Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Hush


by DisenchantedDestroya 4 reviews

"Hush " Frank whispered again as Gerards soft snores resumed , his voice cracking slightly. He picked his bag up and tiptoed from the room , closing the door softly behind him.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2011-10-02 - Updated: 2011-10-02 - 892 words

This is as quiet as it gets
Hush down now, go to sleep

A stifling silence

Frank sat on the end of the bed, picking at the frayed white duvet , watching Gerard as he slept. His chest rose up and down softly as he dreamed , his nose twitching ever so often. He rolled over and Frank froze.Gerards eyes remained closed and he let up a soft snore . Frank breathed a sigh of relief.He couldn't deal with him just yet.If he woke up Frank wouldnt be able to go through with it and he didnt know how much more he could take.

We were once perfect me and you
We'll never leave this room

Frank loved him he truly did . Things were perfect once upon a time,but not anymore.Those perfect carefree days seemed like a lifetime ago. Gerard had relapsed after 5 years sober. Drinking changed him and not for the better. He got angry and violence became the only answer . Frank knew , he bore many a scar as a result from Gerards drunken rages. Bruises flowered across his pale skin , ever present . He swore he would never let anything like this happen , That he would never get in a situation like this . He thought he was stronger then that , but he had fallen for it . Fallen into the trap of love and its mistresses- pain and blind stupidity .

You colored my eyes red
Your love's not alive it's dead
This letters written itself inside out again
When rivers turn to roads and lovers become trends
H H H Hush this is where it ends

Tears began to stream down Franks face.Deep down he knew the truth . Gerard had loved him but he loved alchol more. He clutched the tearstained letter in his hand. Writting it was the hardest thing he had ever done in his life , but it was easier than looking into Gerards once beautiful hazel eyes and telling him he was leaving .

This is the calming before the storm
This absolution is always incomplete
It's always bittersweet

The quite dreamy lulls between harsh reality while Gerard was sleeping , Those precious moments were Frank could pretend everything was back to the way it once was. Gerard would woke and smile at him and kiss him passionately , tell him he loved him and hold him close , like he would never let go. No , it was pointless fantasy, he had left Frank with no chance . It was time . He must be the one to let go.

H H H Hush
You colored my eyes red
Your love's not live it's dead
This letters written itself inside out again
When rivers turn to roads and lovers become trends
H H H Hush this is where it ends

He took a deep shaky breath , This was it .He was about to walk away from everything he had once known - his lover , his abuser. A strange sense of relief tinged with sadness washed over him , over his shattered heart holding it together judt long enough for him to do what he had set out to do

I won't make a sound so you don't wake
Don't wake, don't wake, you don't wake

Frank crept quietly around the room without a sound , gathering his clothes were they lay on the floor nestled with Gerards and stuffing then into his battered black rucksack.

You colored my eyes red
Your love's not live it's dead
This letters written itself inside out again
When rivers turn to roads and lovers become trends
H H H Hush this is where it ends
You colored my eyes red
Your love's not live it's dead
This letters written itself inside out again
When rivers turn to roads and lovers become trends
H H H Hush this is where it ends

This was it.Gerard was peacefully sleeping ,unaware of what was happening.Frank bit his lip, tears flowing freely down his cheeks , He doubted Gerard would even notice he was gone. The half empty bottle of Jack Daniels perched on the bedside locker would solve all his problems , help him forget about Frank. He sobbed silently as he placed the letter on his empty pillow.

He leaned down , kissing Gerard gently on the cheek, a single tear landing on the sleeping mans cheek. One eye cracked open and Frank froze, cursing under his breath " Fwankie " He slurred , still in a half drunken state "Whats wrong". "Hush Its alright go back to sleep" Frank murmured . Gerard nodded , slumping back down onto the pillow.

"Hush " Frank whispered again as Gerards soft snores resumed , his voice cracking slightly. He picked his bag up and tiptoed from the room , closing the door softly behind him.

This is where it ends.

I is back ^.^ Its been too long been busy :/ Pwwweeeaaasse Rate&&Review and let me know what ye think . Absolutely adore this song its so heart-achingly beautiful, for those of you who havent heard it Its called Hush by Automatic LoveLetter - Their amazing , Look it up ^.^ Should I do some more song fics ? Yay or Nay . My other storys seem to be going nowhere :/ Believe me I've tried so hard to write the next update of both and its just not happening . Fingers crossed ill get a sudden burst of inspiration . Anyways hope you enjoy ^.^
-Disenchanted Destroya XOXO
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