Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Blood Lust


by LaurenSparkles_ 1 review

The Vampire genre mixed with My Chemical Romance to make a horror story sprinkled with a bit of a possible romance

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Horror,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-09-04 - Updated: 2011-09-04 - 1536 words

Gerard stretched his arms as he allowed the night air to dance and cavort around his body in an almost sensual like style. He stood outside in the mansion's private garden. It was decorated with beds upon beds of deep red rose intertwined with 'Bleeding Heart' flowers, personal favourites of Helenas'. She took pride in having a flawless enclosure for herself or Mikey and Gerard to stroll in whenever they wanted to seek solitary peace and tranquility. He inhaled and felt a cold rush of air fill his lungs. He breathed out of habit, not because he had to. He wouldn't need a feed for about a week or so, so that gave him time to relax. He brought his fingertips to his defined cheekbone to feel a glow of warmth, it almost looked as though he was blushing as he brushed his smooth skin. He liked his life; The strength, the power, the beauty, the will to do as he pleased when he pleased.

He had hated his human life, been a petty, insignificant human. Himself and Mikey had being abandoned from a young age and had to fend for themselves in the big, cruel world. I guess that's why they were so close. They'd protected each other. They had fought for survival together, as brothers. But a harsh winter had dawned on them around 300 years ago, that's when Helena had found them. She wasn't actually their blood-related Grandmother but she was as good as. She had taken pity on their poor souls as they were slowly perishing from the chill. Helena wasn't like most vampires, her heart was in the right place, she didn't see the need for greed and jealously and suffering in the world. The brothers had been bitten when they were 15, Gerard, and 12, Mikey. Their mental age at the present was around 21 and 18 as unlike the stereo typical clichés, vampires did age, but at a reduced pace. 50 human years equates to 1 vampire year. Gerard sniggered to himself. Technically he was 315. He was an old guy. He shuddered at the thought of himself with wrinkles and creases.

He continued to ponder around the garden and dipped his fingertip in a carved marble fountain, sending expanding ripples along the water. Within the water he thought he caught a glimpse of a figure and spun round, crouching slightly. No one was there. He would have caught the scent anyway. It was his mind playing cruel tricks. The moon was suspended above his head and he found comfort in just it's presence. He pinched the bridge of his nose between his fore-finger and thumb and closed his eyes. His senses were on red alert. Something was close by.
A twig cracked.
Gerard swiveled round and caught a heavily built figure on the outskirts of the garden. "Ah, we finally meet Mr Way," The voice was gruff and husky with undertones of craziness. "Who the hell are you?" Gerard spat back defensively. The stranger stepped under one of the shafts of light, illuminating his face. Gerard gasped and shook his head in refusal. The intruder had dark hair tied back into a low ponytail and deep set eyes, unblinking. He had a scar running the length of his pale face. He wore a deep blue blazer that complemented the night sky. He towered a good few inches above Gerard, but it wasn't his appearance that had Gerard cowering in denial. It was who he was. How he could possibly be here. It's impossible. It was his step father.
He was the reason Gerard and Mikey had been cast out on the streets. He was the one who convinced their own mother they were bad kids. He was the one who used to beat them up every single fucking night. But Gerard was the one who had caused that scar.
"You bastard! I don't know how you're here, how you're still alive but you won't be for much longer! Gerard's voice was filled with fire as he practically growled at this monstrosity. "Now, now young Gerard, is that anyway to talk to your dear old father?" He taunted back.
"You are not my father, Muerte! Not even close! You're just some drunk who doesn't deserve to breathe another breath!" Gerard tried to stop his voice from shaking but he was too over whelmed with pure emotion.
"Let me explain, boy," Muerte tried to make Gerard feel insecure and shatter his confidence once more, "Once I found out you were gone off the streets, I did wonder. So did that mother of yours. Oh, how weak she was! Once you'd gone she didn't last long.. You and that other one were much more entertainment to me.." A smile crept up on his face. Gerard fought back bitter tears. His mother.. Even if she had sent them away, he still loved and pined for her. "Anyway, as I was saying, she didn't last long so I needed something to pass the time. I looked for you boys. No one knew where you were. That's when I met with a dark force. He offered me a small piece of immortality to search for you. It wasn't very clear why but I wasn't going to turn down this amazing offer. He said something about that you had 'precious blood' and that you'd being changed somehow. Then he mentioned a name, a female name. It might ring a bell to you, Helena?" Gerard stepped back as he said his Grandmother's name. "Ah! I thought you'd know her! He said that she was a kind girl, she had taken pity on you. How dare she!" His voice rose with anger and his nostrils flared, "You're MY property!! The demon creature said once I find you I must capture you and the weedy brother of yours and bring you to him. Sort of like bait.." Gerard had had enough with his ramblings and charged at Muerte. With unbelievably fast reflexes he darted out of the way, leaving Gerard momentarily stunned. Seeing this as a weak point he jumped on Gerard's back, knocking him to the ground. He squirmed beneath the weight and kicked at the Muerte's lower spine. He yelped in pain and Gerard rolled over and kicked harder this time, freeing himself. He grabbed Muerte by the throat as he saw him searching in his pocket. A reflection caught Gerard's eye. It was a knife. He squeezed at Muerte's windpipe, squeezing the life out of him. Muerte, fighting for breath, made a wild stab for Gerard and caught him in the leg. Gerard howled in pain, releasing his grip. His leg bled no blood but instead left a gaping, hollow wound as he tugged the blade out. He crippled over, feeling as though he could throw up and Muerte pulled off his belt and cracked the air with it.

A single tear rolled down Gerard's cheek.
The first tear in three hundred years.

Muerte whipped the belt again but this time across Gerard's back. He staggered in agony as the belt came down again and again. Each time it came down it left lacerations in Gerard's skin. Each time it came down Gerard heaved and panted in agony. The memories blocked behind walls in his mind surfaced and all the gruesome details flooded back. All the horrors he tried to block out from years ago.
"How do you like me now?!" Muerte cried into the night. Gerard's eyelids felt heavy and his blinks were binging to grow longer and longer. Any moment now and it could be over.. Gerard shook his head and with every will in his body stood up shakily. Muerte's face was filled with agression and revenge. He was truly malevolent and malicious.Gerard held the knife and raised it, striking it down on Muerte's face. He bellowed out in torment as Gerard stabbed him again and again. He had wanted to do this for a long time, a very long time indeed. He became blood thirsty with each cry of pain. Clenching his teeth he shrieked, "You sick bastard! How dare you disgrace this garden! You deserve to die!! Well I won't have to breathe the same air as you for much longer!" Black blood enshrouded Muerte's face. Infact his face was oblietereated beyond recognision. He was choking up more and more blood and begging for mercy. Gerard refused to stop. It's like his mind had being replaced with an animal's. "Hey Mu-er-te," He pronounced each syllable with emphasis, "Do you like pain? Scream if you like pain!" Meurte's tears mixed with his blood and trickled onto the floor. It ran onto the soil and dripped on the rose petals, staining them. Muerte laid on a heap on the floor, unmoving. Gerard dropped the knife and stared at his hands in horror. What had he done? He heard footsteps, they were quick and light. Helena came into view and covered her face as she saw Muerte, dead on the floor. She looked to Gerard who had begun to sob and looked back at her begging for comfort. "My dear!" She ran and cradelled Gerard in her arms and made soothing noises as she swayed him back and forth.
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