Categories > Games > Mega Man > Phoenix Evolution

Level 3

by darkskysong 0 reviews

Level three of the Questing Tournament is completed.

Category: Mega Man - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure - Characters: Other - Published: 2006-06-11 - Updated: 2006-06-12 - 2134 words

AN: I don't own any characters or names affiliated with the MegaMan NT Warrior series. But I do own everything else.


Chapter Eight - Level Three

"No. No. No."

"Come on Lan. Don't you trust me?" MegaMan wheedled.

"I trust you with my life," MegaMan smirked, "but that doesn't mean you have to purposely put it danger." Lan crossed his arms. "I won't do it."

The Navi shrugged his arms. "That's okay Lan. I'll just go find someone else who is daring enough." As soon as he turned away he said, "I wonder if Chaud is free."

Lan grabbed MegaMan's forearm. The NetNavi smiled, he knew that would get his attention. No matter how long Lan and Chaud had been friends, they will always keep a spark of rivalry going.

"Okay I'll do it." He let go of his Navi and admonished with a finger. "But you better not put me in hospital or anything."

The wide grin MegaMan wore had gotten even bigger. "Don't worry so much. This will be good for you."

"Hmph." Lan walked abreast with MegaMan towards one of the net arenas. The boy still thought the idea of sparring with MegaMan a little stupid as Navis were built more powerful than humans were.

MegaMan reached for the arena control panel and entered instructions for their match. He shook his head a little at Lan for forgetting that the TamaMedia arenas could reduce the power level of Navis so they could fight on even footing. Lan never thought about training his own body except for endurance during NetBattles. After Level One MegaMan had argued with Lan that if they wanted to win, Lan would have to do some training and they could take advantage of the high-tech facilities between the levels.

The arena door slid closed and locked behind the still nervous Lan. The holographic technology outfitted Lan in NetNavi gear over his training garb of black singlet and trousers. The protection soothed some of his qualms as Lan surveyed the stylish, tight fitting gear of navy colouring. MegaMan rolled his eyes at Lan's fascination and shifted position in readiness. Lan also stepped into his fighting stance. Over the years Lan had taken to the endurance of martial arts training; it was also a reason why Lan had gotten through the first level with a good time.

A holographic clock in the centre of the arena counted down to begin fighting with three short beeps. The net arena would time their sparring and record the statistics of the session so they could analyse it afterwards.

Brice gazed around the open and airy gym with outer walls of glass, giving a curt nod to the NetOps that met her eye. She noticed MegaMan by arena 5 with a disgruntled Lan standing behind him. The NetOp caught PhoenixMan's attention and nodded in the other team's direction.

"What do you make of that?"

"An attempt to gain a lot of bruises."

Brice chuckled. "Lan must need help if MegaMan's dragging him into a net arena."

"Oh I don't know. Maybe MegaMan wants to pay a bit of revenge in the disguise of training."

"Whatever the reason, I'm glad someone took the initiative to find out how the arenas could be used."

PhoenixMan grunted in agreement.

The partners observed in silence the two in arena 5 through the thick, tinted glass running the entire length of the wall, as MegaMan gave Lan a sound workout. Another NetTeam borrowed MegaMan's idea and occupied arena 1 with rigorous sparring.

PhoenixMan had been trying to get his NetOp's attention for the last minute. He finally tugged at Brice's sleeve. "Ah Brice, you got to go."

The tug snapped her contemplation of the other teams. She turned her face toward him. "What?"

"You have to be some where, remember?" PhoenixMan put his hands on his hips and stared at Brice in a brotherly way.

She smiled at his familiar gesture. "Oh right. Thanks PhoenixMan," the NetOp said and walked briskly from the gym.

PhoenixMan shook his head while a grin enhanced his expression. Brice was very mature for her age but she still needed looking after on the odd occasion.


Mr. Danko waited patiently as the NetOps filed into the stadium. The NetTeams arranged themselves along the white line that Mr. Danko stood in front of. Behind him were five pedestals with a silver platter on top spread out in a single line.

"I trust you are all ready for the third level of this tournament." The man waved a hand at the pedestals. "As you can see five NetTeams will be competing at a time. This level will test reflexes and accuracy. The plate holds seven chips, one for each round. At the red light signal NetOps need to pick up and download the correct chip indicated for that round. At the green light signal NetNavis need to shoot down the clay pigeon the colour of their pedestal." Mr. Danko stepped to the side. "NetTeams 1 to 5 take your places."

The rest of the contestants gathered in the stands to watch until it was their turn.

Tora, Chaud, Maylu, Skylar, Lan and their Navis sat together near the front of the stands. Maylu had introduced Skylar to the boys earlier in the tournament.

"This has to be one of the strangest things I'll ever do" commented Lan.

Skylar raised an eyebrow. "Why do you say that? It's just like trap shooting."

"Never heard of it" he said guilelessly.

"Lan doesn't know much sport besides NetBattling" Maylu offered an excuse for Lan.

Blossom took it upon herself to explain. "Trap shooting is where someone shoots a clay disk, called a pigeon, flying through the air with a rifle."

Chaud decided to rub it in. "The sport is retained from the famous Summer Olympics held years and years ago."

Skylar and Maylu giggled behind their hands at Lan's awkwardness while he soaked up this new knowledge for future reference. The NetNavis did a better job of hiding their smiles and laughter.

Suddenly MegaMan threw himself into the group and pulled Lan to the floor. The others were pushed back and down by his actions. A loud thunk heralded the reason of the Navi's abrupt intrusion. Each and every one of their eyes widened in utter surprise. An arrow had lodged itself deeply in the chair behind them, still wobbling from the force of the impact. Chaud, ProtoMan, Tora and KingMan swivelled around to the arena floor to find the perpetrator of the loose arrow.

