Categories > Original > Humor > A Zacky Movie

Powerline: LIVE

by Brideofbillie 0 reviews

Max's wish comes true

Category: Humor - Rating: G - Genres: Humor, Parody - Published: 2006-06-11 - Updated: 2006-06-11 - 762 words

Zacky tosses the map to the wind. The map sails toward the camera and showing Los Angeles. Cut to the Powerline concert. Cars are being directed in. A couple of people are tossing instrument cases into a loading dock. A drum case opens, and Max gets out.

Max: (whispers)

Max opens a base fiddle base and Zacky falls out.

We made it! Come on, Max! Let's get you on stage!

Uh, maybe this isn't such a good idea.

A couple of spandex dressed dancers pass by Max. Max looks at them admiringly.

Uh, then again...

Max notices his dad is nowhere to be seen.

Dad? Dad!

Cut to the stage. Powerline is starting his final number.

Powerline (singing):
I got myself a notion
And one I know that you'll understand
We set the world in motion
By reaching out for each other's hand.

Max is under the stage trying to find Zacky.


Max looks up and sees Powerline from the back.

Powerline: (singing)
Maybe we'll discover
What we should have known all along.

Max has a flash light shine in his face.

Security Guard:
What are you doing here? Hey!

Max runs from the guard.

Powerline: (singing)
One way or another Together's where we both belong.

Zacky is backstage going through a hall of dressing rooms.

Max? Max?

Zacky opens one of the rooms and discovers someone trying to get dressed. She screams. Zacky looks extremely embarrassed. She hits Zacky and he tumbles backwards into a rather large and imposing piece of equipment with a door in the side. The door closes with Zacky inside and then starts buzzing.

Powerline: (singing)
If we listen to each other's heart
We'll find we're never too far apart,
And maybe love is the reason why.
For the first time ever, we're seeing it I 2 I.

Through the TV screen, we go back to Stacey's party. Everyone is gathered around the TV hoping for a chance to see Max on TV.

That Goof kid ain't there!

Roxanne looks worried.

(To Roxanne) Don't worry, he'll be there.

Cut back to L.A. Max is running from the Security Guard and climbs onto a row of lights which rises. The Guard is right behind him. Zacky is now in a large globe, just like Powerline make his entrance in for the final number which begins to rise through a trap door in the stage.

Excuse me, but uh...

Zacky ends up center stage with Powerline. Zacky squints into the audience.


Just as with Powerline, Zacky's globe is bathed with electrical charges. Zacky gets the shock of his live and the globe explodes, throwing Zacky at Powerline's feet. Powerline stops and stares at Zacky. Max, from the rafters, sees his dad, is first embarrassed, then gets an idea and shouts down to his dad.

Dad! Dad! Do the Perfect Cast!

Zacky does it, and it looks like some kind of dance. Powerline gets interested and joins Zacky right at the "I'm a little teapot" part.

Powerline: (singing)
If you're ever lonely, stop. You don't have to be. After all it's only a beat away from you to me.

The Guard crawls across the scaffolding to Max. Max leaps over him to the other side. The guy wire breaks and Max grabs it. The guard grabs Max's feet and the both go sailing. The guard ends up smashing into a large TV display, and Max ends up center stage with Powerline. Max gets up and starts doing the Perfect Cast.

Powerline: (singing)
If we listen to each other's heart We'll find we're never too far apart.

Cut to Stacey's party.

Yeah! Max is on the tu-ube! That's Max! I know him!

Roxanne gets a big grin on her face.

Powerline: (singing)
And maybe love is the reason why For the first time ever, we're seeing it I 2 I.

Cut to Syn's RV. Sin is scrubbing the floor in front of the TV and sees Max.

He did it!

Syn comes up behind Sin, sees Max and Zacky, and spits the beer he was drinking on the screen. He stares at the TV with his jaw dropped. Cut back to Stacey's party. Stacey and Roxanne are trying to do the Perfect Cast. Bobby comes by and sprays them with cheese. Bobby bumps into someone and drops the can. Bobby and Stacey reach the can at the same time and their hands touch. They look at each other and smile. The concert finishes with a bang.
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