Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > If I Let You Love Me, Be The One Adored

Chapter Eight

by i-stole-the-cookies 1 review

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Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2011-08-30 - Updated: 2011-08-30 - 1537 words

"So Frank is her brother?" Donna asked Gerard after he explained what had happened.

"I guess so." Gerard replied. He figeted with the hem on his shirt, unable to keep still. He was seriously worried about Olivia, especially since her step father was here and most likely out to get her.

"I know she came here, partly to get away from her past and partly because she came looking for her father, but I never imagined that Frank would have the same father." Donna stirred her spaghetti sauce, to avoid lumps. Gerard held his head up with his hands, his elbows on the table. He stared at the space in front of him.

"Do you think Frank is going to punch me?" He asked his mother.

"Why would he punch you?" Donna asked, confused by the change of subject.

"Well, I'm sort of seeing his little sister." Gerard replied. "We haven't officially gone out on a date but we're really close."

"Oh yes," Donna replied. "I don't think he'll punch you. You were seeing her before he was her brother."

"Well, when you put it that way." Gerard muttered. He heard a car outside the house and went to look out the window to see who it was. He saw Frank's car and Olivia getting out the front. Olivia said a few words to Frank before closing the door. Frank waited until Olivia was safely inside the house, before he drove away. After learning about the murderer who was outside of the house, he didn't want to take any chances. He just found his sister, he didn't want to lose her so soon.

Olivia got inside the house and bolted the front door locked. She hung up her coat and Gerard came to greet her.

"Everything okay?" Gerard asked her.

"Everything is great." Olivia replied. She sniffed in the air. "I smell food." Olivia took Gerard's hand and dragged him back to the kitchen. "Hey Donna, dinner smells great."

"Oh Olivia, honey!" Donna exclaimed wrapping her arms around her. "Is everything okay?"

"Everything is fine Donna." Olivia replied. "Everything is pretty much the same as it was, except I have a big brother and I know why my dad had to leave me." Olivia sat down as Donna turned her attention back to dinner. "My dad left because my mother asked him too. She told him not to make contact or she would call the police. We're not exactly sure why she didn't want him to at least call every once in a while but he had his family here to get him through. He had no idea what happened to me five years ago, otherwise he would have come and found me to take care of me. He feels awful about it." Olivia had tears in her eyes. "Frank is adjusting quite well. I thought he would have freaked out by now but he hasn't. He's pretty much been the same as he was last week, when he found me in that bar and wanted to take care of me."

"Thats just Frank," Donna replied. "He's a sweet boy." Olivia nodded and Gerard smiled.

"Nothing is going to change, except maybe Frank will be making frequent visits here." Olivia replied. "He was talking on and on about all the things we could do together. He wants to teach me guitar, all about your music, he even said something about a tour."

"Oh yeah, we have a tour coming up, he probably wants to take you with us." Gerard replied with a smile. And then he frowned. "I should have thought about that."

"Well, the answer is no, I coudn't leave Donna here alone." Olivia replied. "And I think I'm going to spend time with my dad and get to know him."

"Alright." Gerard replied. He stood up from the table. "I'm gonna go watch T.V." He announced, breathing a sigh of a relief, knowing that everything was going to be okay. There was no drama in his life for once. Olivia said a few more words to Donna and then followed Gerard into the living room.

"Hey." Olivia said softly, grabbing Gerard's attention. "How are you?"

"I'm fine." Gerard asked. "Why?"

"You're just quiet." Olivia replied. She sat down on the arm of the chair where Gerard was sitting. "I was thinking, maybe we should go out for a date sometime this week."

"I'd like that." Gerard replied. Olivia smiled at him. She leaned down and kissed the top of his head but Gerard wanted to hold her. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her down so she was sitting on his lap.

"Whoa." Olivia said with a giggle. "I wasn't expecting that." She relaxed in his arms and lay her head on his shoulder. They watched a dinner time, talk show together, until Donna called them through for dinner. Donna smiled widely when they came in, hand in hand. They couldn't take their eyes off eachother and Gerard found himself getting more and more terrified by his emotions. The feelings he had for Olivia were intense, extremely intense but somehow he didn't want to run away from them. Olivia had a slight hold on him that was getting tighter and tighter.

"So what are your plans for this evening, kids?" Donna asked. Gerard was about to answer but then there was a gun shot at the front door. Olivia screamed, as did Donna. Olivia's step-father burst through the door, having disabled the lock with his gun. Gerard got up and grabbed the biggest knife they had on the knife rack. The man came through the house and smirked.

"A knife?" He asked, venom pouring out with every word. Olivia sat, frozen. "Really?" He pointed the gun at Gerard. "Drop it."

"No!" Olivia screamed. "Don't hurt them! Just take me!"

"How noble of you, Olivia." The man said. He pointed the gun at her. "Get up." Her entire body trembled as she stood up. Goosebumps formed all over her skin as she walked to the door.

"Olivia." Gerard breathed. And then she was gone, out the door with that psycho.


The next day Frank came over to check up on his new little sister. He was in the car, driving to the Way household. As he turned the corner in his car he saw a police car sitting out front. A lump formed in his throat as he got out of the car and walked up to the front door. He poised his fist, ready to knock but then he saw the gaping whole in the door. He burst through, making Donna jump in Gerard's arms. A policeman, had his gun ready and then Frank walked through into the sitting room.

"Whoa!" He put his hands up. "What's going on?"

"Its okay, officer." Gerard mumbled. "Its just Olivia's brother."

"There was no brother on her file." The policeman said.

"No, we just found out about the sibling thing yesterday." Frank explained. "What's happened?"

"Olivia's been taken by her sick step-father." Gerard replied. Frank sat down in the nearest chair.

"Oh my God." He mumbled. "When?"

"Last night, we were all eating dinner and he broke in." Donna mumbled, replaying the scene in her head. "We should have done more to protect her."

"What could we do, ma?" Gerard said softly. "He had a gun. If we have tried to stop him, we would be dead."

"And so would she." Frank said. Donna nodded and wiped her eyes with a tear soaked tissue. The policeman pulled out a picture of her step-father.

"His name is Edmund Philips." He said, showing the photo to Frank. "Have you seen him around?" Frank studied the photo.

"I saw him in that bar that night." Frank said. "Its kind of fuzzy, but he was in the bar, sitting in the corner just staring at her. I don't think Olivia noticed him. She would have said something, I'm sure." Frank rubbed his temples. "I um, I asked the bar man about him but I can't remember what he said." The policeman got his radio out.

"Yeah, we got a lead." He said. "Which bar, son?" The policeman asked Frank.

"Um...Red Chest." Frank replied. The policeman repeated that.

"A unit is on their way there." The policeman said. "We'll call you with an update." The policeman left.

"I'm going too." Gerard announced, standing up. Donna sobbed.

"Gerard, don't be stupid. Let the police do their job." Frank said, standing up.

"Frank, I really really care about her. I need to find her." Gerard's bottom lip trembled. "I love her, dude."

"Thats impossible, you've know her for less than two weeks." Frank replied.

"Stranger things have happened." Gerard replied. "Are you coming, or what?" He asked as moved past Frank to get to the door.

"Fine, but I'm driving." Frank called. He gave Donna a half hug. "We'll find her, Mrs Way. I promise."

"Thank you Frank. Be careful." She whispered.


I know a lot of y'all say I'm a good writer, but to be honest, I'm not good at writing these types of plots. I hope this chapter is okay, the next one will be better, I promise.
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