Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > A Celebrated Man Amongst The Gurneys

It Isn't That Much Fun (chapter 5)

by striketoincinerate 1 review

For Lauryn, because she enjoys this story so much and because shes throwing me a birthday party! Hope you like it! ps, this isn't finished! taking a break as I have a mental block. sorry xo

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-10-14 - Updated: 2011-10-17 - 278 words - Complete

Franks POV.

After a few weeks, Gerard was noticeably improving. The fresh air was definitely doing him good - by the time they arrived back inside the hospital, darkness falling on the grounds and faces stinging from the cold, Gerard was too tired to even wait for the night nurse. He would fall asleep almost instantly, his dreams erratic and baffling but perfectly sane. His cheeks had lost their pallid hue, prompting much moaning from Gerard about his 'Italian genes'; he also had a very light smattering of freckles across his tip-tilted nose. Frank learned a lot about him during the time they spent together. Before the hospital, Gerard had had dreams of being a comic book artist (he promised to show Frank his drawings one day). He learned about his mother and father and his little brother Mikey, with the glasses he wore too far down his nose and his hair that stuck up in all directions. Frank also learned that Gerard had a similar taste in music to him - their shared love for Glenn Danzig was the source of many long converstaions and heated debates. The only thing Frank still hadn't asked was what Gerard dreamt about. He would set out intending to ask, only to put it off after all. He was being selfish; the truth was, he enjoyed the time he spent with Gerard. He enjoying just talking, laughing like they were just friends out walking. Gerard was easy to like; he had a certain charm and a way of phrasing things that was funny though perhaps not always completely intentional. Frank was worried that, when he did ask, he would ruin everything.
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