Categories > Games > Mega Man > Phoenix Evolution

The Questing Tournament Begins

by darkskysong 0 reviews

The TamaMedia Questing Tournament has begun with the best of the best invited.

Category: Mega Man - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure - Characters: Other - Published: 2006-06-11 - Updated: 2006-06-12 - 2114 words

AN: It's been long in coming but I wanted to spread out the publishing of the chapters I have finished for I am in a major block on a later chapter. Hope you like it.
AN2: I own TamaMedia, Kaie Tama, Level Booster battle chips and any product released by or person associated with TamaMedia.


Chapter Seven - The Questing Tournament Begins

Stars twinkled and shone; twilight shifting into night. Silver lined clouds scudded across the sky, hiding the waxing moon behind them every now and then. NetOps looked out of their windows as they travelled closer to their destination and watched the small lakes and rivers glinting far away in the darkness.

The small planes gradually landed on the airstrip at TamaMedia Stadium. Bright spotlights angled up onto the sides of the stadium, emphasizing the features of the façade. NetOps from around the world disembarked from their planes and entered the Stadium's grand foyer. Each and every one of them was awed by the massive architecture inside and out.

No officials besides the stadium stuff appeared as the NetOps milled around the opulent entrance, waiting for the last of the invited NetOps to arrive.

A spokesperson from TamaMedia walked out onto the foyer's balcony once everyone had come in. Kaie Tama stood in such a way that it commanded the entire assembly's attention.

"Welcome to TamaMedia Stadium. This is where you will eat, sleep, play and, of course, participate in the TamaMedia Questing Tournament. As you all know, the tournament will run over six days. There are five levels to compete in; the top six scores after the levels will compete in the finals."

Some of the crowd murmured. Competing in the TamaMedia tournament was going to be harder than they expected; so all the more reason to succeed and declared the tournament winner.

Kaie paused for breath. "I wish every NetOp and NetNavi the best of luck for the TamaMedia Questing Tournament. You have the tomorrow morning to acquaint yourself with the Stadium so please make yourself at home." She left the balcony and an excited crowd behind.

TamaMedia staff showed the contestants to their accommodation and facilities.

The accommodation consisted of five common rooms each connecting five bedrooms. They were on the second and third floors while the net arenas and dining room were on the first. There were also recreational services, such as the spa, swimming pool, and Navi-enabled gym and courts. Each common room had a booklet containing all the rules and regulations of the TamaMedia Questing Tournament.

The NetOps were treated to a banquet in the dining room that night in celebration of the Questing Tournament. Mr. and Mrs. Tama were in attendance; they wished people a good tournament when they circled the room and mingled with the NetOps after dinner had finished. It was unusual that Kaie Tama was not present at the banquet, as she was the one who had greeted them and it was rumoured that she would be opening the Questing Tournament the next day.

The majority of the rooms had their lights out not long after. Most of the NetOps wanted enough time to explore the Stadium before the commencement of the TamaMedia Tournament.

Maylu accidentally found out that a pen pal of hers, Skylar and her NetNavi Blossom, were also contestants in the Questing Tournament. They hadn't written to each other after they had received their invitations so they didn't know the other was there until Maylu messaged Skylar. The girls thought the meeting was quite funny as Skylar had been in the suite of rooms next to Maylu, on the end of the floor.

Lan met Tora and KingMan in the hallways while he was exploring and getting a little lost too. They chatted for a bit and exchanged happenings; delighted they could verse each other again in a different battling format.

A few people greeted Chaud when he was viewed around the Stadium's floors. A couple of them had had dealings with BlazeQuest Games and as Vice-President Chaud had been the one closing their deals. There were five people that he didn't know the names of but they had known his. It wasn't surprising due to the fact of his known association with his family's business and celebrity as a stunning NetBattler when he was younger. Though Chaud wasn't the hit thing as much anymore, he hadn't given up being the best he could.


Many of the NetOps had an early lunch before preparing for the first level; the tournament levels were scheduled for 1pm each day. The NetOps gathered in the stadium's arena, surrounded by the empty stands. The floor space was large so they had room enough to spread out, all anticipating the tournament ahead.

Kaie Tama stepped onto the platform raised off the ground so all could see. "Here is where each of the levels will take place. The levels are based on accuracy, speed, initiative and creativeness. Remember in each level you are part of a team and everything depends on both of your performances in each level."

She held out her hands. "Welcome your partners, NetOps." Kaie got down and disappeared again.

The Stadium's hologram technology was switched on and every single NetOp had their NetNavi standing by their sides.

MegaMan held his hand out to Lan. "We're going to win this Lan."

Lan grabbed his hand and nodded. "Let's do it, MegaMan."

The tournament manager, Mr. Danko continued the rest of the proceedings after the shock and greetings of the NetOps and NetNavis died down. "Level One is designed to test your speed. Both the NetOp and the NetNavi have to complete the obstacle course with the fastest time possible. The computer will rank the NetOps, awarding points and the same with the NetNavis. All levels are out of 50 points. Please take a seat in the stands and wait your turn."

