Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Stepping Onto The Danger Line

Search and Massacre

by Vengefulscout 2 reviews

Goodnight, dont cry, we'll be here tonight.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-10-27 - Updated: 2011-10-27 - 1190 words

(Aria’s P.O.V)
“Mortal danger?” i repeated “What do you mean by that?” Gerard gave a huge sigh and said “who wants to explain?” Mikey swivelled in his chair, nodded at his older sibling and turned to me “well Aria, you know this gang we have mentioned, Impius?” i nodded, slightly confused “They have been after us for a while now, 3 years now, since we killed a member of their gang who was abusive to people. So they kept an eye on us. They could be watching this house right at this very moment” I instinctively glanced behind me, shivering a little “They are after us Aria. They want to kill us. So we needed a plan of action. You remember the night you heard us play the Black Parade? Well, before we began playing it, we had intercepted a message that one of the member’s sent to the gang leader of the Impius. It said “Operation beings Thursday, 3AM. 9 fairachers close: S+M.” I jumped about a foot in the air, coming off my seat “That’s my house!” I cried “What are they going to do? And what’s S+M?” Mikey gave a deep sigh and said in a quiet tone “Search and Massacre. It basically means they search the target place and whoever is in the building, regardless if they are a man, women or child, they will be killed” I slumped forward, hands by the side of my head and I was breathing heavily.”Why my house?” i whispered, staring at the floor ““If i went home tonight” i croaked “I would have been dead in two days?” Mikey came around the table and place a hand on my shoulder. “I’m sorry Aria. They may have come earlier and killed you tonight. Once again, I’m sorry” he said “Truly i am”. I stiffed, trying not to let tears fall. “What does gonna happen to me then?” I asked. “The only thing we can do,” said Bob “Is let you stay here. In mine, and everyone else’s opinion, we can’t just let you out into the open where you can get hurt”. He came around the table, went to a set of curtains which concealed a window. He pulled them back, glanced up and down the street “In the morning, you can get some of your stuff from your house. But i don’t think going back in there is a good idea. We can check if anyone is there and you can get what you need. You only need the essentials anyway” I sat in silence for a while, trying to get my brain around all the information. I can’t go home, ever again. The place i grew up and where my mum and dad lived would probably get ransacked. I nearly cried out “WHY ME?” but i managed to contain myself. “Where am i gonna sleep?” I asked. Frank smiled and beckoned. “Come with me, I’ll show you”

(Frank’s P.O.V)
I walked into the long corridor, waiting for Aria to follow. She seemed almost reluctant to, but she eventually got up from the chair and, without looking at the other guys, walked out the room. She was staring at the floor, refusing to make eye contact. The corridor was very dark, a brown-ish coloured rug stretched down the whole length of the corridor and the only sound was the ticking of the grandfather clock which was hidden in a corner at the end by the staircase. “It’s this way” I said to her and i walked towards the ticking sound of the clock. It was an old thing, Gerard had insisted on keeping it when we moved places. He said it was for “A good reason”. Whatever the reason, the ticking was starting to piss me off. I led the kid up the flight of stairs which creaked as usual under foot. I had to admit, this was like the classical haunted house look. Me and the girl reached the top of the flight of stairs and headed to a room next to Mikey’s. “In here” i said, trying to sound cheerful and i opened the door. The room was about the same size as mine and Mikey’s. It also looked like mine and Mikey’s because the wall paper was the same. But the difference was the room was completely bare apart from a bed, wardrobe and a chest of draws. “Where you expecting me to stay?” she said, still avoiding eye contact, noting the folded up quilt and a pillow on the bed. “No, we just have it there just in case” i replied. I looked at my watch and gave a little chuckle. 1AM in the morning, man time does fly by. “Well” i said, shrugging my shoulders “make yourself at home. If you need anything, just call me or Mikey. I’m next to you on the right and Mikey is on the left” I turned to leave

“Frank?” she asked suddenly and it surprised me that she actually remembered my name. “You’re not angry with me are you? I barged into this, i came into this and...” she stopped and bowed her head. I smiled kindly “Of course I’m not angry Aria” i said, quietly “Don’t worry, none of us are angry, i promise” I heard a call from downstairs “I think Mikey wants me” i said “remember, call of you need me” She nodded “Thank you Frank, goodnight” I nodded and closed the door.

“How’s she doing?” asked Mikey, as i wondered back down the dark staircase into the rest of the gang. I gazed my eyes back up the stairs and said “She seems to be ok, but i don’t think her mind is completely as ease” Mikey nodded understandingly and handed me a glass of water. “You can give that to her if that’s alright with you” he said. I smiled as the other 3 came out of the lounge. “Well, we have had a trying day, we should get some sleep” stated Gerard, heading for the staircase “We are gonna do one quick job tomorrow and then we can have some relaxation” Relaxation? Oh finally. We all went up the dark staircase, said goodnight to each other and headed off for our rooms. But i first headed to Aria’s room with the drink. “Aria” i said, quietly in case she was asleep “I’ve got some...” but i stopped, my fist about to knock on the door. Small sounds were emanating from the room which touched my gangster heart. I backed off from the door as quietly as i could, headed for my room, set the glass down and got ready for bed with one thought in my head. Poor Aria was crying.

Poor Aria indeed...Anyway, things are gonna lighten up a bit ;)It is kinda short but that's cause i am still sick. Plus, tomorrow i am going away to Lester i think. So...SEE YOU IN THE ZONES PEEPS! Emily :D
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