Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Tell Me Where We Go From Here

Good Riddance

by killjoy_lockandload 1 review

Hazel meets Gerard. It doesn't go exactly as you would expect. The title is Green Day.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2011-10-22 - Updated: 2011-10-22 - 405 words - Complete

Gerard’s POV
I heard Frank call my name and told me I had someone to meet.
I walked over to Frank and some girl who was next to him.
‘Hey Gerard, I’m Hazel.’
This girl is beautiful. Auburn hair, bright green eyes, flawless pale skin, perfect eyeliner and her shirt is just plain out fucking awesome.
Fuck okay don’t mess this up Gerard.
"H-hi. Y-you like the school s-so far?"
Nice one fuckface.
"Yeah, it’s pretty cool. Thanks to Frankiedoodle over here."
Her first day and she already has a nickname for him. I wonder if she cracked a short joke yet.
"Th-that’s c-cool. So uh we b-better get to class eh?"
"Yeah, let’s go. Bye Frank! See you next period!"
"Later Frank."
"Bye Hazel! Later Gee."
Crap. I’m alone with her. Like I didn’t fuck up enough when Frank was around.
He’s definitely going to laugh at my stuttering later.
Hazel’s POV
‘Bye Hazel! Later Gee.’
And at that moment me and Gerard were alone.
"Let’s go sit."
He followed me to two seats in the middle of the second row.
"So I take it you sing Gerard?"
"A-um a little. I don’t think I’m uh s-so good."
He blushed a bit.
"I’m sure you’re just fine."
The teacher started with warm ups and she gave us a song to sing.
"Good Riddance! I love this song. Seems like I picked a good day to wear my Green Day shirt huh?"
"Ha ha, y-yeah. I love this song t-too."
She had us all around the piano. She asked if anyone knew this song, only me and Gerard raised our hands. These kids need a better music taste.
She had Gerard and I sing it alone. His voice is amazing, and are voices harmonize great together.
Gerard’s POV
She has an incredible voice. We harmonized amazingly together.
It gave me a few minutes to make a complete and utter fool of myself.
I spoke too soon. She started talking to me again.
"So what were you saying about not singing so well?"
"Well I uh-"
"Well you uh are amazing!"
Goddamn she is just too cute.
"ha, thanks."
Way to go moron.
The bell rang.
"Bye Gerard, stop being so shy around me!"
"I’ll try. B-bye."
You are seriously the most fucked up person in New Jersey.
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