Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Diamonds & Poison

Chapter 23

by Bad_Romance 2 reviews

“That’s why in a hour, we’re following them”

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2011-08-29 - Updated: 2011-08-29 - 757 words - Complete

Here's the new chapter. Hope you enjoy it, and hope that you can review or rate on this chapter! Oh, and btw, My Chemical Romance were amazing at Leeds! I got right to the front, and they all looked and played wonderfully stunningly! xoxo

Chapter 23
Party and Diamond made love again after they had woken from their nap, and were now currently sat outside the diner, looking out into the desert, where the sun was slowly setting.

“Can I have some of that?” Diamond asked, indicating to the cigarette in which Party was currently smoking from.

“Baby, you don’t smoke” Party told her, looking at her with a frown on his face.

“I know I don’t. But you make it look so calming, and I feel like I need something to calm my nerves” She answered him, her hands shaking slightly as she accepted the cigarette Party held out to her.

Diamond inhaled deeply on the cigarette, and coughed slightly as she felt the burning at the back of her throat, and she felt a calming affect take over her body. She took another shaky drag of it and then handed it back to Party, who then stood up, and pulled Diamond up with him.

“Come on then, we better get back to Dr Death’s” He mumbled, holding Dimaond’s hand tightly as they walked the short distance to the car, and got in.

The drive back to Dr Death’s diner went to quickly for Diamond’s liking and when she arrived there, she found all of the killjoys sat outside, Toxic was there as well, her eyes looking puffy and red. Diamond knew she had been crying.

“Hey” Diamond softly said as she walked over to where Kobra and Toxic were sitting.

“I’ll let you two have sometime alone” Kobra told thm both, and kissed Toxic softly on the side of the head before walking over to his brother.

Toxic and Diamond stood in front of each other, Toxic looking at Diamond intensely, and Diamond could see tears forming in her best friends eyes again.

“Please don’t cry Toxic” She whispered, her voice cracking slightly.

“What do you expect me to do?” Toxic told her, and then quickly embraced Diamond close to her body.

“I’m going to miss you so much” Diamond mumbled, tears falling down her cheeks and landing on Toxics shoulder.

“Don’t talk like your not coming back” Toxic warned her, pulled back but keeping hold of Diamond’s hands tightly.

“Sorry…” DIamond trailed off, and looked to the floor.

“You’ll be alright… You have to be. All of you” Toxic told her, and Dimaond nodded, then gave her a small smile.

“I’m sure we will be” She said, and Toxic came forward and gave her a hug again.

“Be safe” She told her, and Diamond nodded, before they walked over to the group of killjoys.

“Diamond, girl. Come here” Dr D said, and Diamond let go of Toxic’s hand.

“Yeah?” She asked, in a whispered voice.

“Take care of yourself out there” He told her, and Diamond could hear his voice shaking slightly.

“I will” She simply answered, nodding her head.

“Come here” He said, and pulled her down for a tight hug, and Diamond felt tears threatening to spill again.

“I’ll see you soon” She told him, and then they both turned and looked at the other killjoys.

“So, we’ll see you all when we get back” Party strongly told them, and Diamond stood next to him, smiling softly at him.

“Stay safe killjoys” Dr D told them, and Fun and Jet turned and climbed inside the car.

“See you soon” Diamond whispered to Toxic and Dr Death, her heart beating rapidly, and a horrible nervous feeling was settled in her stomach, and she then climbed into the back of the car with Jet an Fun. Not long after, Party and Kobra climbed in, Diamond made sure she kept her head down so she wouldn’t be able to see Kobra and Toxic say goodbye to each other, and before she knew it, the car had started, and pulled away from Dr Death’s shack.

Toxic and Dr Death stood outside the shack, watching the car drive away, holding the brave killjoys in.

“I can’t stand this. Us been here and them going” Toxic mumbled to Dr Death, as the car now vanished out of there eye sights.

“That’s why in a hour, we’re following them”
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