Categories > Anime/Manga > Love Mode > dreams do come true.

hello tmbs hotel room..

by georgiaabingdon 0 reviews

The ambulance came to pick lauren up and someone who she loved took the ride with her.

Category: Love Mode - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Published: 2011-10-06 - Updated: 2011-10-06 - 431 words - Complete

Courtney grabbed a hold of Lauren and her and Dru placed her on the sofa
"shit dude you ok?" Dru said starting to become rather worried about her
"hells yeah i think" she replied
"Stef call an ambulance i think shes broke her arm" I started yelling
"Geo calm down il get holly to do it!" he said back to me while smiling
Two seconds later one of the bedroom doors shot wide open
"OOOOOOO thats the girl you was talking about ashley isnt it isnt it" one of the voices said
"AND STEF ISNT THAT THE GIRL YOU WAS TALKING ABOUT?" the second voice started to shout
Ash and Stef quickly stood up and grabbed the two girls putting them into headlocks
they all started to laugh.
"Geo this is Holly my sister"
"nice to meet you" i said while i got dragged into the world biggest hug
"hey Holly well you know my name but hey"she replied as a smile grew on her face
"oh Courtney this is my annoying sister Alex" he said while nudging her
"shut up Ashley you know you love me" Alex said while hitting his arm
"Nice to meet you Alex" Courtney said feeling quite awkward.
"ARGHHHH" that scream was familiar and obviously came from Lauren
"Its ok Laur just squeeze my hand when it hurts im here if you need me i promise" Dru said while he tried to calm her down
We all turned at looked at him in a weird way all of us new what the other was thinking.
"you going to call her an ambulance then" said Courtney trying not to laugh at the faces Lauren was pulling
i grabbed my phone and called 999
"Hello this is the London emergency hospital how may i help" said a voice i was sure it was a man
"please we need an ambulance we think my friend has broken her arm"
"were are you and il send an ambulance"
"im at the hotel modelle its near dominos please hurry" i said while starting to panik
"Ambulance is on its way please make your way from the floor your on the front door and they will meet you there"
The man hung up and i got Dru to help me carry Lauren to the elevator we got to the first floor and the ambulance was already there "Geee il go with Lauren in the ambulance il look after her dont worry".
stef said he would follow the ambulance in his car so me ash and Courtney got in and followed the ambulance.
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