Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Tell Me Where We Go From Here

Wake Up Call

by killjoy_lockandload 0 reviews

Hazel has her second class with Ray and has a lovely sight in front of her. The title is Maroon 5.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2011-10-21 - Updated: 2011-10-21 - 365 words - Complete

Hazel’s POV
English blew by pretty fast. A few jokes here and there from Ray and my own input. Ray is just pure awesome.
I walked out of English and sure enough Frank was there.
"Hey Frank!"
Frank’s POV
"Hey, how was English?"
No sooner I asked out pops Ray.
"Sup, Torfro."
"Sup midget."
"I AM NOT A MIDGET! I’M FUN SIZED! Anyways yeah so how was English? I see you met Ray."
"It was good, and yeah he’s a pretty awesome guy."
"Hell yeah. So I’ll take you to Bio right? Then I’ll bring you to choir and I’ll see you in P.E. One of the gym doors is like right across the chorus room."
"Yeah bio, cool thanks."
"You’re welcome."
Hazel’s POV
I got to Bio and saw Ray.
"Hey Ray!"
"Hey Hazel, long time no see."
Oh good, these people have sarcasm.
"Right? So how is this class?"
"This class is pretty chill. Mr. Hampton is alright."
The class went by really slow. Mr. Hampton is pretty boring. I almost fell asleep until Ray elbowed me in the arm.
"Ow, dude!"
"Be happy, he yells if someone falls asleep in his class."
"And you said he was cool?"
The period ended and as promised Frank was there.
"Hey there short stuff."
"Shush you and me are like the same height."
“But I’m an average height for my age."
"Shut it! Ready for choir? I’ll introduce you to Gerard."
"Awesome, let’s do it!"
He walked me to the auditorium stage.(apparently they have choir on the stage here too.)
There’s a few people there and a guy. This guy looks pretty cool. First off he was really pale. He was wearing a misfits tee, black skinny jeans with a few small rips in them, black eyeliner and beautiful raven black hair. This guy as seriously gorgeous.
I snapped out of my staring session when I heard Frank talk.
"Hey Gerard, I want you to meet someone."
That was Gerard? Let’s hope I don’t make a fool of myself.
Here goes everything.
"Hey Gerard, I’m Hazel."
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