Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Almost

(21) Who Are You?

by XxPerfectTomorrowxX 1 review

(I had the severe urge to write this... apologies to anyone that gets extremely bored with it. It's just going to be this one chapter in which I write like this.)

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy - Published: 2011-08-27 - Updated: 2011-08-28 - 1097 words - Complete

(This chapter is in Kacy's point of view which I realize is strange since she's in a coma... But I went a little less on scientific knowledge and a little more on creativity. Thanks for humoring me ;) I also have to admit that the video 'brick by boring brick- Paramore' helped me with a lot of this chapter because frankly I'm just not all THAT creative & don't worry I'm hoping to also get out another chapter that actually makes sense today lol. )

Wherever I was had no color, it was pitch dark. I could feel myself moving but I couldn't see myself. As I waved my hand in front of my face I started to panic a little as I looked around and tried to see. Was I blind or was the room dark? If I was even in a room.

I moved my hands over my body, patting myself and sure enough I was here. Nothing felt different about myself. I was still a solid form with no missing limbs. I was sitting on a cold floor and as I felt my hands over the ground I couldn't feel anything unusual on the ground that could help tell me where I was.

From there I started crawling, keeping my body to the floor for comfort because I couldn't feel anything else around me and I didn't want to fall off because even though I got the feeling that this was a room I was afraid if I stood that I might just walk off of some sort of edge. I reached out, grasping for nothing hoping against hope that my fingers would come in contact with a wall that would assist me in finding a door because I really just wanted to see color again.

What if outside was like this too though? I brushed the quick thought aside and tried to clear my mind as I continued crawling. My knee bumped something and I froze but after a few seconds of silence I reached out for the object. It felt soft and I could feel cloth on the item and what felt like yarn.

After picking up the item and holding it to myself I froze once again hearing sounds. As I strained to hear more it became louder and I realized I was hearing various voices whispering. They were all whispering at once though so I couldn't make out what was being said.

"Hello?" I said, loudly as I tried to muster up any confidence I had left.

I quieted as I heard girls voices. They were whispering insults through the dark and I remembered the hallway at school, everyone attacking me. It made me stop moving for a few seconds before I realized I wasn't feeling anything. No one was attacking me. It was just whispering so I continued moving, quickly this time. Why were they whispering those hurtful things to me? Did I know them?

As my hand hit against something solid I heard another voice, "Please wake up." He said. It came out clear and I knew who it was but I couldn't think of his name. Who was that?

It didn't matter though. I had to find light. I didn't want to be in the dark anymore. As I put both of my hands against the solid object I started feeling around, trying to find a door knob but so far it had been useless. It was just solid nothing-ness.

The whispers got louder until I thought my head would break open from the pain but I kept desperately feeling the wall, trying to find a way out.

"Please stop talking." I whispered, rubbing my head with one hand as I kept the other against the wall to ensure I wouldn't lose where I was.

The voices dimmed by I could still hear them but any break in the extreme noise level was good enough for me and I continued moving, now standing as I felt the wall.

"It's time to wake up." Another person whispered. She had a kind voice. I didn't recognize it though. Come to think of it I didn't even recognize my own voice when I spoke. It sounded so foreign to me.

As I ran my hand along the wall I felt something protruding and I grasped it, turning. It wouldn't budge at first so I put my weight against it, turning it as hard as I could. I heard a click that sounded as if it were unlocking and as I turned again I felt myself fall.

Blinking multiple times I tried to assess where I now was. The sky was bright orange and there was stuff raining down on me. As I reached up and let the pieces of what felt like paper fall in to my hand I brought it back to my face and realized it was indeed ripped pieces of paper. The paper had words that I could barely make out though as I went through more pieces I realized they were notes with awful words scribbled all over them so I threw them to the ground.

As I looked back in to the dark building I realized I had fallen through the door and the other side was simply a brightly colored world. Where was I though? None of this looked familiar; it didn't look real.

The building was nothing but a tiny shack, held up by mirrors. As I stood slowly I walked to the side of the building and stared in to a mirror. I looked so strange. What did I expect to look like? I wasn't sure.

My skin was clear with no signs of damage but ached as if it should be bruised. I reached out and touched it, the sensation I found quite weird. My head was still exploding with pain but the noise was gone. It was now just silent.

Behind me I could see the reflection of a graveyard in the mirror and I gasped, turning in surprise. The orange seemed to dim in that moment as I stepped closer. None of the graves were filled though. And I held what I had now discovered was a doll tighter to myself for comfort as I stared down at the empty graves.

"Not yet." I whispered, looking down at one of the graves. "I'm not dead yet." I whispered, louder.

As I sank to my knees I felt that the ground was somehow wet and my knees sunk slightly in the mud. Tears trickled down my face but I couldn't figure out why.
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