Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > But It's Better if You Do

To Be Forgetting You in a Cabaret

by GAClive 2 reviews

Her cheeks turned red when she saw the red lipstick on his cheek. So this was what he was up to at the cabaret?

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG - Genres: Horror - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2011-10-06 - Updated: 2012-07-24 - 978 words

It was no use, they looked for him near the club with no result and no one knew where Spencer lived to see if he had made it home. With a sigh of defeat, Brendon sat down on the front steps of the now empt club and rested his face in his hands. He sat like this for several minutes and did not move until he heard the clack-clack of heeled shoes approaching him. Wearily, he looked up and saw Natalie illuminated in the soft glow of the gas-fueled street lamp. She was dressed for the cold and offered a gloved hand to Brendon, “Could you please walk me home? Roger used to see me home...” He nodded in understanding as a sad expression took over her fair face. “Yes, of course! Uh, let me grab my hat,” he snatched it up from the brick step behind him and placed it on his head. The street was still muddy and the bricks slippery so he offered his arm to her for ready support.

They walked like this for some time, the silence only broken briefly when Natalie would give a direction to her house. They had gone on like this for several minutes without a word before Natalie gave his arm a gentle tug to stop him. “This is the boarding house I live in,” she gestured to a brick affair hat was wedged tightly between its neighbors. She released his arm but before he could take his leave, she asked him a question, “Is it true that you sing?” He answered in the affirmative, though slightly confused. “Tomorrow night is our seasonal masquerade and I want to do something special for the show,” she continued, “will you sing with me?”

“Of course I will,” he answered eagerly. “Anything for you after the way you saved tonight's show.” Her smile widened, “Oh good! May I ask you another question?” Brendon found himself nodding at her to continue. “Are you alone here, in Chicago?” She asked, biting her lip in a nervous act of anticipation. “I mean,” she went on, “is there someone waiting for you at home?” Brendon couldn't help a small smile at the thought of Blanche and the home she had miraculously made for him and the League.

Natalie took the smile as her answer. “That is what I thought,” she said in disappointment. She shook her head as though to cast off any sadness, sparing Brendon any more awkwardness. “Well then,” she said, “Thank you so much for walking me home. Good night!” Swift as a bird, she kissed him once on the cheek and disappeared into the house.

As soon as she was out of sight, he finally allowed his shoulders to slump from exhaustion. Thankfully the trip hadn't taken him too far out of his way and he wasn't far from home now. It was a quarter of an hour before he finally stumbled back into the old warehouse.

He lit an oil lamp to guide his way through the dark space and avoid walking into flamethrowers and other questionable tools of the trade. The common area of the headquarters was empty as everyone had gone to bed at that point. With a slight sigh of disappointment at not being able to talk to Blanche before bed, he made his way to his room. With a shuffle and a stumble, he managed to land on his cot and fell asleep soon after, not bothering to shut off the lamp.

Moments after the first sound of snoring escaped his lips, the side door of the warehouse opened and Blanche walked in from making a quick trip to the outhouse. She could not wait till Crackitus installed plumbing inside the large brick building and as she walked past the cluttered work benches she saw that Brendon's oil lamp was lit. With a smile she walked into his room only to see that that he was already asleep. She gave him a sympathetic smile when she saw that he was too tired to even turn off his lamp. She walked to his bedside table to do it for him and turned to give him a kiss goodnight. They had never kissed before, as they were both too shy to kiss the other. But when he was unconscious for several days she had often taken the liberty by bestowing a light one on his forehead. He was almost comatose now, so she thought it would be safe.

But when she bent down she saw that another woman already beat her to the kiss. Her cheeks turned red when she saw the red lipstick on his cheek. So this was what he was up to at the cabaret? With a steely determination she left his room and went back to her own bed. Tomorrow night was the masquerade, she knew, and it was the perfect opportunity to go in and see for herself what Brendon was like when she wasn't with him. Was he interested in only her? Or was he just friendly with every girl?

She had some shopping to do early in the morning, so she forced all aggression out of her mind for the moment so she could sleep. But by golly, come morning she would let the steam shoot from her ears, and if a vein popped out on her forehead: all the better.

A/N: About time, huh? I mean with the update, not with the plot and letting you know what's going on. I will soon though. ;) As always, I LOVE writing for you guys, and I hope you are enjoying this story as well. Leave me a comment to let me know what you think and what you would like to happen (I may or may not take suggestions, we'll see). Oh, and rate if you'd like! No pressure! puppy eyes
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