong for it! And I don't have to apologize to an arrogant old man like you!"

Wen Lan winced again, not able to see the servants behind her. There was a mix of nervousness and agreement with Xiu's words.

"I see," he nodded slowly, turning. In silence he walked away, stopping halfway between Wen Lan and the entrance to the mansion. Turning slowly, he looked towards her with cold eyes. "Is it the case that you treat these women as if they are equal to you?"

Without hesitation, she gave her answer. "No."

The old man simply stared, his face giving a slight hint of agitation.

"I am not of the belief that these women are equal to me. I am of the belief that all are equal, whether they are man or woman, Fire or Earth," she looked towards him with silent confidence, her spirit unnerved.

He turned, continuing towards the entrance. Two guards stepped forward, sliding open the panels as he faced towards them yet again, his hands folded behind his back. The cold eyes had grown into a warm smile.

"I am glad to hear that, Wen Lan of the Fire Nation. Please come in, we have much to discuss." Turning again, he made his way into the mansion, the girls staring.

After a short pause, Chin-Hwa leaned out the door curiously, calling after them. "Well? Are you coming?"

The servants began smacking Xiu's back, some in congratulation while others did it to scold her for making them so nervous. Wen Lan smiled softly, a sudden levity relieving them of the tension. Upon entering the mansion, she found Chin-Hwa waiting next to the panel, motioning his hand towards the opposite side of the room.

"Please excuse my company; I offered to show them to their rooms but they wouldn't hear of it. They insisted on waiting here for you.

She turned her head in the direction of his hand, freezing as she caught sight of whom he was motioning towards. Before she could whisper the words, Xiu had already screamed the words.

"Gang, you're okay!" unable to control herself, she ran towards the old guard, hugging him tightly as the other guards laughed, sitting around him.

"Ha ha," he boasted, "what took you so long?! We had to fight Earthbenders and we still beat you all here!"

"Eww, you stink! Are you drunk?! Stop drinking, old man! You can't guard lady Wen Lan if you're drunk, can you!?" she continued berating him as the other girls made their way to the guards, treating any slight injuries they had while ensuring they were alright.

"An Earth Kingdom soldier approached me shortly before you arrived," Chin-Hwa explained as he stepped up beside Wen Lan. "His name was Seung, a powerful Earthbender with good nature. He and the other soldiers detained your guards yesterday."

"...I thought they had been killed," Wen Lan admitted quietly, her eyes tearing slightly in deep gratitude that her assumption had been false.

"Seung chose to bring them here, understanding it was their original destination. I doubt that would be the case if they were with the Fire Nation army."

"Hmm?" Something in the explanation had caught Wen Lan's interest. "How did he know that this was their destination?"

"...That is something that we must discuss," he nodded his head towards Gang, smiling. "First, you should speak with him. He's spent the entire time here worried about your safety."

Wen Lan nodded, stepping towards Gang as he collected himself to his feet with a slight stagger. He smiled broadly, half in satisfaction that he had survived, half in gratitude that his lady had arrived without the slightest harm.

There were no words, simply Wen Lan embracing the old guard quietly, doing poorly in hiding her tears. He embraced her, chuckling as she scolded him for worrying her so much, for giving her the sadness of mourning.

He nodded, promising it would never happen again. Taking her shoulders, he promised again, smiling drunkenly.

She laughed softly before walking toward Chin-Hwa, leaving the others to discuss what had happened the day before as they celebrated the safe return of both sides.

"Thank you for taking care of them," she bowed again to the old noble.

"It was my pleasure," he nodded his head. "Gang, he tells interesting stories."

"Yes, he has seen many battles and has heard many tales."

"Hmm? Ah, no. I was referring to stories about you when you were young. Is it true you were deathly afraid of giant lizards?"

She blushed slightly, a slight frown in her face at Gang embarrassing her. "Their eyes are very bright at night; it startled me when I was a child."

He laughed as they continued through the hallway, smiling.

"I am looking forward to our discussions, lord Chin-Hwa. I am confident that we will be able to achieve great success with the plan lord Chao has developed."

There was silence, before Chin-Hwa came to a halt, looking towards the girl. He sighed, staring out towards the mansion's garden.

"There is much we must discuss, Wen Lan. But first, you must sit."

