Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Why?


by kiraluvsu 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-10-03 - Updated: 2011-10-03 - 626 words - Complete

A/N - I have a pretty good idea what i'm gonna do with this story so I'll be updating more frequently :) and my french is a little rusty so sorry if it looks like google translate shiz

After my meeting with the head demon I was locked back up in Gerard's room. This gave me plenty of time to think of an escape plan.

I came to an idea, I was gonna act like I was thirsty and ask the guards through the door for some water, when they opened it I'd super-speed out of the room and down the halls and stairs till I came to the front door and let myself out. It seemed like a pretty legit plan.

I put my forehead against the door, "Guard dudes? I'm thirsty," I said in a fake-hoarse voice. The door clicked open on a matter of very few minutes. But instead of a guard, Gerard stood there holding a bottle of wine. Now would be a good time for a plan B.

"brought you some vin rouge, ma amour" He gave a toothy grin. I stepped back until my feet were touching the bedpost. He was way more intimidating than the guards. He ignored my attempts at getting as far away from him as I could and pulled the cork out with little to no effort.

Hmm plan B, I could run pass him or I could take the drink and throw it, distracting him, and run around him. Well, here goes nothing.

I waited for him to take a sip from the bottle and sprinted pass him. I got to the door in a second and didn't turn around to see if he had noticed. I ran through the corridors, randomly picking which ones to take. I finally got to the main door but just as I was about to open it I heard something behind me. I turned around, prepared to see Gerard or a guard, but instead I saw Frankie. He had all black on and carried a green gun.

"Frankie!" I ran up to the shortie and tackled him in a hug.

He hugged back tightly, "I was worried sick about you missy don't you ever get kidnapped again," He said sternly.

I nodded, "I'll try not to."

"Hey we came to save you too!" Mikey groaned from behind Frank's shoulder. I ran up to him and gave him a bear hug then I ran to Ray who had stayed quiet in the corner and I hugged him too. He unfolded his arms and gave a small squeeze back.

"Missed you Leda," He half-whispered. "aww I missed you too Ray, you big softy," I giggled. He went back to his poker face.

"Alright guys we should really get out of here," I suggested.

"We can't, we have a whole army fighting out there, we need to take care of the people left in here, but most of the guards are gone, the only ones left should be the ones guarding the head demon. Do you know where Gerard is?" Mikey took out his red gun and cocked it back with ease.

I gulped, this was it, I was going to face off to the leaders and take down this evil industry. But what about Gerard? Will I have to kill him too? I don't know how to get that demon out of him.

"Hello boys nice of you to join us, and you've brought a whole army of friends. Powerful, but I don't think you have what it takes." The head Demon guy came down the main stairs with Gerard, an angel, and another demon who looked just like Gerard. His father.

The guys and I all moved into defensive positions.
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