Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Turn Away

Chapter 1

by lindsaykilljoy 1 review

Liz is already having trouble.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-10-17 - Updated: 2011-10-23 - 1177 words

The bell for second period sounded in my ears and I quickly cleaned up my table of paint and brushes. AP Art tended to be a messy class, but I never really minded. I clutched my sketchbook and water color painting tightly in my hand and headed through the halls on the way to my next period. Lunch. It was like dogging a hail of bullets just trying to walk in a straight line. The school was crowded with kids I didn’t really know, and didn’t care to. I scowled as they bumped and nudged me, but shook it off and continued my way to the cafeteria.

Through the midst of people I finally saw Alex, sitting at our usual table waiting for me. I had always liked how he waited for me to sit down before eating his lunch. Alex and I were about as close as two human beings could get. We had been the best of friends since freshmen year, and I was ecstatic when he finally made the move to ask me out summer after of Sophomore year. Now as Seniors, we were still pretty inseparable. I didn’t talk to other people really, besides Alex. We both liked video games and movies. We could just be content with one another. And I enjoyed it. I didn’t have to impress him much. If I showed up in a rugged hoodie, he would still kiss me as if I was the only person in the room. However, that was sometimes the only thing we could agree on. Sex. It was great, but sometimes the only thing we could keep in common. Don’t get me wrong, we got along most the time. But he was the kind of guy that agreed a lot when you wanted an opinion and would stare at your chest an entire conversation. He didn’t care for art much, which bummed me out, but I guess not everyone could like it.

“What time should I get you for the movie premiere next Friday?” Alex asked while he munched down on a roast beef sub. I ripped open my bag of pretzels trying to think of my plans for that day.
“Oh! That’s next Friday….” I trailed off remembering my original plans.

Alex turned to look out the unwashed cafeteria window, and sighed. “You forgot.”

“Uh…No…” I was lying through my teeth. “ I just thought it was a…different Friday…”

“Oh c’mon Liz, You always pull this on me.” He said

“Do not! I’m being serious!” I defended myself.

“So am I!” his voice raised. “ I thought we made these plans two weeks ago, and now you’re blowing me off!”

“I have been busy!” I complained. It was true. I really have had a lot of work to do. Between work, school, and taking care of my aunt, there wasn’t much time to spare for me.

“It’s just that…” I continued, “I had made other plans for that night.”

He seemed to get more angry by the second. But lets face it. I spend most of my time with the kid anyway, and one Friday apart shouldn’t kill him. “Oh really? Well what other marvelous plans did you have besides ditching me?” he said sarcastically.

He was making me feel bad now. “ Well Brea had bought tickets to this art show that night, and I already promised her.”

“Like you promised me?" he scolded

Ok I deserved that one. But I didn’t need the sass from him right now. He was making my fresh lunch taste sour. “Look” I said. “Stuff comes up, and you don’t need to bitch at me for changing plans on you. And I am sorry, but you can take one of your friends with you or something. Problem resolved.”

“ I don’t think it is.” Alex said staring at the table.

“What do you mean, I just told you what to do.” I was confused. I didn’t understand Alex’s moods sometimes.

“I mean us, Liz. We are a problem. Me and you want just two different things right now and maybe we should…”

I cut him off. “Don’t you dare…don’t you dare fucking say ‘take a break.’ I wont come back if you do that.” I was mad now. After all the bullshit. He was the main cause of me not having more friends than I should. His constant whining and hostility towards others made them shy away. However, I shied towards him. I thought he was just misunderstood, which is why we became close. Brea was my only good friend, actually. And she didn’t even go to the same school as me. She went to a higher class, very private, very rich, boarding school. I could talk to her on the phone or online during the week but could only physically see her on the weekends.

“I’m sorry, Liz. But we have to. If you don’t think so, then its just for my sake. I need space.” Alex kept talking. “ But if you still want, we can keep hooking up. Ya know? Still have our own fun without the relationship hassle.”

“You are the biggest ass, you know that?” I yelled

He tried to calm me down. “Oh C’mon baby, don’t be like that…”

“No! After all this time…I didn’t realize I was such a hassle!” I screamed and grabbed all of my stuff off the lunch table. I stood up and started out of the cafeteria feeling the surrounding eyes on me, while I made my dramatic exit.


“Fuck you!” I screamed, and out the door I was.

I made my way out of the cafeteria and down the hall to my locker, not stopping to catch my breath from anxiety, or to even look where I was going for that matter. Suddenly a saw a flash of black and collided with a solid figure in front of me. I dropped my water color painting and fell to ground smack my head on another’s in the process.

“Oh shit!” I heard an unfamiliar voice say as a pale hand from above reached out.

“Damnit.” I stated, almost to myself, as I noticed my stuff on scattered around me and being the only person who actually fell.
I ignored the hand in front of me and tried to gather my stuff before stampedes of other students bombarded the hallways. I noticed the hand was slowly retracted away from my face, but the body attached was still placed in front of me.

“You know,” The unfamiliar voice said. “When someone reaches out their hand, you’re supposed to take it.”

“Well maybe next time you should look where you’re walking.” I smirked as I peered up to see the most stunning image to grace my eyes.

The unfamiliar face smiled. “You’re right.” the person said, as they reached their hand out one more time for me.
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