Categories > Original > Sci-Fi > Super Sonic Xtreme Chronicles

About Cylon

by Dragonstar89 0 reviews

Sonic and friends find out about Cylon and what he's after!

Category: Sci-Fi - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy,Sci-fi - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-10-07 - Updated: 2011-10-08 - 302 words

A few minutes later after the encounter with Cylon, Silver and Blazed helped the three back to the apartment. Blaze came out of the kitchen, two cups of coffee in hand and Silve used his telekineeses powers to carry Knuckles latte. The three took a sip from their hot beverages. "So, does anyone know who Cylon is, or what he is after?" Knuckles bluntly asked. "I do indeed," Silver answered, taking a sip of mocha. He sat his drink on the table to begin his tale. "Despite all our adventures together, me and Blaze have always been out to get Dr.Eggman's best robot; Cylon. Eggman never used him, he thought it was much too powerful and that it would take down his fleet. And thats what he has accomplished so far, after you guys destroyed Eggman. And now his next step in his plan is about to unfold: to destroy the president and take over the G.U.N base," Silver said. "The hell he will!" Shadow growled. "Calm down Shadz," Sonic soothed, placing his hand on his shoulder. "Ya' know we can get this guy. Now, Silver. Why did you two want Cylon?" Sonic begin to ask. Silver cleared his throat but Blaze had already began the story. "At first we thought it would be a neat idea to recruit him as a hero, but that soon changed. Now, we just want to destroy that son of a b**ch!" she growled, fire slightly began too raise from her hands. "Calm dear, we've got three of our main heroes here. We can take down this guy," Silver said, giving Blaze a peck on the cheek. "Yeah, I guess so."

Sorry this chapter was so short but I just came up with another fanfic idea, continue to read and review thanks!
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