Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > We're All A Little Crazy Baby.
We're All A Little Crazy Baby.
2 reviewsWe're all a little insane sometimes. Well some people are just a little more insane then others. One's an Alcoholic, 2 are drug addicts and one is anorexic. They've all met and become like a messed...
Gerard’s P.O.V
Fuck this! My mother is so stupid. I hate her sometimes. My mother is sending my brother Mikey and I to a fucking pysc ward. Do I really look like I’m crazy? Okay wait, don’t answer that. Mikey and I walked threw the doors of the pysc ward. I groaned. “Come on Gerard. We need to get you and Mikey checked in.” I rolled my eyes at my mother. This was just her way of getting rid of us so she didn’t have to deal with us. She checked us in. “I’ll come to visit when I can boys. I love you. Get better soon.” She gave Mikey and I a peck on the cheek.
“Boys, If you’ll please follow me.” Mikey and I nodded at the doctor dude. We followed behind the doctor until he showed us to our rooms. “Mr. Gerard Way, you’ll be rooming with Mr.Frank Iero.”
“I don’t even get to room with my own brother!?!” I yelled at the doctor.
“Please don’t yell. We room people here with others who are in here for the same thing. Now please step inside your room.” I groaned. Annoying fucking doctor. I heard my brothers quiet voice before I stepped inside my room.
“I’ll see you later Gee.” I smiled at him and walked into my room. There was another guy in here. Obviously my roommate. He looked up from his book and smiled at me.
“Hi! You must be my new roommate!” He jumped out of his bed and came over to me. “I’m Frank Iero. Just call me Frankie.” He was sorta short, but wicked cute. I smiled at him.
“I’m Gerard.” He showed me where I could keep my clothes then told me which bed was mine and helped me unpack. By time we finished all of that he told me we had to go to the lounge room for an hour. That it was requirement that we were there for and hour or more. I followed Frank to the lounge. I’m not gonna lie, he has a really nice ass. I’d fuck him. We soon arrived at a room where there were other patients. I saw my brother and walked over to him. “Hey Mikey. Did you meet your roommate?” He just nodded in reply. “Is he nice?” Again, he only nodded. A guy came over to us holding two cups.
“Here you go Mikey! Oh, are you Mikey’s brother?” I nodded and watched as he handed Mikey a cup of what looked like water. Mikey just looked at it like it would kill him. You see Mikey is anorexic. He has been ever since his last boyfriend. The fucker had sex with Mikey then told him he was ugly and fat. Need less to say I beat the shit out of the guy. My little brother just refuses to eat, not matter what I do to try and get him to eat, nothing works. “Mikey you gotta drink it. It’s just water. Your not gonna gain wait from a little bit of water.” I saw Mikey nod slowly at the guy. I looked at the guy and politely asked who he was.
“Who are you?”
“Oh! I’m sorry!! I’m Pete. Pete Wentz.” I nodded slowly.
“Nice to meet you.”
“GERARD COME OVER HERE!!!” I looked for the person who called me and saw none other then Frank. I chuckled. He is way to hyper. I walked over to Frank and some dude with an afro. “Gee this is Ray. Ray this is my new roomie and future fuck buddy!” My eyes widened at his last comment. The ray guy fell over laughing. “What’s so funny?”
“Future fuck buddy?” His eyes widened.
“I said that out loud!?!” I nodded and chuckled at his reaction. “I...I was..I-”
“Don’t worry. I was thinking the same thing as we were walking here.” I leant down and whispered in his ear. “Nice ass by the way.” I smacked his ass causing him to squeak. I just laughed and walked back over to my brother. I started talking to Pete. Soon Frank came over, a stuttering mess.
“Uhm..i-its..its uhm..di-dinner...t-t-ti-time....” I chuckled at his cuteness and stood up. We were all about to leave when I noticed Mikey wasn’t coming. I looked back and saw him clinging on to Pete. I smiled. This should be and interesting dinner.
sorry this is short guys. I'll have another and longer chapter posted very soon. I promise ^-^
Fuck this! My mother is so stupid. I hate her sometimes. My mother is sending my brother Mikey and I to a fucking pysc ward. Do I really look like I’m crazy? Okay wait, don’t answer that. Mikey and I walked threw the doors of the pysc ward. I groaned. “Come on Gerard. We need to get you and Mikey checked in.” I rolled my eyes at my mother. This was just her way of getting rid of us so she didn’t have to deal with us. She checked us in. “I’ll come to visit when I can boys. I love you. Get better soon.” She gave Mikey and I a peck on the cheek.
“Boys, If you’ll please follow me.” Mikey and I nodded at the doctor dude. We followed behind the doctor until he showed us to our rooms. “Mr. Gerard Way, you’ll be rooming with Mr.Frank Iero.”
“I don’t even get to room with my own brother!?!” I yelled at the doctor.
“Please don’t yell. We room people here with others who are in here for the same thing. Now please step inside your room.” I groaned. Annoying fucking doctor. I heard my brothers quiet voice before I stepped inside my room.
“I’ll see you later Gee.” I smiled at him and walked into my room. There was another guy in here. Obviously my roommate. He looked up from his book and smiled at me.
“Hi! You must be my new roommate!” He jumped out of his bed and came over to me. “I’m Frank Iero. Just call me Frankie.” He was sorta short, but wicked cute. I smiled at him.
“I’m Gerard.” He showed me where I could keep my clothes then told me which bed was mine and helped me unpack. By time we finished all of that he told me we had to go to the lounge room for an hour. That it was requirement that we were there for and hour or more. I followed Frank to the lounge. I’m not gonna lie, he has a really nice ass. I’d fuck him. We soon arrived at a room where there were other patients. I saw my brother and walked over to him. “Hey Mikey. Did you meet your roommate?” He just nodded in reply. “Is he nice?” Again, he only nodded. A guy came over to us holding two cups.
“Here you go Mikey! Oh, are you Mikey’s brother?” I nodded and watched as he handed Mikey a cup of what looked like water. Mikey just looked at it like it would kill him. You see Mikey is anorexic. He has been ever since his last boyfriend. The fucker had sex with Mikey then told him he was ugly and fat. Need less to say I beat the shit out of the guy. My little brother just refuses to eat, not matter what I do to try and get him to eat, nothing works. “Mikey you gotta drink it. It’s just water. Your not gonna gain wait from a little bit of water.” I saw Mikey nod slowly at the guy. I looked at the guy and politely asked who he was.
“Who are you?”
“Oh! I’m sorry!! I’m Pete. Pete Wentz.” I nodded slowly.
“Nice to meet you.”
“GERARD COME OVER HERE!!!” I looked for the person who called me and saw none other then Frank. I chuckled. He is way to hyper. I walked over to Frank and some dude with an afro. “Gee this is Ray. Ray this is my new roomie and future fuck buddy!” My eyes widened at his last comment. The ray guy fell over laughing. “What’s so funny?”
“Future fuck buddy?” His eyes widened.
“I said that out loud!?!” I nodded and chuckled at his reaction. “I...I was..I-”
“Don’t worry. I was thinking the same thing as we were walking here.” I leant down and whispered in his ear. “Nice ass by the way.” I smacked his ass causing him to squeak. I just laughed and walked back over to my brother. I started talking to Pete. Soon Frank came over, a stuttering mess.
“Uhm..i-its..its uhm..di-dinner...t-t-ti-time....” I chuckled at his cuteness and stood up. We were all about to leave when I noticed Mikey wasn’t coming. I looked back and saw him clinging on to Pete. I smiled. This should be and interesting dinner.
sorry this is short guys. I'll have another and longer chapter posted very soon. I promise ^-^
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