Categories > Original > Drama > Chapter 1 - Never on time

Chapter 7 - The guilt

by katieblathers 0 reviews

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-10-15 - Updated: 2011-10-15 - 592 words

Chapter 7 – The guilt

It was the morning after the night before, Stefan woke up from his restless sleep.

‘Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck’ he kept repeating over and over again.
‘Okay, I’m gonna have to tell her, no I don’t need to I mean what she doesn’t know won’t kill her, right? Shit, Stefan what have you done!’ he mumbled to himself in panic.

His phone started ringing, it was Alice. For some reason his heart started beating 10x faster, what if she found out. He answered it.

‘H-hey Alice!’ he said nervously.
‘I know.’ she said.
SHIT, how did she find out? Stefan’s heart jumped out of his skin.
‘Know what?’ he tried to pretend that he wasn’t shitting himself.
‘What I’m getting you for your birthday! God, what’s up your arse you seem really tense... I tell you what, I’ll come over and we can spend the day together. Right, I have to go, I’m coming over I’ll see you in a bit, love you!’

She didn’t give him time to say ‘Now’s not a great time’ because he knew that he would end up spilling his secret out. The phone line went dead.

‘Pull yourself together Stefan, don’t tell her, don’t make it obvious you’re hiding a secret and whatever you do, do not shit yourself with nerves.’ He whispered to himself.

He freshened himself up and got dressed.


Stefan let Alice in, greeting her with a kiss.

‘Hey babe, you seemed a bit worried on the phone. Is everything alright?’ Alice asked him.

‘Yeah, yeah everything’s fine, absolutely fine, I mean why wouldn’t it be fine?’

Great one Stef, made a complete tit out of yourself.

‘Ok-aaay...’ Alice seemed a bit freaked out, he was acting strange.

She didn’t let it bother her and sat down on the sofa with him.

(At Ashley’s house)

‘Ashley, I need to tell you something, but you have to promise me you will not tell anyone!’ Abi was going to tell Ashley about Stefan and Laura.
‘I promise, so what is it?’ he asked, intrigued.
‘I saw Stefan... last night, kissing Laura’
‘WHAT?! Are you sure it was him?’
‘Oh shit. What shall we do?’
‘Well, we’re gonna have to tell Alice’
‘Abi! You can’t tell Alice, Stef will be heartbroken’
‘I don’t want him lying to her forever’
‘He won’t, just leave him to tell her himself’
‘Ashley, she’s one of my best friends. Imagine if you were in my position! I can't just leave it and let him lie to her!’
‘How do you know he’s gonna lie to her, he might be even telling her right now’
‘Ash, it’s Stefan! Of course he won’t be telling her right now, either I tell her or she finds out the hard way and we’ll have to watch him break her heart for the rest of her life.’
‘I have to. I’m sorry’

Abi ran out the flat so Ashley couldn’t stop her, she arrived at Alice's flat but there was no answer, she gathered Alice was at Stefan's. When she arrived at his flat, she took deep breaths and thought about how to break it to Alice.
She knocked on the door, Alice opened it.

‘Ah, hey babe!’ Alice smiled.
‘I need to tell you something’ Abi said, almost in tears.

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