NetTeam 2, Amber and CrystalMan had their hands up in supplication. "We're really sorry about that" they called.

"Don't worry," Tora shouted back, "just watch it next time."

Meanwhile, MegaMan, Lan and the girls had picked themselves from under the chairs and off the stand floor. Lan used open palms to swat the dirt away. He looked over his person but there were only minor scratches.

Blossom pulled the arrow out of its resting place and examined the deep hole in the chair. "That was an excellent save by MegaMan." She tapped Lan on the forehead with the shaft. "Else there would be a nice big hole in your thick skull," Blossom mocked.

Lan snatched the arrow from the Navi's taunting hand. "It wouldn'tve been that bad, would it?"

Roll sighed and rolled her eyes. "Hello, earth to Lan. There is solid hologram technology installed in here." She recruited MegaMan to help poke Lan, making her point physically.

He dropped the arrow. "Ow! Not fair. Stop! I get it" Lan said amongst his attempts of fighting off the NetNavis' hands.

"Glad to hear it" Roll said smugly.

KingMan elbowed Chaud to get his attention. "Aren't you in the next group?" The NetOp nodded. "They're calling your group down for prep." He pointed to where Mr. Danko and another man stood just inside the arena floor.

"Come on ProtoMan." Chaud jumped over a seat. "Let's go show these teams what real reflexes are all about."

ProtoMan saluted his NetOp as he had when Chaud was younger. "Yes sir."

The boy waved him off. "Mock all you like, but we have a tournament to win."

The NetTeam joined the other four of the second group. The lot back in the stands surveyed Chaud's competition.

"Brice and PhoenixMan will certainly give Chaud and ProtoMan a run for their money" Lan observed.

"Delano and DarkMan must have incredible talent if TamaMedia invited them to the tournament," Roll wavered. "They just started a serious career in NetBattling."

MegaMan put his 2 cents in. "I don't think Delano will agree with you on that Roll. Didn't he lose the first round of the N1 Grad Prix last month?"

"Kaie Tama isn't a pushover" Tora snorted.

"I wonder if Kaie was the one who chose Delano and DarkMan" Roll continued. "She seems to be able to understand people just by battling them."

"Does any body know anything about Connell and SilverMan or Jack and KnaveMan?" asked Maylu.

Skylar piped up. "Ah, Connell is a cousin of mine."

Tora shifted in his seat so he could face Skylar directly. "So NetBattling runs in the family?" he said interestedly.

"Kind of. Connell taught me how to NetBattle when I was younger. His style has somewhat rubbed off on me but I still add my own flavour."

"Since you're his cousin, how is he going to go with that group?"

Blossom snickered quietly behind her hand. Tora was being so obvious it almost hurt watching him smile at her NetOp.

"If they don't totally stuff up the aiming," Skylar said bluntly. "I think he'll wind up ranking after Chaud."

KingMan rolled his eyes, unimpressed by his NetOp's antics. "What about Jack and KnaveMan?"

"Nope, I've heard nothing about them" said Lan.

"Maybe they're jacks of all trades" MegaMan interjected.

"Ha ha MegaMan." KingMan rolled his eyes again.

"We'll just have to wait and see," Maylu cut in. "The rounds seem to be going fast."

"Yes" Lan answered. "Soon it will be us down there."

And sure enough as Lan predicted he, MegaMan, Maylu and Roll were standing in their group waiting to start, in what seemed to be no time at all. Lan and MegaMan, NetTeam 12, stood at the orange pedestal second from the left, the same one Chaud and ProtoMan had been at. Maylu and Roll, NetTeam 14, had a lime pedestal second from the right.

NetTeam 12 surveyed the seven chips on the silver platter. They were arranged alphabetically in a straight line and ranged in elements. Most of them were common chips yet there were a couple of rare ones thrown in amongst them.

The signals were stationed on the other side of arena, straight across from each of the pedestals. They were shaped like the traffic lights back in DenTech City. /Maybe they were traffic lights/, Lan mused.

He turned to MegaMan on his left; they had a little time before the group started. "What do you think?"

"Get them to me and I won't steer us wrong." He gave his NetOp the thumbs up.

Lan returned the gesture. MegaMan crouched slightly in anticipation while Lan gripped his PET in a better position. Then they waited for their signals.

NetTeam 11 hit the edge of their aqua coloured pigeon with Air Shot. Lan tensed in readiness. Red. He glanced at the platter to make sure he picked up the right chip and downloaded it in a few seconds. MegaMan steadied his arm with the new artillery. Green. An orange pigeon shot out from right to left. In a second the Navi aimed and fired at the fast-flying disk. It exploded with a direct hit to the centre.

The delay between the NetTeams' turns was minimal so the shots seemed simultaneous. The next chip was Heat Shot and resulted in the same way for Lan and MegaMan. Thus NetTeam 12 performed nearly perfect rounds with Bamboo Lance, Roll Arrow, Magnum and Gun Del Sol EX. The only clay pigeon that didn't completely break was in the final round with the Final Gun battle chip.

Maylu, Lan and their NetNavis clambered into the stands again after they finished the level. Skylar and Tora were already down in the arena, ready to rock and roll. Lan noticed that they were one place to the right of where he and Maylu applied their reflexes.

Ah, in no time at all, the five NetTeams were gathered together again. They chatted animatedly about previous NetBattles while the last five participants completed the third level. No one missed the signal when the NetTeams were dismissed, and as usual didn't linger in the arena longer than they had to. There was fun to have elsewhere in the TamaMedia Stadium and Lan couldn't forget the buffet in the dining room.


AN2: Wow, I got this chapter done. Much appreciate a review.
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