Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Heaven Help Us
Heaven Help Us
(#) MadiieMae 2011-10-11
I just got back from school a bit ago and I came home and saw that there was a new chapter to this. You just made my day, I love this story! I can't wait for the next update! :)Author's response made your day? I`m so glad to hear that, so happy you liked it. I`ll try to update soon
xoxodakotaHeaven Help Us
(#) Niamh04 2011-10-11
The only way that somebody could say this chapter wasn't worth waiting for is if they were lying. That was an amazing chapter, and while it would be a dream come true for you to update more often, I can understand that you have a life.
That said, please do try and update as soon as possible :)Author's response
Aww that you for saying that. I try to update as often as I can, but I have to do the same for my other stories as well. And like you said I do have a life. Thanks for reading, I`ll try to update soon
xoxodakotaHeaven Help Us
(#) ilovefrankieieroxx 2011-10-13
Mwhahahahahahahaahha i sat in my room laughing evilly at the last part probably confusing my parents and my nan but aw well. See I'm not arrogant at all. I'm going to be like "Get me a drink fool! I'm the best demon ever" at school tomorrow ;)
Rosie :)Author's response
Nope, not one little bit. Have fun at school saying that, glad you like the chapter and your character
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