Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Demolition Lovers

Chapter 3

by AM5144 4 reviews

Chapter Three.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-10-09 - Updated: 2011-10-09 - 587 words

Authors note -
Thank you so much to those of you that reviewed! Here's chapter three, please review and tell me what you think.. I'm not sure about this chapter.....

Demolition Lovers
Chapter 3

Franks Point of View
I sighed as I walked down the path that lead me to school. The walk to school from my house was a short one so I walked as slow as possible without ending up late. It was raining. I had my hood up and my hands deep in my pockets, music blasting into my ears. I trudged along the gray pavement dreading the horrible day that was due to come.

I kept my head down as I turned the corner and walked through the school gates. No one had noticed me yet; so far so good. If I could just get to my registration class without being noti -

"Hey fag! You aren't welcome here, go to hell!"

I sighed at the shit insult, my shoulders slumping. I wanted to laugh, I wasn't gay, I was straight, I liked girls. I had kissed plenty of girls to prove that. I doubt they even knew my name, I was just referred to as 'fag' or 'faggot' around here, it was starting to piss me off.

"Hey faggot, nice belt!"

I looked down at the bright pink studded belt holding up my black skinny jeans. Okay, that kind of made me look gay but I promise I'm straight.

"Fuck off." I murmured flipping the jock off and making my way into the school building. I gave an annoying sigh as I stepped in a puddle, the dirty water soaking through my scruffy converse. I brushed it off, keeping my head down and trying to make myself shrink as I made my way through the sea of bodies in the hallways.

Bodies bash into me, knocking me left and right. I began to panic as my breathing picked up. Fuuuuck. I try to get out, shoving past the sea of bodies. I feel myself float round and round in circles, feeling weightless. My hands are shaking and I'm staring holes in the floor, as soon as I look up, a jock bashes past me, making me fall backwards flat on my head and back. I lie there, the pain engulfing my body. People kicking their way past. My eyes flutter closed, and my breathing calms down. I feel myself getting shoved about until I feel and arm snake its way under neck and the other under the back of my knees. I can feel my weight being lifted off the ground. I am cradled bridle style in someone's skinny, yet strong arms, my head leaning against their chest. I feel the faint beat of their heartbeat as they murmur something unintelligible in my ear. I snuggle up to them, gripping their soft shirt, feeling completely contempt in the safety and warmth of their arms. Their scent filling my nose and leaving my brain a sloppy pile of mush; I had never smelt something like this before.

My eyes flutter open just in time to see a face so beautiful. His skin so pale compared to his midnight black hair. His hazel eyes so beautiful, rimmed with black eyeliner, so broken, so haunted, so mysterious I struggle to not get lost in them. His small, shy smile resting softly on his face, complementing his other features so beautifully.

Oh, because you're not gay! A voice laughed in my mind before the darkness consumed me.
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