Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Kill Joy Fic.

Chapter 2

by Rydon4ever 6 reviews

The Guys find out who she is and what happend to her family! o.o also if you want to be in the story, send me what your KillJoy looks like, personality and all that Jazz

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Published: 2011-08-29 - Updated: 2011-08-29 - 457 words

“Who the fuck are you?” They all screamed at me as Party stopped the car.

“Good question, but the better question is, who are YOU?” I said.

“We’re all over Battery City, The KillJoys!” The short one exclaimed like I was stupid.

“Fun Ghoul, shut up!” they screamed in unison at him while the Party guy punched Fun Ghoul in the arm.

“Oh, I remember who you guys are now! Well not really. Do you guys have names?” I asked

“I’m Party Poison, the midget beside me is Fun Ghoul, the afro with the body is Jet Star and the quiet one is Kobra Kid, my brother.” Party Poison told me. Now I need a really cool name. I thought of my pin and when I shot the Dracs, ‘Desert some thing, Uh, Desert Killer, no, Desert, Uh, um, Violence, Desert Violence!’

“Uh kid you listening to me?” Party asked

“What, sorry I zoned out.”

“I was asking, what your name is and what the hell you are doing in our car!”

“Oh, sorry, I’m Desert Violence and I was running from twenty Dracs, hid in your trunk and fell asleep.”

“Okay then, I guess if your not with Bl/ind, then you can travel with us.”

“Thank you so much you guys,” I said as I climbed in between Jet Star and Kobra Kid, “since I have no life to go back to, this means a lot to me.” I said teary-eyed. I thought about my parents and tears slipped under my Shutter-shades and down my cheeks, then I felt arms around me, I looked up and Kobra Kid was hugging me. I hugged him back and he pulled back, it was weird, but comforting.

“Thanks,” I said quietly.

“No problem,” he replied just as quiet.

We drove in silence for a bit until, Fun Ghoul turned around and asked me how old I was. “I turned 18 today,” I said with no emotion.

“Oh, Well Happy Birthday Desert,” he said with a smile.

“There’s nothing happy about today Fun Ghoul,” I snapped.
“Why, it’s your Birthday though,” he asked confused.

“Yeah, I got my gun and the pin on my jacket from my dad, and the locket around my neck from my mom. You want to know what ells I got for my birthday?” I asked him getting pissed off.

“What ells did you get?” he asked

“My parents’ death, on my birthday. What a wonderful present, eh?”

He looked sad, then angry, then sad again.

“Oh,” he said and we were all quiet the whole time, save for the occasional sniffle from me.


Sorry for short chapter guys, I will make the next one longer, maybe, I dunno lol :p

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