Categories > Anime/Manga > Love Mode > dreams do come true.

How your friend hurting her self can be a match maker.

by georgiaabingdon 0 reviews

burnt hotel rooms and broken arm end up leading to love?..

Category: Love Mode - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Published: 2011-10-06 - Updated: 2011-10-06 - 1151 words - Complete

"i hope shes ok" Ash said with his eyes fixed on Courtney
"yeah same i hope she doesnt have to have an injection she hates thoughs"Courtney replied i could tell she knew that Ashley was looking at her so she turned her head and there eyes seemed to be glued on each other to be honest i found it quite cute.
"Phone" Ashley whispered to Courtney
"what im confused" she laughed
"Hand my phone"
Courtey handed Ash her phone he seemed to be concentrating quite hard then his phone went off he looked at it and text who ever it was back.
When Ash handed Courtney here phone back she couldnt help but search through her messages and there the first name that popped up 'The one and only Ashley and the one i love'
her heart sunk was Ash in love with her she click on to the messages and read what he had written
first there was a fullstop he must have done that to get her number so he could text him back
then she saw it the thing she had always wanted to see
'Courtney i think im in love with you i need to know if your in love with me i mean its fine if your not but id like to know x'
'WOOOW he never puts a kiss on his tweets,i mean i love him to do i tell him but thats what he want ooo just tell him im sure he'll be happy' Courtney thought to her self
She clicked back on the messages and wrote
'wow i cant believe this but i love you to x'
His hand slid across the seat and he gently placed it on top of Courtneys, he lent across and placed a soft kiss on her cheek, she could feel his warm breath touching her face and his pale lips were making there way to hers.

"Whats your name" the paramedic asked Lauren
"Lauren smith"
"And when was you born?"
"the tenth of january 19 1989"
"And one more question is this your boyfriend or brother or?"
"No hes just a friend"
"ok thanks thats all we should be a the hospital in ten minuets"

Lauren looked at Dru she could see sadness in his eyes,she didnt want to ask but she did anyway and he replied with "have you ever loved somebody but you dont know if they love you back?"
"yes ive felt like that a few times but why dont you just ask the girl and see what she says?" Lauren tried to give him some good advice but she thought that was the best advice she could give him seen as she has had a been on a bit of loopy gas to ease her pain.
"Thanks i will" he said while smiling he grabbed Laurens hand and said "ive never felt this way before but i think i love you its fine if you dont lo-" Dru was cut of by Laurens hand as she had placed it over his mouth.
"I have loved you ever since i saw you"she said smiling.
Drus lips touched hers and she could feel the warmth of his breath slowly touching her pale skin she didnt want dru to take his lips off of hers but she new he had to as they had stopped and she instantly knew they were at the Hospital.
As she was been pulled out the back she said "dru dont leave me" she grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the ambulance.
He placed a small kiss on her head and replied "il always be here no matter what".

Ive got to say it hurt a little inside knowing that Ash and Courtney were now a thing i knew that Dru and Lauren were defiantly a thing because i saw him kiss Laurs head when she was taken out of the ambulance i guess love does come true for some.
"um i fancy a cup of tea, anyone else want one?" i asked i didnt want to sit here any more i just wanted a walk so that was the best thing i could think of.
"yeah il have on four sugars though!"ash said Courtney didnt want one i could tell she was going to ask ash for a sip that would turn into a lot of sips of his.
"il come with you i want one to" Stef said as he got up and walked with me.
I felt pretty awkward cause we went really talking but i think Stef felt the same so he tried to make conversation.
"umm so i see your friend Courtney has hit it off with Ash"
"yeah shes always talked about him its probably a big shock for her" i said while i laughed a little "oh by the way you didnt have to drive me here i could have walked or got a bus"
"no its fine i wouldnt like to see you having to walk" he replied
I felt something warm make its way around my waist minuet by minuet but it turned into second by second until stefs arm was rapped around my waist.
We finally found a coffee machine so i put the money in and made what everyone wanted one tea four sugars for ash and two more and teas two sugars for me and stef.
It felt like someone was watching me i looked up to see Stefs eyes steering right into mine
"wow..Stef you have lovely brown eyes" id never realized how beautiful they really were until now, "and you have a lovely smile and blue eyes" he said i could feel my cheeks starting to blush so i smiled he smiled back at me and his beautiful brown eyes lit up.
I moved forward to collect a tray for the drinks but as i did Stefan shoved his pale white lips on to mine its must have lasted for five minuets well thats what it felt like but a familiar voice said "eww get a room" we turned around to see Dru holding Lauren in his arms.
"Come on lets go get Ash and Courtney i cannot stand this places it smells weird" Dru added on the end. We walked up to Ash and Courtney and i handed Ash his tea as he got up Courtney stole it off him and took a giant sip. Dru had picked Lauren up and they walked out of the hospital looking like they were just married, Courtney and Ash were hitting each other i never did find out why but we just left them to it, me and Stef were walking hand in hand i lent my head on his shoulder and i felt his fro leaning on my head it was quite nice walking like this i didnt want it to end.
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