Categories > Anime/Manga > Fruits Basket > "Bad Things Happen for a Reason" (I Hope)


by stargate-lover 1 review

Inora protects Shigure. But at what cost?

Category: Fruits Basket - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Hatori,Shigure - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2011-10-04 - Updated: 2011-10-04 - 2994 words - Complete

(A/N): Lol FOOTBALL SEASON!!!! I think I really got into the spirit of the game! ; )
“Oh shit. Shigure, run,” Inora hissed over her shoulder at Shigure.
“Only one problem with that,” he said. ‘Is he seriously still trying to make jokes?’ she thought, rolling her eyes at his comment. Of course she knew there was only one way out of the room, and that Dan was blocking it. Dan only had eyes for Shigure, and she could use that to her advantage. She heard the others coming down the hallway so she knew she needed to act fast before they got in the way. She crouched down slightly with one hand on the ground so she looked like she was playing football, ready for Dan to say ‘hike’. He didn’t even notice her as he started forward, looking right over her head at Shigure, there was her opening.
She launched her self forward keeping low; her right shoulder collided with Dan’s stomach right above his hips. He was taken completely off guard and she heard the air leave his lungs forcefully. She kept pushing forward, and she felt his feet leave the ground. They flew back out into the hallway, but they didn’t stop there. They ended up crashing through the kitchen door on the other side of the hallway and skidding along the linoleum. The whole tackle took about two seconds.
His air had completely left him and she could hear him fighting hard to get it back. She quickly forgot about his gasping as she tried to get up, she let out a scream. A stabbing pain shot through her right arm, she gripped it with her other hand and noticed she couldn’t really move it. She shoved the knuckles from her usable hand in her mouth to stop from screaming in pain again as she accidentally twitched her arm. She felt someone’s hands gently grab her hand from her mouth; she hadn’t noticed that she had squeezed her eyes shut too. She opened them to see Hatori kneeling beside her on the floor, his eyes looking anxious.
“It’s going to be ok. It’s your right arm?” he asked in a soothing voice, she nodded frantically. If she had tried to talk she knew she would start crying, and that was unacceptable. “Breathe,” he reminded her, she hadn’t even realized she had stopped breathing so she sucked in a huge breath. He smiled at her and winked, “That was an impressive tackle.” She let out a hysterical sounding giggle that was half sobbing. She took a deep breath and was able to control herself again somehow.
What was really distracting her from the pain, as he gently probed her shoulder, was that he had winked at her. She suddenly realized what the feeling was that she had had when Shigure kissed her a minute ago, it was fear. A fear of being discovered, not by Dan, but by Hatori. She knew then that she could no longer have fun with Shigure while she felt like this about Hatori. She looked at his face, his black hair covering his left eye as always. Without thinking about it she reached out to brush his hair behind his ear so she could see the rest of his face. As soon as her hand touched the hair in front of his eye he flinched back, he gave her an apologetic smile.
“Sorry,” he said softly. “My eye was injured a little more than a year ago. It still has the scars so I keep my hair over it.” She nodded; she understood what it was like to be questioned about an injury all the time. It was horrible, especially when the injury was caused by something that also caused you an emotional wound. She saw from the look on his face that whatever had tore apart his eye had also torn apart his heart.
“I know exactly what you mean,” she whispered, as he went back to prodding at her shoulder.
“It’s dislocated, but I can take care of it right now. Let me give you something for the pain before I set it,” he said and left to get his bag. When he came back he dug around in it for a moment and came out with a needle.
“No! Nononono,” she said frantically, she even scooted about a foot back from him. He just looked confused and was about to say something before she cut him off. “Just do it, I don’t need that.” She felt pathetic, ‘Am I seriously about to start hyperventilating?’ she thought, she couldn’t stop shaking her head.
“Inora, you are going to want this,” he said trying to sound soothing, but she couldn’t focus on anything besides the needle in his hand.
“(Inora stop being a baby it’s just a little prick. What exactly did you do to your arm anyway?)” Dan asked looking a little confused; she had almost forgotten that he was there.
“(I, uh, dislocated my shoulder. He wants to numb it before he sets it,)” she explained.
“(Well that’s what you get for tackling someone twice your size,)” he scolded.
“(What was I supposed to do? Let you kill him?)” she asked sarcastically.
“(I wasn’t going to kill him,)” he said rolling his eyes. “(I was just going to… teach him a lesson.)”
“(Yeah, by beating him to death,)” she mumbled.
“(Whatever, just let him do his job,)” he said with a sigh. She looked back at Hatori who was still crouching on the ground with the needle. She tried to take a deep breath but it was way too shaky.
