Categories > Original > Drama > Chapter 1 - Never on time

Chapter 6 - Broken Promises

by katieblathers 0 reviews

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-10-15 - Updated: 2011-10-15 - 520 words

Chapter 6 – Broken Promises

What had Stefan done? How could he have done this to Alice?

The guilt had took over him, ate him whole. Laura left him to go to the toilet. He didn’t know what to do, he couldn’t change the past. So instead, he drank his worries away. Probably not the best idea, ay Stefan? He got even more drunk, even more stupid. When Laura came back, he opened his mouth to say something.

‘There’s an empty room in the back, maybe we can hang out there?’ interrupted Laura, smirking.
‘Y-yeah, sure’ answered Stefan.

Oh dear, this was not good. They made their way to the room and sneaked in. Laura started kissing Stefan as soon as she closed the door. The room was tiny, must have been an old storage room or something. Stefan got carried away... again. He gently pushed Laura up against the wall and put his hands on the wall either side of her. Laura’s lips reminded Stefan of Alice’s, so he didn’t feel guilty when kissing Laura because he closed his eyes so it was like he was kissing his actual girlfriend.

They carried on snogging, they must have been in the room for at least 10 minutes. Surely Stefan should of realised he was getting into deeper and deeper shit the more he carried on. Obviously not.

Back at the club, Abi stared at the empty spot where Stefan was, where did he go? She had to find him immediately; she searched all over the club for him. In the corner, a freshly painted door caught her eye, she hadn’t looked in there yet. She pushed the handle of the door down and carefully slightly opened it, just enough so she could see if anyone was in there, if Stefan was in there. ‘What a dick! How could he do this to Alice!’ She angrily mumbled under her breath when she saw Stefan sticking his tongue down another girl’s throat. Abi didn’t know whether to storm in and let Stefan know she knew or teach him a lesson and tell Alice the next day. She went for the second option and gently closed the door behind her, making her way back to Ashley.

‘Babe, where you been?’ asked Ashley.

She had to lie.

‘Oh, just went to the toilet’ she replied back.

Abi had to forget about what she saw and how she was going to break the news to Alice and just party the night away.

Stefan finally pulled away from Laura. Oh, shit fuck wank bollocks arse cunt. By this time he was almost sober, all he could think of was Alice stood there watching everything, tears rolling down her face.

‘I-I’ve got to go’ Stefan ran out the club as quick as possible.

Laura was just left stood there, almost feeling rejected.

Stefan got back to his flat, he wanted to erase everything. He got in his bed, trying to get to sleep but he couldn’t. He cried for hours on end, crying himself to sleep.

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