"This is amazing," the soldier whispered.

"How long has he been at this?" another asked.

"Wait, I didn't even know you could do that!" a third laughed.

"Who is this guy?"

The soldiers stood in a circle, watching as the masked soldier tore through one opponent after another effortlessly. With calm motion, another fell before him.

"Me next," a challenger grunted.

The nameless warrior had defeated countless opponents, not moving from the spot for days. He lifted his hand, initiating combat.

As he moved the first Pai Sho piece, he asked quietly. "Where are you stationed?"

"Eh? I'm a patrolman, why?" he moved a piece in response, assuming that the reigning champion's aim was to distract him.

"He's asked everyone who's sat down to play him that question," a soldier observed.


"I don't know. Maybe we can find out when he loses."

"If he loses, you mean."

"Good point," he sighed. He had already been defeated three times by the stranger.

In time, the challenger had fallen. Another sat down to play, the soldier having lost count of how many he had defeated.

"Good luck," the soldier grinned, eager to test his mettle.

"Where are you stationed?"

"Ha ha, all business, are you?"


"Well, if you must know, I'm a guard over at the Shaiming estate."

"I thought Shaiming was dead," the nameless soldier moved one of the pieces.

There was complete silence throughout the circle, this having been far more than they had expected to hear from the man.

"What? No, Shaiming's very much alive. If anything, he's just become even more powerful. He managed to acquire the Chao property after he and some other nobles were revealed as traitors."

"Right, I heard about that. Wasn't that Wen Lan woman involved?" another soldier asked from the circle.

"Yeah, she's been exiled. It was posted a few days ago throughout the capitol."

"Lord Heng was involved, right? I never liked him, he was too creepy." By now the entire crowd had begun chattering.

The silent stranger moved yet another piece, before placing his hand down on the board.

"Hmm? You alright?" the soldier looked up towards his opponent.

"I forfeit," he muttered as he stood, walking away. As he drew close the group parted, leaving him an open path. He proceeded down the nearest alley, disappearing into the darkness.

Curious, the group stared, eventually settling back into casual conversation. A few games later, the challenger had managed to lose. After exchanging words with some friends, he made his way towards the Shaiming estate.

The walk was uneventful, the night quiet. As he continued along, he could see something crumpled lying near an alley. He approached it, kneeling as he unfolded it.

Before he could finish reading through it, he felt something slam into the back of his neck, his senses failing as he fell into darkness.

The silent soldier stood over him, kneeling as he stripped the guard of his armor. Equipping it, he bound the guard tightly, leaving him hidden within the alley.

Wen Lan's exile had become public knowledge, the death of the nobles attributed to treachery against the Fire Nation. Knowing this, it had become a simple matter of discovering which noble had revealed them. To do this, all that was needed was to understand which one was still alive.

In discovering this, the soldier had even managed to acquire armor that would allow him to slip easily into the property.

Bo continued on, glaring as he made his way towards the snake's home.

"...I see," she stared towards the floor.

"I understand it's a lot to take in," he explained. "If there's anything I can do to make things easier for you, please feel free to ask it of me."

"No," Wen Lan looked up towards him. The news of lord Chao and the other's deaths still left her with great shock, the news of her exile having finally sunk in. "This was a likely scenario; I was aware of the risks when I chose this path."

"I am surprised, however."

"Hmm?" she looked up with calm eyes, holding back a cascade of sorrow.

"If I was a guest of the Fire Nation, and they were to tell me that which I have told you, my immediate suspicion would be that they were lying in effort to gain my favor."

"If such were the case, my guards would not have been returned safely to me. They pose a potential threat in such a scenario; their survival is evidence of sincerity."

"That is a good point," he nodded. "What will you do now?"

"First and foremost," she contemplated as she answered, "I will have to alert my party."

"Ah, yes. But what will you do afterward?"

"I will do that which must be done; I will send them back to the Fire Nation. I am the exile; they should not suffer alongside me for my decisions."

"And you?"

"I will work, just as any man or woman would, should they need to provide for themselves." She smiled gently, having no qualms with such a path.

"...Hmm. I disapprove," he folded his arms as he sat across from her, the steam from his tea fading.

"Lord Chin-Hwa?"