“No,” she told him again. “I’m good, just do it.”
“Inora, be reasonable,” Hatori said softly.
“So do you want to do this here? Dan can hold me down if you need him to,” she said ignoring his last statement. He sighed but answered her.
“Actually we need to go in another room. I, uh… need you to take off you shirt… so I can see,” he said avoiding her eye contact.
“No problem,” she said with a huge blush. “I’m sure Shigure probably ran away again so we can use his study.” She got up, cradling her right arm, and walked back into the hallway and looked at the door to the study. “Actually I don’t think this can close anymore, Tohru’s room it is!” she said and went up the stairs. They got in the room and she tried to get out of her shirt but it was seriously painful and she still couldn’t really use her right arm.
“Um, do you need help?” Hatori asked awkwardly from the doorway.
“If you wouldn’t mind,” She said blushing again. She felt butterflies in her stomach as he walked over and grabbed the bottom of her shirt. When he pulled it up she shuddered as his fingers brushed against her stomach. She wiggled her left arm out and he pulled it over her head so he could slide it down her right arm without it ever moving. She stood shirtless in front of him with her face burning, she knew that her blush wasn’t leaving her face anytime soon.
“You forgot to tell Dan to come up here,” he said trying very hard to sound professional, and was failing a little because he was blushing as well. She laughed nervously and went out into the hallway and to the top of the stairs, not really caring that she was just in her bra.
“(Yo Dan!)” she called down the stairs. “(We need you to hold me down up here!)” She turned to go back to the room when Yuki came out to see what the yelling was about. She saw his eyes widen as he took in her body and he quickly turned back into his room and closed the door. Hatori raised an eyebrow at her when she stumbled back into Tohru’s room doubled over in laughter.
“Something funny?” he asked.
“I just… surprised Yuki is all,” she said in between fits of giggles. Dan entered the room and immediately tried to look anywhere but at Inora. She rolled her eyes, ‘He’s had to change my diapers and give me baths while I was young,’ she thought. ‘I suppose it is different now that I have boobs.’
“(Can’t someone else hold you down?)” he whined.
“(Sure! I’ll go get Shigure,)” she said with an evil smile. He shut up right away and walked over to her.
“(We are going to talk about that later by the way. But for now what do I do?)” he grumbled. She looked to Hatori who seemed to be deciding something.
“What do you need us to do?” she said sounding more confident then she felt. He stared at her for a long time.
“Please let me give you the pain killer,” he blurted out. His face was crumpled so it looked like he was the one in pain. She figured that being a doctor he really didn’t like causing people pain whenever he could avoid it.
“Hatori,” she said softly and waited for him to look at her again before she continued. “I’ll be fine, believe me. Just do it quickly.” He sighed, it was clear he wanted to argue more but he couldn’t give her a shot against her will.
“Fine, don’t say I didn’t warn you. You’re that afraid of needles?” he asked her and she nodded. “Well, have him hug you around the shoulders. The ball is below the socket so I’m going to have to pull out, then up, then in. you got that?” She nodded again and told Dan what was going to happen. He got behind her and wrapped his arms around her so that his right elbow was under her right arm and his left was going over her left shoulder. He grabbed his left forearm with his right hand so it wouldn’t budge, and Inora gritted her teeth as Hatori grabbed her arm.
Inora let out a scream as she felt her arm rip out, get repositioned, and then forced back in with a sickening pop. It wasn’t an earsplitting scream that girls often go to when they want sympathy, it was a tortured cry. She slumped forward in Dan’s arms a little because her knees were shaking horribly. She hastily wiped away the one tear that had escaped her eye before anyone could see it. The door flew open and someone charged in and wrapped her in a bear hug before she could see who it was.
“Oh my God, Inora what happened? Are you ok?” The person’s frantic voice asked. As soon as he had started talking she knew who it was and wrapped her arms around him. There was still a dull ache in her shoulder but it was just an echo of what it had been so it didn’t bother her much.
“Hatsu calm down, I’m all right. You’re a bit late on the worrying,” she teased him. They hugged for a while longer until Hatsu suddenly became aware that she wasn’t wearing a shirt.
“Uh, why aren’t you wearing a shirt?” he asked as he let her go.
“Oh, Hatori needed to look at my shoulder, it was dislocated,” she said looking down as if she needed to see for herself that she wasn’t wearing a shirt. “Oh thank you,” she said to Hatori as he silently handed her her shirt. She quickly slipped it on, trying to hide her wince as she rolled her shoulder to get her arm in.
