Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Tell Me Where We Go From Here

I Caught Fire

by killjoy_lockandload 1 review

Hazel talks with Frank, finds out her classes and meets the next person. Two down, two to go. The title is The Used.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] [!!] - Published: 2011-10-20 - Updated: 2011-10-20 - 435 words - Complete

Frank‘s POV
Hazel was listening to her ipod on the way to the office.
I was trying to see what she was listening too.
She also almost went straight into a wall and that’s when I called her name
"Wait, what?"
"Ha ha, well first watch out where you’re going. Second I was asking what you were listening too."
"Oh, sorry, I’m listening to Queen."
"I love Queen, they’re pretty awesome."
"Fuck yeah."
We arrived at the main office.
I waited for her outside the office.
When I heard her say to the lady,
"Thanks, you too."
"Soo tell me, tell me! What are your classes?"
"Chill out, I have English, biology, choir, P.E/study hall, AP history, band and pre calculus."
"Cool we have P.E/study hall and band together. You and my friend Gerard have choir together. I’ll introduce you to him later. You have English and Bio with my other friend Ray and pre calc with Gerard’s brother Mikey."
"Great, which means Apush I’m alone."
"Don’t worry we have the same lunch shift. So I’ll take you to English."
"Cool thanks Frank."
"No problem."
I walked her to English. She’s awesome, great sense of style and music and I can’t wait for her to meet the guys. Lunch will be awesome.
Hazel’s POV
I’m seriously worried about Apush. Alone? I mean who knows if the other guys Frank hangs around with will like me. Oh well, I’ll find out sooner or later.
I find my seat, I sit next to some guy Raymond. Possibly Ray? I sit in my seat and this guy, who seems pretty cool awesome fro, sits next to me.
"Hey I’m Ray."
"Hi, I’m Hazel."
"New girl, right? Your aunt talked to my uncle. He works with newcomers and shit like that."
"Cool. So are you friends with Frank?"
"Like best friends. He told me you two were talking this morning."
"Yeah, is he always that hyper in the morning?"
"Awesome, by the way sweet fro!"
"Ha! Thanks."
Well Ray seems cool. Can’t wait to meet Gerard and Mikey.
Ray’s POV
This girl is so sweet, she also like my fro. She’ll fit right in with us.
She’s so mysterious though. I really want to get to know her more.
Gerard is going to really like her.
So far Frank does and I know I do. Hopefully she likes comics and movies because I can see her hanging out with us a lot.
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