Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > The Seeker

Battle for the Seeker

by Julius 2 reviews

The heroes fight Cronus in the park and Archie finds his friend, The Seeker.

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-06-10 - Updated: 2006-06-11 - 2626 words

By Jade and Trynia Merin : Don't own Class of the Titans but Julius is my OC.

Chapter 3 : Battle for The Seeker.


A long black coat ruffled behind a teen that was running. He knew he should have stayed out of New Olympian but he had promised his friend he would see him again. In his pocket was a special tool. One that was made by the gods 4000 years ago for the first seeker. Why did he have to become the seeker? He darted into the park. He hoped he could hide in the trees.

Cronus called up to his Cyclops. "Do you see anything from up there?"

The Cyclops pointed to the park. It grunted at his master.
"Good my pet. Go in there and shake him out. I'll see if anything drops from the trees or out of the bushes," he laughed. "Go!"

Julius leap threw the trees. It brought back so many memories of him and Archie playing tag. He had to get away. He wasn't going to become evil for anyone. He could hear trees being ripping out behind him.

Cronus dashed in. He fired up a spell to blow wind through the trees.

Julius leapt out of the way of wind. He zipped around and pulled out that special tool and it glowed. The small item grew and became a bow. His hand then pull the string and an energy arrow it the Cyclops' chest.


Theresa and Neil saw the Cyclops treading in the park nearby. "That doesn't look right," Neil mumbled. Theresa agreed. "Let's go check it out!"

Archie had been rushing to try and catch up with his friends after seeing Hera. He had only just caught up to them.

"Where were you, Archie?" Jay looked at his friend.

"Come on guys the action is in the park." Herry crunched his hands together.

Odie checked his computer one more time. "There is a Cyclops in the park from what I can tell."

"Sorry I was late guys. But I think I know what might be going on." Archie trailed off.

Jay gave Archie a questionable look. "What do you mean by that Archie?"

"I think Cronus is after someone, and he's about to find him. We got to get there before he does!" Archie panted.

"If that the case then let's hurry, people." Jay gave the order for the team to enter the woods.

Herry locked up his truck and headed towards the park. "I better stay here, Jay. I might get in the way." Odie finger his lab top. "If I see anything come out I radio you."

"Okay Odie." Jay nodded and drew out his sword. He hurried behind Herry.

Theresa and Neil glanced at Jay. "Are we ready to go?" she asked Neil. "I'll back you up," he said. "I can use my mirror to blind the Cyclops" Neil said to Jay.

"Let's move people." Jay watched Herry enter the park. He then entered the park himself.

Neil grasped his mirror, moving with Theresa. "If I can just get the right angle I can blind that Cyclops while the others attack," he mumbled.

Archie glanced at Neil, and Atlanta overheard him. "I'll cover you," she said to Neil. He nodded, and Archie moved forwards to help Jay out.

"Leave me alone." A voice yelled out. "You don't own me."

Jay pointed in a few directions. "Let's hurry."

Archie gasped. The voice sounded familiar. Atlanta blinked at him, noticing the look on his face. "You look like you seen a ghost Archie," she said to him.

"I know that voice," Archie gasped.

"I said get away from me." A loud bang echoed in the park.

"Julius!" gasped Archie. He suddenly rushed forwards towards the sound of the voice.

"Wait!" Atlanta shouted. Neil took off after him, shaking his head at Jay.

"Archie wait. Come on we can't let him do this alone." Jay hurried after him.

"No we can't," mumbled Theresa, rushing along with Jay.

"Don't you DARE hurt him?" Archie shouted, following the sound of the voice. Anger filled him at what ever was going to harm Julius.

Atlanta whirled her bolas around her head, hurling them towards the Cyclops as Neil spotted Cronus. Archie drew out his whip. Cronus whipped his head around to see the heroes headed towards him and the Cyclops. He swung two scythes at the ready.

It couldn't be but that voice it had to be. "ARCHIE!" Julius leap threw the trees towards the purple hair teen.

"Not so fast!" Cronus said, dropping before Archie. Archie swung his whip out, as the scythe swung to him.

Energy arrows zip between Archie and Cronus. "Back off." Julius was sitting in the tree. "You leave my friend alone."

"Oh I don't think so," said Cronus. He waved his hand, and Archie froze into place. He turned to Julius, flicking his hand to set the tree on fire.

The bow glowed again and changed into a pair of swords. "Leave him alone." Julius glared at Cronus.

Jay raised his own sword. "Cronus."

