Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Angelic Romance....My Angel Drop Out

Monsters Under My Bed.....Its All In My Head

by SimplexMinded 3 reviews

He could only watch as Gerard fell limp from being knocked out.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Fantasy,Romance,Sci-fi - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-10-21 - Updated: 2011-10-22 - 1887 words - Complete

Frank didn’t know how long they had been walking before they found a small town. He could tell it was in upstate New Jersey due to the fact that there wasn’t much around other than a few small buildings. The people in the town eyed them as they walked down the streets, clearly unsettled by the 2 half-naked boys walking down the street. Gerard grabbed Frank and pulled him close as they made their way to a small clothing store in an attempt to find new clothes. A young woman greeted them at the counter. She looked like she was about the age of 19 and had a lip ring with black hair.

She smiled at them as they entered “Hello. Can I help you with something?”

2 things surprised Frank. The first being that he hadn’t expected to see a punk rock chick all the way out here and the second was that she seemed to be unaffected by their lack of clothes. He opened his mouth to speak but Gerard beat him to it.

“We’re just looking.” He kept his head down and pulled Frank to the back of the store. They shifted through the racks, trying to find something that would fit them as well as keep them warm.

“How are we going to get them out of here?” Frank whispered, hopping the girl at the front wasn’t listening.

“I’ll take everything out as you pulled her over to the corner where she can’t see the exit. Act like you have a question or need something.” He didn’t look at Frank as he whispered back, his focus on the clothes in his hands.

Frank nodded. “Tell me when.”

Gerard looked up, telling Frank it was his turn to take over in the theft. Frank made his way over to the counter, leaning on it with a small smile. “I have a question.”

She looked up from what she was doing t smile at him. “And what would that be?”

“There is something over here in the back that I can’t seem to get to……” He lowered his head and looked embarrassed.

She smiled and walked from around the counter. “Of coarse. Show me where it is.”

As Frank made his way back to where the ‘Object’ was, Gerard made his way to the front of the store. Frank could only hope that this would work like Gerard made it sound. Not that he cared if they got caught, they were already on the run for murder and kidnapping what was some theft to the record?

“Its that shirt right there.” He pointed to a dull blue shirt hanging on the wall to high for him to reach. The girl smiled, grabbing a rod to pull it down as Gerard slipped out the door. Frank saw him in the corner of his eye and smiled to himself that the robbery had worked. The girl pulled it down and held the shirt out to him. “Here ya go. You wana try it on?”

Frank went to say yes but Gerard shouted from the exit. “Come on Frank! We’re guna be late!”

Frank sighed. “I’ll come back. I have to go! I’m sorry!” He shouted as he ran towards the exit smiling at Gerard. The greeted each other with a small hug before leaving to fetch the clothes that had been dumped.

Gerard smiled at Frank. “Nice work.”

Frank laughed, throwing on the newly acquired black shirt. “Thanks. I never thought I could steel anything. I was always the good kid in a bad home.”

Gerard didn’t know whether to laugh or hug the boy so he settled for a little bit of both. He wrapped his arm loosely around Frank’s shoulder laughing lightly, his voice full of sarcasm. “Cause I’m so much better for you.”

Frank pulled away, stepping in front of Gerard and walking backwards. “You are.”

Gerard pulled at Frank’s hands lightly, still walking Frank backwards. “And how’s that?”

Frank tilted his head. “Well, your sweet but you don’t like to show it though. You protect me but not because you have to. You could drop me like a rock but you don’t. You take care of me…..that’s something no has ever done before.”

Gerard stopped walking, bringing Frank to a halt as well. Frank looked up only to be met with a soft loving gaze. He was pulled into a sweet kiss, Gerard’s hands on each side of his face. When they pulled back, Gerard smiled and whispered in Frank’s ear. “Sugar we’re going down swinging.”

Frank smiled. “I’ll be your number one with the bullet.”

A stick crunched behind them making them both look for what had made the noise. Their eyes grew wide with fear when they saw what was standing in front of them. A large dog like thing with sharp teeth overlapping its upper and lower lips. Its eyes were black and its skin was covered in fur that looked like it went through a meet grinder. It kind of reminded Frank of something out of Resident Evil. Its tail was mostly bone, its legs eaten away by maggots, flesh hanging loosely from the open wounds. Sitting on top of this…..thing was a girl with long black hair and blood red eyes. Her black wings were spread open as she held onto the reins of the monster, keeping it from rearing back and attacking. “Gerard Way. Under direct order of The Union, you are under arrest for treason. Should you put up a fight, your actions will result in death.”