Every NetOp and Navi waited their turn in the stands, watching their competition's performances. The NetTeams had been allocated identification numbers for the duration of the tournament. Each number was called out after the previous team finished.

The obstacle course was identical for both the NetOp and the NetNavi, who ran the course at the same time. However there was a wall separating the courses so the partners could not see each other.

The NetOp identified as Brice took to the arena, her Navi PhoenixMan next to her. She was a relative unknown to half of the NetOps in attendance. Brice was entirely dressed in long, dark grey clothes with black finger-less gloves and black shoes; her hair was long and black and had been left untied. Those in the stands wondered about her mobility dressed like that. They even wondered about PhoenixMan, for he had wing feathers coming out of his forearms to consider.

Brice and PhoenixMan started the level at a sprint. They moved in, around, over and under the course with ease, as if they had been born with flexible bodies. Brice finished soon after PhoenixMan had; it was the smallest difference time run so far.

Chaud and ProtoMan had nearly the same result as Brice and PhoenixMan. ProtoMan was a lot faster than Chaud but Chaud managed to get the second smallest difference time; it was closer to the third time than the first.

Lan and MegaMan didn't have a brilliant run. MegaMan was fast and flexible, getting a good time. On the other hand Lan slowed on some of the obstacles but made up time sprinting between them, (must have been all the times he was late to get somewhere).

Maylu and Roll got average times as neither of them had concentrated on the speed of their flexibility before. They didn't worry too much as there were bound to be other levels they were good at.

At last the final pair had taken their run on the obstacle course and Level One of the Questing Tournament was over. The solid hologram technology was only installed in the arenas so the NetNavis returned to their PET every time their NetOp left the arena.


The curtains on the windows were drawn, letting just enough light into the room to see the dense shadows of the furniture.

Brice navigated her way around the room. The disguise could not be dropped, but that didn't stop her relaxing. The NetOp flopped onto the bed, leaving the PET standing on the side table. She wondered about the activities of the other NetOps. No doubt they were happily enjoying the Stadium's facilities.

The bluish green of Brice's eyes reflected the light of the PET. She sighed heavily. It was hard pretending to the other NetOps like this. But her brother asked her to, so how could she refuse.

PhoenixMan was adjusting to the PET, not being used to some of the restraints. Freedom was a sacrifice he willingly made to gain this experience. Phoenix was keeping a link with him. It may have been just for her NetOp but PhoenixMan was thankful for it anyway. In so many ways she was like his sister; it was comforting.

PhoenixMan appeared to be designed along similar lines to Phoenix. He had black forearm wing feathers and short black hair. Red shoulder pads and a red v across his chest were PhoenixMan's differences to the gold suit with the red belt and black calf boots. The headgear on PhoenixMan was the same as Phoenix's except for the triangle over the top of his head. His symbol was shown on his belt and headgear.

Brice allowed herself to drift off.


The arena had been split up into cubicles big enough to fit five comfortably and had been sound proofed. A monitor and keyboard had been set up in each one. Aisles ran between each box so the NetOps were able to leave after they had completed the level.

Each cubicle was numbered so the NetTeams went straight to their assigned post and waited for Mr. Danko.

"Level Two is designed to test your deductive skills therefore there are riddles for you to solve. Each riddle will be displayed on the monitor. Once you key in your correct answer the next riddle will be displayed. Your rankings will be based on your completion time, as you will not get the next riddle until you have answered the riddle correctly. If you do not complete the level within the time limit of an hour, the scores will depend on how many riddles have been completed."

The NetTeams read the first riddle:

Shakes the leaves
It carries on
Shapes the seas
From flat to foam
Constant whips
Erodes the cliffs
Greatly known to you and me
What is the thing that you can't see?

The tournament officials observed their progress. NetTeams 3, 14, 20 and 24 were the first to figure out the answer and punch in the letters. They went onto the next one. The riddle must not have been too hard, for the rest of the NetTeams soon solved it and continued; the level had been designed so all the NetTeams would reach the second riddle.

It can be red
It can be blue
Harder than diamond
It cuts it in two

The majority got this within five minutes of reading it and moved on; but the next riddle proved to be a brainteaser.

I am useful
Place me anywhere
You can see me every day
I am in every colour palette
I am high, I am low
I can stop you when you're on the go
I open to let air inside
Therefore what am I?

The half-hour ticked over and half the NetTeams were still on the third riddle. The rest had been on the fourth riddle:

What goes up must come down
So what's the force that has them bound?

Before the NetTeams could complete the level they had to answer two questions about the riddles' answers. The questions asked what the answers to riddles one and four have in common and the same with riddles two and three.

Twenty NetTeams finished Level Two within the hour time limit. Maylu and Roll, Audrey and Obelix, Brice and PhoenixMan, and Yoshi and Swift were the fastest of the competition. Chaud and Lan came into the second fastest group. The NetTeams gathered around the scoreboard outside the arena to find out their scores and who was in the lead after two levels. Those who didn't finish were disappointed at not completing the level but pleased that they were still getting points for their attempt. They wandered off to do their own thing and relax.


AN3: so what do you think of my Questing Tournament? Why not tell me and review. reviews are good
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