Categories > Games > Metroid > Mother Brain Attacks

Part III

by SkeeterB 0 reviews

U.S.S. Voyager gets a suprise from the Metroid Universe. Takes place between the end of Metroid 2 and Super Metroid

Category: Metroid - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2011-08-24 - Updated: 2011-08-24 - 378 words

Mother Brain Attacks III/?
Title: Mother Brain Attacks 3/?
Author: R. E. Birmingham
My Web Site:
Series: Voyager P/T J/C K/7 / Metroid X-over
Rating: [PG]
Disclaimers and notices in part I

Mother Brain Attacks Part III

Looking at the view screen, Samus appears to be a little shocked, but Captain Janeway brings her out of her funk.

"What are those ships Ms. Aran?" Janeway asks coolly between the explosions and the shifting of the bridge.

"Those are Mother Brain's space pirates, but I thought that I had defeated them a year ago." Samus replies.

"Mother Brain?" Janeway asks with a puzzled frown.

"Mother Brain is an advanced mass of gray matter that is very powerful and very evil. I thought that I destroyed her when I destroyed their base on Zebes."
Samus replies to Janeway's question.

"Sometimes evil cannot be destroyed like you think. It has a very bad habit of popping back up when you least expect it. Take my Captain Proton adventures
for example, I defeat Dr. Chaotica and his minions and they always seems to come back every time." Tom comments.

"Tom, that's enough, she doesn't know anything about your Captain Proton holoprograms." Janeway says sharply.

"Sorry, Captain." Tom replies

"I understand what he means Captain, I have captured and destroyed many evil entities, but when I don't expect it they come after me for revenge." Samus
explains .

"Fascinating," Tuvok replies with a raised eyebrow.

Suddenly, another explosion rocks Voyager and on the bridge, a console explodes in the face of a poor ensign that happened to be working close to that
particular console.

"Medical emergency, one to beam directly to sickbay immediately." Tuvok says as he works on the injured crewman.
"Sorry, Commander," Harry says sadly, "transporters went off line with that last explosion."

"We must get Ensign Talos down to sickbay immediately," Tuvok explains.

"I'm working on it," Harry replies, "engineering says it'll be five more minutes before we can use the transporters."

Before anyone can say anything, Samus moves forward and says to Tuvok. "I'll take him to sickbay Commander."

"Ok, Ms. Aran, I trust that you will get him to sickbay in one piece." Janeway says as she fights the rocking and bucking of the deck

TBC in Part IV
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