Frank screamed as the girl charged Gerard, grabbing his neck and throwing him on the back of the monster. He could only watch as Gerard fell limp from being knocked out. The girl turned around and stared at him for a moment, looking him up and down in disgust before running off into the woods. Frank tried to chase after them but quickly lost them and he collapsed in a pile on the cold, wet ground. His face was stained with tears and he had no idea what to do. His fingers gripped the ground, pulling at the leaves, pounding the dirt with his fists in a helpless anger. His mind raced for any way to save Gerard and suddenly he got an idea. Frank stood up quickly, dirt and leaves coming up with him as he started to run back to the main roads. His feet moved on its own as he ran towards Gerard’s apartment that was most likely crawling with surveillance from the police.

Frank’s legs screamed at him to top running and his breath was ragged but he refused to slow down. The apartment may be the only way to contact Mikey.

Mikey laughed as he sat across from Andy in a small coffee shop, enjoying this freedom from The Union. He knew he had to go back before Alicia woke up or it would be a shit storm but for now, he was content drinking coffee and talking to the pink haired girl in front of him.

“So, I was like, What the hell dude? American Idiot is awesome but Dookie kicks it ass!” She threw her hands in the air, almost spilling her coffee making Mikey laugh harder.

“Your crazy! You know that? Awesome but crazy!” He choked out between laughs.

Andy grinned “I’m not crazy….I’m just a little unwell.”

Mikey’s eyes got wide. “Oh hell yeah!!!! Matchbox 20!”

Andy started laughing again. “Lets play a game!”

“Ok!” He laughed at how childish he was being. He hadn’t been able to relax and have fun for a while and he was really loving it.

“Its called the lyrics game. We go back and forth having a conversation using nothing but lyrics. Got it?”

“Your on!” Mikey half screamed.

Andy put her finger to her lips. “Ummm…..Hey ho, lets go!”

Mikey smiled. “Lets start a riot, a riot!”

“You think your pretty tough so lets throw down!”

“You never thought I’d be the one who’s laughing now, now that your going down!”

“Wake up so sick of waiting for us to make a move!”

“Move and show me what you can do, when you step into the circle and shake it like we do, just move!”

“Punch your lights out hit the pavement that’s what I call entertainment!”

“It ain’t the money and it sure as hell ain’t just for the fame, its all the bodies I claim!”

“Let the bodies hit the floor!”

“What goes up will surely fall and I’m counting down he time.“

“Why do you always kick me when I’m high? Knock me down till we see eye to eye?”

“Like the naked leads the blind, I know I’m selfish I’m unkind.”

“No one cares when your out on the street, picking up the pieces to make ends meet.”

“No one cares when your down in the gutter got no friends got no lover.”

They paused for a moment before laughing. Andy smacked the table. “That was awesome! I haven’t gone that long for a long time!”

Mikey smiled. “I know my music.”

Mikey felt a sudden pain in his chest and he screamed, gripping his shirt. Andy’s eyes got wide and she stood up, rushing over to his side. “Mikey! What’s wrong?”

He knew what was going on but he couldn’t tell Andy. Tears stung his eyes and he knew that The Union at his brother.

This is all the songs that the lyrics came from. Just incase anyone wanted to know or check out the songs, they are all very awesome!
[*“Hey ho, lets go!”-Blitzkrieg Bop-The Ramones

[* “Lets start a riot, a riot!”-Riot-Three Days Grace

[*“You think your pretty tough so lets throw down!”-Last One Standing-Simple Plan

[*“You never thought I’d be the one who’s laughing now, now that your going down!”-Goin Down-Three Days Grace

[*“Wake up so sick of waiting for us to make a move!”-Make A Move-Lostprophets

[*“Move and show me what you can do, when you step into the circle and shake it like we do, just move!”-Move-Thousand Foot Krutch

[*“Punch your lights out hit the pavement that’s what I call entertainment!”-Lights Out-Mindless Self Indulgence

[*“It ain’t the money and it sure as hell ain’t just for the fame, its all the bodies I claim!”-I never told you what I do for a living-MCR

[*“Let the bodies hit the floor!”-Bodies-Drowning Pool

[*“What goes up will surely fall and I’m counting down he time.“-Hit the Floor-Linkin Park

[*“Why do you always kick me when I’m high? Knock me down till we see eye to eye?”-Right Now-SR-71

[*“Like the naked leads the blind, I know I’m selfish I’m unkind.”-Every Me and Every You-Placebo

[*“No one cares when your out on the street, picking up the pieces to make ends meet.”-For What Its Worth-Placebo

[*“No one cares when your down in the gutter got no friends got no lover.”-For What Its Worth-Placebo

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