Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Dirty Little Secret...

The Cashier

by yorgismorgi 0 reviews

Gerard experiences the weirdest shopping trip ever...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2011-10-22 - Updated: 2011-10-22 - 425 words

I looked my shopping list. "Bread,butter,eggs and...Um, Mikey?" I said. "Yea?" he had a weird smile on his face.
"What is Never Say Never?? Did you write it on the list?" I asked him, hoping it wasnt what I thought it was. "Oh. Its, um..yeah cuz.....I just...its the new Justin Bieber Movie!" he stuttered."Mikey this is a grocery store,they don't sell movies. Go to the movie store around the corner and I'll get the food then let's meet at Starbucks". I said. He agreed on that and left the store to get his movie.
But I really didn't want Mikey watching that and running around the house saying Bieber quotes and singing his songs.Miley Cyrus was bad enough! It took me half an hour to get the food, considering I didn't know they stocked the bread in the junk food aisle. Since Mikey works here, I figured he did that. I made my way to the 10 items or less checkout.
The cashier quickly scanned my items while I tried to get out my credit card to swipe it. "Your total is $8.72" The cashier said. His silver name tag said "Frank".
I swiped my card, entered my PIN number, and started getting the groceries.
"Sir, your card was denied." The cashier said. The people behind me started to laugh, but the cashier didn't laugh. Instead he kept a straight face and just stared at me. He had hazel eyes and a silver lip ring. He had a black mohawk, with the short hair on the side of his head dyed dark red. He also had many tattoos, half of them I didn't even know what they were!
I handed...I think his name was Frank...$10 cash. I remembered I let Mikey borrow my card for the day last Monday! Probably why it was denied, I shoulda' known better. In a rush to get out, I fumbled for my wallet and stuffed the card back in. I left the store to go meet Mikey at Starbucks, the annoying little voices in my head told me to look back.
I did and I met the eyes of Frank again. He didn't seem to mind that I had noticed him staring. He broke the gaze because some old lady was hitting him with a bag of carrots saying he should be paying attention to his customers. I found it funny but still I was creeped out....Anyway, I met Mikey at Starbucks, and then we walked the short walk home.
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