"Make me," laughed Cronus, whipping his scythe. Atlanta's bola twisted around the Cyclops's legs. Neil held up his monogrammed mirror, flashing the light to blind the Cyclops as the other faced Cronus. Theresa whirled her nunchukas and strode up next to Jay.

Cronus snickered, slashing a scythe towards the heroes facing him. Herry picked up a tree branch and hit the Cyclops. The creature flew back into the woods.

"Let Archie go, Cronus." Jay held up his sword.

"As you wish," Cronus laughed, waving his hand that didn't hold the scythe. He swung out his weapon in an arch towards Jay though as his other hand moved.

Julius wasn't sure what to do. Jay block with his sword as the scythe came at him.

Cronus laughed. Achilles broke free of the time freeze. Theresa whirled her nunchukas and attacked Cronus from the other side. Blood dripped as her weapon scratched him.

"Watch out!" Archie cried as the blood formed strange monsters when it hit the ground.

"Fool!" laughed Cronus.

Julius pulled his swords close to his chest. "Get out of the way." Jay jumped back. Julius let the energy filled his body. He leapt from the tree and attacked the monsters forming. Archie swung his whip out and started to slash at the monsters too.
"You will never own me." Julius held the swords up. "Never."

Herry trashed another monster that had begun to form. "What are our next move guys?"

Atlanta hurled her bolas towards another monster. Theresa's nunchukas whirled as she kicked and flipped from one monster to another. Archie's whip slashed. Neil hung back fingering his tazer just in case.

"You're surrounded Cronus give up." Jay pointed his sword at the god.

"Not so! I'll get you yet!" he pointed at Julius. Cronus waved his hand to form a portal. He cackled and leapt through it. Soon it zipped shut.

Julius' swords disappeared and the teen sank to the ground. "So tired..."

Archie rushed over to help him up. "Hey easy there. I'm here!" he said. He held Julius tightly to him to support his tired body.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." Julius held Archie. "I need..." Julius fell a sleep in Archie's arms. Archie picked him up and turned to Jay.

"Help me Herry." he said.

"So this is your friend?" Jay eyed the boy. Herry dropped the branch and moved over to Archie.

"Yes, this is Julius. Help me carry him Herry please," said Archie.
Theresa and Atlanta exchanged looks. They stood back to give him room. They then glanced at Jay and Herry.

Jay ran his hand through his hair. "Archie...I." Being the leader was not easy. He had to look out for everyone. "We take him to the brownstone."

"Thank you," Archie said gratefully. Everyone blinked. Neil sighed.

"I take him then." Herry slip his arms under Julius' body. "I bet Odie wondering what been going on by now."

"Thank you Herry," said Archie letting him carry Julius. "I owe you one."
"No problem. This friend of yours kick Cronus' butt." Herry had no problem carrying the teen in his arms.

"Let's go. Odie is waiting by the truck." Jay put away his sword.

Archie felt Atlanta pat his shoulder. "He will be okay," she said softly.
"Thanks," he said quietly, seeing her reassuring smile.

Odie was typing in his computer when he saw the others come out of the park. "Over here guys, ladies."

Archie followed Atlanta, Theresa and Neil rushed after them towards Odie. Jay shook his head. He hoped he was making the right decision. He knew little of this Julius but Archie seem to trust him. That was saying something since Archie didn't give out his trust easy.

"What's wrong Jay?" Theresa asked him. "Got second thoughts?"

"A little. It's just everything seem moving to fast." Jay sighed. "Only Archie knows this person. What do we really know about him?"

"Well if he's Archie's friend he must have a good heart," said Theresa quietly.
"Ya but then Cronus gave up to easy, I think." He watched Herry put Julius into the truck.

"Maybe he knows something we don't," Neil mumbled.
"Come on guys we don't want to be out here all night." Herry called out.

"So this is Julius." Odie push up his glasses. "So what happen in the park?"
"Um, we met someone," said Atlanta, looking at Neil, then an uncomfortable Archie.

"And old friend," Archie added.

"Better get going then. He doesn't want that old friend to show up again." Jay got into the truck.

"C'mon Archie," said Atlanta. She got in, followed by him. Neil and Theresa jumped in too. Herry and Odie were the last to get in. Herry turn the engine on and they were off.

"Wow, what a day," commented Neil.

Archie brushed hair out of Julius face. "I missed you friend."


Soon the truck was parked near the brownstone. "Now Archie. Your friend is your responsibility. You have to look after him. I go and speak with Hera and update her on what's going on." Jay step out of the truck. "Do you understand?"

"I understand," Archie said. "I told her about Julius."

"So this will make it easier but I still have to tell her that your friend is in the brownstone." Jay sighed. "I'll be back in the hour."