"Wen Lan, what do you think of tea?" The change in subject was sudden, as he glanced down towards his cup.

"This tea, lord Chin-Hwa? It is delicious, I'm grateful for your hospitality."

"No no, I mean tea in general."

"I'm afraid I don't follow..."

"Tea," he lifted his cup with a hand, motioning towards it with the other, "is a balance. It starts with the collection of leaves at the base of the cup. We follow this by filling it with water, then boiling it using fire. And once this has all been completed," he lifted his hand above the cup as she continued on for him.

"Steam," she observed with a whisper. "The four elements."

"Yes. It is the union of these four elements that creates something beautiful that lifts our spirits and calms us," he smiled as he sipped from the cup, setting it back down. "I have spent many years traveling, and have come to a certain belief; that as people, we require the same sort of union to achieve true harmony."

"Peace," she smiled softly.

"Yes. It is for that reason that I welcomed the idea of having a Fire Nation noble within my home."

"I am grateful to you for that, lord Chin-Hwa."

"And I'm grateful for your gratitude, and you are perhaps grateful to me for that. But instead of politely remarking one another's gratitude to each other I will move on," he smiled.

She laughed, understanding and appreciating the joke. "Yes, please do."

"The people of this valley, Wen Lan...They are peaceful, genuinely good natured. In all my travels, I have never found peace of mind like I have in this valley."

"There is a great beauty to it," she complimented.

"Yes. Yet I am wise enough to know I cannot assume that our two nations will somehow grow tired of this war. It has come to the point where neither side will be satisfied until their enemy lay in ruins. This valley, though...It has seen little activity from either military. As I result, I feel it has achieved the good nature and calm I've described."

"I wish it could only be this way throughout the nations."

"Hmm. I feel it is possible."


"I am old enough to understand I will not be able to change the world. Yet my heart still has passion enough to try. My hope is that no matter what occurs elsewhere, through my legacy I will be able to preserve the peace of this valley, perhaps allow it to spread to the villages surrounding until it has become commonplace."

"It sound similar to what we had intended with our plan," she noted.

"Yes, but my plan has a certain degree of greed in it. Where you and the others hoped to change the world, I aim only to protect a single valley."

"Lord Chin-Hwa," she started, "I'm afraid I don't follow, and I must ask...How does this involve me...?"

"Simple, my child." He smiled. "If true harmony is attained through the cooperation of the four energies, then that is what I shall do."

"I don't understand..."

"Wen Lan," he straightened his posture, his stoic look returning. "I ask that you remain in Bai-Jing, as my successor."

She stared in complete surprise, failing to completely understand what he had suggested so suddenly.

"Your passion for peace led you here. Despite being attacked by Earth Kingdom troops, you still humbled yourself upon approaching me. From your servant, I learned that you value others as equals, something rare in modern nobles. You have grace and poise, as well as training in etiquette. I feel there is little I would have to teach you."

"Lord Chin-Hwa, you're offering me far too much," she was still shocked by all that she had learned within the past hour. "You have only met me today."

"No, Wen Lan. It is true that you arrived today, but you have proved your dedication since you first stepped foot out of the Fire Nation capitol. I am well aware of what I am offering, and have no qualms doing so." He stood slowly, bowing towards her. "I am afraid I have some business to tend to. I ask that you rest here with your party for a few days, and take time to give my offer serious consideration."

She placed her hands on the floor, bowing as she kneeled before him. "I am grateful for all you have done and offered, lord Chin-Hwa."

He nodded again, stepping out into the hallway. She turned back to her tea, finishing it before making her way out of the room. She approached the garden quietly, softly falling to her knees before looking out over the flowers.

Wen Lan had sat there for hours, now admiring the flowers and contemplating that which she had been offered. She had also spent the time mourning the death of lord Chao and the others, wishing that such had not been the result. Each time she was reminded of Chao's kindness, then the immediate realization that he would not approve of her sorrow, that he would insist on her honoring his memory through actions, through protecting and inspiring peace. It had been their goal, and no death nor exile from her homeland could rob her of her passion.

She pondered this, then her encounter with the masked stranger the day before. Her thoughts drifted to Chin-Hwa's offer, what would become of her if she accepted as well as the alternative. Either way, she was ready to accept the consequences of the decision. The choice was now guided by which option would permit her to properly protect and spread peace.

