Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > How much do you value the lives of your idols?

I'll give you everything

by secretive 6 reviews

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-08-29 - Updated: 2011-08-29 - 905 words

I swung my foot into the door with immense effort; kicking a gaping hole into the black wood. I pulled on the handle as the door swung open. I almost fell out into the narrow hallway. My eyes desperately scanned every centimetre of the corridor for Ryan, but he was gone. “NO, FUCK!” I screamed, slamming my fist into the wall in anger. I staggered back as I screamed again, this time in pain as my clenched fist stung and throbbed. I heard a gentle tapping behind me as I swung myself around to see Robert stood behind me. I knew what was coming next. I couldn’t move as fear overwhelmed me. I closed my eyes as I felt him swing his arm into my face. I fell, I was out cold.
I awoke, my eyes opening slowly as I realised where I was. I was back in the room I had been kept in for the past few days, but it was different. This time I was chained up with both hands behind my back. There was a small, box like TV at the other side of the room where Ryan used to be bound. I stared in confusion as it began to flicker on. On the screen, Robert and Will stood, their faces painted with a blank expression staring at me through the screen. “Brendon,” Robert began, his smooth, calm voice seemed even more un-easing then before. “It seems we’ve made a mistake.” In the background Will smirked playfully, giving me a little wave, he knew I’d be watching. Stupid bastard, I’d kill him too. “Of course, the public have made small contributions to free you, but nowhere near as much as we wanted. Then we realised, you have a lot of money don’t you Brendon?” For the first time I’d ever seen, Roberts’s lips curled into a mocking smile. He looked just as ugly as he always had. I couldn’t help but think so, because when your personality is as ugly as his is, it shines through on the outside.
My breathing almost stopped as I sat awkwardly, my clenched palms beginning to sweat. “So let’s just put this simply.” Will butted in, receiving a stern look from Robert. “You give us all your money and we’ll let you go. We want all your bank details, but we know this won’t be enough to persuade you, so here’s what happens if you don’t agree.” The screen flickered again to an image that made my heart fall into an endless pit of worry and sadness. I let out a single, loud sob as my eyes widened, fixed to the screen. The image I saw was of Ryan, he was flopped over drowsily on a metal chair. I gasped as he began to come to his senses. He raised his head, his eyes opening slowly. I watched as his perfect face showed an expression of pure fear as he realised that his hands and feet were bound together. He screamed as he looked around the dark room, he was even more restricted than I was. “B-Brendon?” He called, my heart jumped, I could literally feel it breaking as I heard the pure terror in his voice. “BRENDON!” he screamed, desperately wriggling in the chair, not able to free himself. He was terrified, and he wanted me. I didn’t care if I never had money again, I would save him. The screen stayed on Ryan as he struggled, his veins standing out against his pale skin as he began to cry and sob violently, tears streaming down his face. I heard Roberts voice playing robotically over the image of Ryan. It sounded as though he were right next to me, but when I looked over, I realised that I was alone in the room. “You don’t have long.” He told me.

“I might just pay him a visit in there...” I heard Will snigger in the background.
“NO!” I shouted, fear shot through me as I realised that this time I couldn’t protect Ryan. I’d have to watch it all on the TV and know that there was nothing I could do to save him. I pulled harshly on the chains behind me, almost dislocating my arms in the process. I screamed until my throat was sore. I tugged until my shoulders and arms could no longer take the pain. “I’LL GIVE YOU EVERYTHING!” I cried, somehow hoping that Will and Robert would hear me. “JUST DON’T HURT HIM! I’LL SAVE YOU RYAN, I PROMISE!” Although I hated those men more than I thought was humanly possible, I’d give them everything I owned just to ensure Ryan’s safety, and possible our freedom. My only hope at the moment was the police. If I was lucky, they would be on their way now, but Robert and Will didn’t know that. I knelt on the floor, my head buried into my hands. I was drunk with anger. I bit my lip so hard holding back the screams that were desperate to escape my mouth that I drew blood. I tasted the metallic taste as I sobbed. I awaited Robert and Will’s visit. I knew what I had to do. It was the only thing I ‘could’ do! I awaited them, I was ready.
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