“Let me go get you some pills for the pain,” Hatori said accenting ‘pills’ while giving her an exasperated look, she beamed at him.
“Thank you so much for your help. I owe you one,” She told him quietly. “Actually I need to go find…” she glanced at Dan, “A certain dog,” she finished. She didn’t like calling them by their animals but she also didn’t want to set Dan off again. She looked back at Hatori and thought for a second that he looked sad about her statement, but his face was blank the next second so she couldn’t be sure. They walked out of the room where Dan and Hatsu were now introducing themselves. Inora had an idea that Dan would try to get information out of him but she trusted Hatsu not to blab… too much.
As they went down the hallway to the kitchen where Hatori left his bag they ran into Shigure who was cowering in his study again. He had poked his head out of the ruined doorway to see who was coming.
“Oh good, I thought you were Dan,” Shigure said smiling at them. “Inora you could have given me more warning about your uncle’s violent tendencies.”
“I’ll remember that next time,” she muttered rolling her eyes.
“Show more gratitude dog,” Hatori growled, Inora and Shigure both froze and stared at him. “He would have beaten you within an inch of your life if Inora hadn’t stepped in.”
“Ye- yes. That tackle was impressive,” Shigure said slowly still slightly in shock from the tone in Hatori’s voice.
“Impressive?” Hatori spat at him. “This woman dislocated her shoulder in an effort to protect you, and I’m positive you didn’t deserve that.” He said harshly and stomped off into the kitchen. Inora and Shigure just stared at what was left of the doorway he had just gone through. All that kept going through Inora’s mind was that he had called her a woman, most people she knew back home still called her ‘girl’. She forced herself to focus again, ‘well I’ve found Shigure, might as well get this over with,’ she thought.
“Shigure can I talk to you for a moment?” she asked not waiting for an answer before brushing past him into his study.
“I’m sorry I kissed you at that moment alright? Just the fact that he was trying to stop it made it…exciting. I just couldn’t help myself. And did you really dislocate you shoulder?” he asked with his goofy grin.
“It’s not that, I can understand that. And yes I did,” she said flashing him a smile but it slid off of her face as she tried to think of how to word her thoughts. “I think… we should stop.”
“Stop the ‘us’ thing?” he asked studding her, she nodded slowly watching his face closely.
“I just… what?” she asked as his face split into a huge grin again.
“I was wondering how long it would take you to realize that your ‘something better’ had already come along,” he said shrugging.
“I don’t know what you mean,” she said blushing, she actually did have an idea of what he was getting at.
“Yes you do,” he said softly. “Remember? We said that we would have fun until something better came along for either of us, or you left.”
“Yeah I do but-” she started but he cut her off.
“He is an amazing man, treat him as such. I will give you one piece of advice though: be patient.” He said leaving the room and her in confusion.
“Be patient? What the hell? Shigure wait,” she got up to find him again but Hatori popped up in the doorway with a glass of water.
“I found them,” he said softly. “Is everything ok?” he asked seeing the look on her face. She looked at him and couldn’t help but smile.
“I am great… now,” she said taking the pills from him and swallowing them easily.
“Are you sure?” he asked her slowly, she looked at him suspiciously.
“Yeah… why?” she asked raising her eyebrow.
“I’m sorry, I- I heard you,” he admitted to the floor.
“And… how much did you hear?” she asked watching his face closely.
“Not much,” he said quickly. “I just heard you say that you should stop, then I left.”
“Oh, well thanks for being honest. It doesn’t really matter that you heard that. But yes we broke up… not that we were really dating,” she muttered the last part, and then she answered the question in his eyes before he could voice it. “You see Shigure and I… we… he just kinda dragged me along for his amusement.” She had just realized that as she said it, he never felt anything for her.
“And that didn’t bother you?” he asked quietly, she looked up at him.
“I just now realized it,” she almost whispered, she saw anger flash through his eyes. He quickly turned and tried to make it out the door, but Inora grabbed his arm.
“You’re going to protect him again?” he asked her.
“No- well, yeah. It’s not his fault. I should have seen it- and actually I did, I guess I was in denial? In all honesty I never really felt anything for him either; the only difference is that I tried.” She kept tripping over her words, his expression softened as he looked into her eyes and decided that she was telling the truth.
“Alright,” he said quietly. “Why don’t we go out and get some air.” She nodded and had subtly moved her hand down his arm until she had his hand. As he moved to go back to the hallway she saw him glance down at it and she held her breath. He looked back up at her, she gave him a sheepish smile and let go, or she would have if he hadn’t grabbed her hand back in his before it fell.
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