A familiar voice captured her attention.

"My lady?"

She looked to her right, Gang and the other members of the party standing near her. "Ah, my apologies, my mind was elsewhere."

"My lady, Xiu told us everything that you and Chin-Hwa talked about," he stood firm, his face expressionless.

"And how would Xiu know what we spoke about?" Wen Lan raised an eyebrow, looking towards the girl.

She smiled innocently, shrugging. "Thin walls?"

"Because she's a little sneak, my lady," Gang folded his arms.

Xiu smacked his arm, frowning at him. "You're the one who told me to do it!"

"Lies!" Gang lied.

"You are all aware of what happened within the Fire Nation, then?" Wen Lan looked back towards the garden.

"Yes. We mourn the loss of the other nobles, my lady. Yet I can't lie to you; I'm more relieved that you were not there at the time," Gang explained.

"My lady, we all talked about what Chin-Hwa had said...About you staying, as his heir."

"I feel that is my choice. I have no intention of forcing you all to follow me."

"That's just it, my lady. We talked about it," Xiu started, "we want to follow you, no matter where you go."

Wen Lan looked towards them, her eyes lighting up as she gazed upon every guard and servant bowing towards her.

"You've always taken care of us my lady, we want to stay and take care of you," Xiu noted as she faced the ground, her back arched in a bow.

"I've guarded you since you were born, I don't care which nation you live in, I'll follow and protect you!" Gang wouldn't hear otherwise.

"I'm loyal to Wen Lan, I'll follow her wherever she goes!" another servant called.

"If I'm serving Wen Lan, I know I'm doing the right thing," a guard noted.

The others threw our their vows of loyalty, not noticing until moments later that Wen Lan had kneeled before them, her hands on the floor and face to the ground as she bowed.

"My lady, what are you doing?" Gang called out.

"To you, my servants and guards, who have always stood by me and ensured my safety and growth; I thank you. I owe you my life and more." She stood slowly, approaching them. Placing a hand on Gang's shoulder, the other on Xiu's, she smiled her warming smile towards them. "I am forever grateful, and I will always protect you, as you have me."

She turned, hurrying along as they followed close behind. As she turned the corner, she witnessed Chin-Hwa approaching from the opposite end. Walking towards him, she came to a stop, bowing down before him. The others followed suit.

"Lord Chin-Hwa, I have considered that which you have said to me. I have chosen to accept your kind offer. I will live for this valley."

He smiled softly, nodding his head. "You may rise, dear child. You have no idea the joy your answer gives me."

She rose up slowly, smiling as she folded her hands in front of her. "I am glad, my lord."

"And all these men and women have chosen to follow you?"

"Each and every one!" Gang boasted, folding his arms.

"Good, then I even more confident in my choice."

"Thank you, my lord."

"It is both my honor and pleasure. Now, I suggest that you and the other girls retire for the night, I understand you've all been traveling far too long."

"Thank you lord Chin-Hwa," Xiu bowed. "I apologize for before."

"Never apologize for honesty, Xiu. Now then Gang, shall we?"

"Hmm?" Wen Lan watched as Gang nodded and approached Chin-Hwa, the other guards following around them. "Why do you need Gang, my lord?"

"Need him? Ah, you misunderstand. Gang simply promised to tell me more stories about your youth," he smiled as he nodded his head again. "Goodnight, girls," he turned and began walking alongside Gang, who simply laughed. He loved telling people about Wen Lan's youth, since he was proud of her and what she had grown into.

Wen Lan stared with slightly narrowed eyes, blushing in embarrassment as the group walked away. Xiu stepped up beside her, smiling nervously.

"Maybe it won't be so bad?"

"Oh well," she sighed. Turning, she smiled as the other girls followed her towards the guest rooms. "We should rest; we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow."

"What will we be doing, my lady?"

"Well, first we must acquaint ourselves with the grounds of the mansion, then with the village itself. Then..." she started, smirking slightly.

"Then what?" Xiu looked towards her curiously.

"Then, I'll search for the Demon."

"What? Why?!" Xiu was startled, intimidated by the mere thought of the man. "My lady, that's far too dangerous!" Puzzled, she stared as Wen Lan smiled at her reassuringly.

"To thank him."
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