Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The day my life changed forever.

The day my life changed forever.

by raezorrstorm 1 review

When natalie's world is turned upside down, will ayone help her? I suck at summaries, so read and find out :)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] [R] - Published: 2011-10-23 - Updated: 2011-10-23 - 438 words

My name is Natalie. I'm pretty much like any other 16 year old. I'm not exactly what you would call normal though.. I'm schizophrenic. I hear voices in my head and see things that are not there. I've been on my medication for 6 months now. It seems to be working. I'm what the popular people would call 'emo'. I don't like being stereotyped. But there isn't much I can do about it. I wish there was. I have no friends. i don't mind though. I like being alone. I don't like any attention. i tend to shy away from things a lot. It's funny really, my twin sister used to be the exact opposite. She loved being in the spotlight. The centre of attention. I miss her so much. You're probably wondering what happened to her. Well, she was killed. Murdered. I remember the day well. We were both walking back from school. Us being us we were bickering over something pointless.. i forget what. As we turned to go down the alley way that lead to our house, a gang of teenage boys stepped out in front of us. One grabbed my hair and locked my arms behind my back. Another grabbed my sister. 'Evie!' I cried, helpless to do anything but watch, as my sister was shoved against a wall. We were 14 years old. They lifted up her skirt and ripped off her underwear. I tried to scream but i hand covered my mouth, so I could do nothing but wimper as I saw her being continueosly raped, each of the boys taking turns. One pulled out a gun. I watched Evie as they held our her arms, tears streaming down her face. I closed my eyes. i didn't want to see. I tried to fight but they were too strong. I heard a gunshot, the silence. The boy who was holding me span me around so i was facing him. He still had hold of my arms, and i suddenly felt a sharp knife slashing down my shoulder blades. I scresmed at that moment. Not because of the pain, but because of the loss of my sister, and fear of what they were going to do with me. Suddenyl, i heard a 'Hey!' fom the distance. I let out another piercing scream, and the I heard my saviour run down the alley way. The gang of boys ran away. The last thing I remember was passing out next to my sisters corpse, and my mind going blank, trying to forget the events of that day, The day one life ended, and another one ruined.
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