"Yes I understand." said Archie feeling sheepish.

"Okay, Jay. We make sure your dinner is keep warm." Odie was heading inside.
Theresa followed Odie. Neil glanced at Archie. "Coming?"

"Give him a minute," said Atlanta.

"At lease your friend isn't heavy, Archie." Herry picked up Julius again.

"Very true," said Archie. "He can have my bed. I'll sleep on the floor."

"Man you must have forgotten, Archie. There an extra bed room since I decided to live in the basement." Odie smiled. Herry chuckled.

"Oh geez, I've ha my mind on other things," Archie grumbled.

"Very true but maybe it's a good idea if your friend should stay with you tonight. He might be scared if he wakes up alone." Odie held the door open for Herry.

"I agree," said Archie. "He only knows me."

Neil glanced in the hall mirror. Theresa and Atlanta entered and watched the others with Julius. "Well once we put your friend in your room and I bring you your dinner to your room." Odie headed towards the kitchen.
"Thanks Odie," said Archie, leading Herry to his room.

"So, Archie ya fill us in about ya friend in the morning right?" Herry looked down into the sleeping face of Julius. "I like how he stood his ground in front of Cronus."
"I will," said Archie. Neil had silently followed them, looking from afar but pretending to look in the mirror instead in the hallway.

"He was pretty brave," said Atlanta quietly. Theresa stood behind her.
"I still can't understand why, Cronus wants your friend?" Herry frowned. "Sure he fights good but there got to be more to than that."

"He's special. He's got a power to sense ancient spirits like yours and mine. When we first met he called me Achilles," said Archie quietly.

"Is he psychic like me?" asked Theresa.

"Well he's sort of... but it's hard to explain," said Archie.
He looked put upon.

"Let him relax will ya?" Atlanta said annoyed. "He's been through too much today."

"Right and when Julius wakes up he can do some answering too." Herry moved about. "So where that bed room." He joked.

"This way?" asked Archie, showing him the way. Herry followed Archie down the hall. "I wanted to thank you again for sticking by me," Archie said.

"We're your friends," Atlanta said. Neil and Theresa still followed them at a distance.

"He might not be heavy but I'm getting hungry." Herry pouted.

"Sorry," Archie mumbled.

"Food later," said Neil with a chuckle.

Herry growled at Neil. "Don't tell me what to do, Neil."

"Sorry geez," mumbled Neil. Atlanta rolled her eyes.

Odie was coming down the hall with Archie's meal. "Why are all you still here. Your dinner's getting cold."

"I don't know," Neil muttered. He walked off down the hall. Theresa marched after him, leaving Atlanta still standing there.

"Well let's get going." Herry smiled at Archie. "I want to get to my dinner."

"Okay," Archie said opening the door to his room. "You first."

Herry entered the room. There were sport posters on the walls. Herry gently put Julius on the bed. The teen moan and move a bit on the bed. "I hope he's going to be okay."

Archie pulled off Julius sandals, and helped him out of the long coat. Then he threw a quilt over him. "He will be," he said.

"Here's your dinner." Odie put the meal on Archie's small desk. "Come on Herry let's get our own dinner."

"Ya, talk with you later Archie." Herry hurried out of the room.

"Thank you," said Archie.

"Later Archie." Odie followed Herry out of the room.

"Thanks," said Archie to both of them. He pulled up a chair and sat by the bed. He took the dinner and set it on his lap to eat it.

"Are they gone?" Julius turned to look at Archie. "I'm still weak but I just didn't want to make a scene."

"You are okay!" gasped Archie with a look of surprise. A smile grew on Julius' lips. "But my body is weak. I have been running for too long."

"You don't have to run anymore," Archie said, patting his friend's shoulder. "Want to share some dinner?"

"You sure?" asked Julius.

"I'm sure," said Archie, putting the tray with his food between them. The two friends smiled and shared the food together, not bothering to talk about what would happen next.


Cronus appeared out of his portal. He seethed with rage, and then breathed deeply to grip his self control. Glancing around he saw the remaining giants who had escaped.

"I will find you, Seeker. And don't think that you got away without me letting you," Cronus cackled as he paced his headquarters.

Turning he faced a mirror, and grinned. The god of time straightened his tie and business suit. "It will be simplicity itself. I will wait for you to make a mistake, and then you'll bring them to me. You cannot escape Cronus. I have TIME on my side."

Evil laughter echoed through the hideout.


Well that the end of chapter three. Who knows what Cronus is up too and what will the other gods think of Julius? Will they let him join or will Hera take away his power. Note: The Cyclops that Cronus used is under his control and Neil might be a bit OOC.
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