Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > We're All A Little Crazy Baby.
Franks P.O.V
“No...I don’t want to eat it...”
“Please Mikey....for me?” Pete had been trying to get Mikey to eat for the past hour. Mikey just kept refusing.
“O-okay....but I’ll only eat a little!” Gerard’s eyes looked like they were about to pop out. Pete scooped up a bit of food and fed Mikey. Mikey could only take a few bites before he had to stop. “I-I don’t want anymore!” He slapped Petes hand away. Next thing we know Mikey is running out and Pete is chasing after him. Ray and I looked at Gerard who just looked calm.
“He’ll be fine. He does this.”
“If you don’t mind me asking....what are you here for?” Gerard just looked at Ray.
“Heroin addict. My mom thinks Mikey and I are crazy for what we do. What are you guys in for?”
“I’m and alcoholic and Frank over there is also a heroin addict.” Gerard just nodded. As they started talking I went into flashback mode
“Come on sexy. Try it. Its greaaaattt~” I back away from the man in front of me.
“N-no...I don’t wanna...” I was scared he pushed the needle towards me.
“DO IT! Or I’ll find your house and burn it down with your precious little family in it!” I nodded my head and took the needle. The guy tied that rubber thing around my arm. I stuck the needle in the right place, and injected the horrid drug into my veins. I started to feel different. I can’t describe how it felt.
I woke up on a random bed. I saw the guy from last night. I gulped. I looked down and saw I was still clothed. I don’t really remember much from last night. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. SHIT! I should have been home an hour ago!
~End FlashBack~
“...ankie? Frankie?” I looked at up at the person calling my name. Gerard. He’s so handsome. That short red hair, those- “You okay?”
“hm? Oh yea...I’m fine. Just tired is all.”
“Well they just called curfew...” I nodded “Come on lets get you back to the room.” I nodded and followed him to our room. We both changed into our sleeping attire and got into our beds.
“Good night Gee.”
“Night Frankie.” I soon drifted off to sleep. I was dreaming of that horrid night that drove me to go back to that man for more heroin. The night that haunted me. I woke up and gave out a light yell. Loud enough to wake Gerard up. “You okay?” I shook my head. He came over to me and wrapped his arms around me. He just met me hours ago. Why is he so caring already? I looked up at him, into those beautiful eyes. “Do you wanna sleep in my bed with me tonight?”
“What? No, I don’t wanna be a burden or anything.”
“No, It’s fine. I used to share my bed with my brother all the time when he had nightmares.”
“O-okay then...” We both went over to his bed. We both got under the covers. Gerard laid on his back. I laid my head on his chest. Hoping he wouldn’t push me away. To my surprise he wrapped his arm around my waist. I soon drifted of into a dreamless sleep.
~Guys so I know in real life gerard is afraid of needles. But in this story we are gonna pretend he isn't for now. That fear will build through out the story Kay bye~ I hope you are enjoying so far!~~~
“No...I don’t want to eat it...”
“Please Mikey....for me?” Pete had been trying to get Mikey to eat for the past hour. Mikey just kept refusing.
“O-okay....but I’ll only eat a little!” Gerard’s eyes looked like they were about to pop out. Pete scooped up a bit of food and fed Mikey. Mikey could only take a few bites before he had to stop. “I-I don’t want anymore!” He slapped Petes hand away. Next thing we know Mikey is running out and Pete is chasing after him. Ray and I looked at Gerard who just looked calm.
“He’ll be fine. He does this.”
“If you don’t mind me asking....what are you here for?” Gerard just looked at Ray.
“Heroin addict. My mom thinks Mikey and I are crazy for what we do. What are you guys in for?”
“I’m and alcoholic and Frank over there is also a heroin addict.” Gerard just nodded. As they started talking I went into flashback mode
“Come on sexy. Try it. Its greaaaattt~” I back away from the man in front of me.
“N-no...I don’t wanna...” I was scared he pushed the needle towards me.
“DO IT! Or I’ll find your house and burn it down with your precious little family in it!” I nodded my head and took the needle. The guy tied that rubber thing around my arm. I stuck the needle in the right place, and injected the horrid drug into my veins. I started to feel different. I can’t describe how it felt.
I woke up on a random bed. I saw the guy from last night. I gulped. I looked down and saw I was still clothed. I don’t really remember much from last night. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. SHIT! I should have been home an hour ago!
~End FlashBack~
“...ankie? Frankie?” I looked at up at the person calling my name. Gerard. He’s so handsome. That short red hair, those- “You okay?”
“hm? Oh yea...I’m fine. Just tired is all.”
“Well they just called curfew...” I nodded “Come on lets get you back to the room.” I nodded and followed him to our room. We both changed into our sleeping attire and got into our beds.
“Good night Gee.”
“Night Frankie.” I soon drifted off to sleep. I was dreaming of that horrid night that drove me to go back to that man for more heroin. The night that haunted me. I woke up and gave out a light yell. Loud enough to wake Gerard up. “You okay?” I shook my head. He came over to me and wrapped his arms around me. He just met me hours ago. Why is he so caring already? I looked up at him, into those beautiful eyes. “Do you wanna sleep in my bed with me tonight?”
“What? No, I don’t wanna be a burden or anything.”
“No, It’s fine. I used to share my bed with my brother all the time when he had nightmares.”
“O-okay then...” We both went over to his bed. We both got under the covers. Gerard laid on his back. I laid my head on his chest. Hoping he wouldn’t push me away. To my surprise he wrapped his arm around my waist. I soon drifted of into a dreamless sleep.
~Guys so I know in real life gerard is afraid of needles. But in this story we are gonna pretend he isn't for now. That fear will build through out the story Kay bye~ I hope you are enjoying so far!~~~
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