Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Stepping Onto The Danger Line

Not This Kind Of Company

by Vengefulscout 2 reviews

Waking, returning, leaving and fearing.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-11-19 - Updated: 2011-11-19 - 2639 words

Okay, so i know i haven’t updated a lot but if you read my latest authors note, you will know why. There is some Italian in this, the translations will be at the end (Don’t read ahead cause some sh** is going down) Also, this is double of what I normally do, so yeah. Enjoy

Aria’s POV

Tick, tock, tick, tock

My eyes began to flicker open as the brilliant sunlight poured into the room. I lay on the soft bed for a moment, thinking about what happened last night. The thing that stuck most in my head was that this wasn’t my house and I wasn’t alone.

Tick, tock, tick, tock

I knew that it had been a weird night and a night I’d never forget but I was still scared for my own safety. I felt my pillow, stroking my hand across the fabric. It was damp; I had literally cried myself to sleep. I hoped the boys hadn’t heard me.

Tick, tock, tick, tock

“Oh SHUT UP!” I smacked my hand straight at the small clock on the bedside table, knocking it on the carpeted floor and fell silent and still. I breathed heavily; sat up to see what the time was as the clock had landed face up. 8:36, perfect. I dragged myself out of the unfamiliar bed, still in my school uniform. Sheesh, I need to get my stuff from my house as soon as I could, for I didn’t want to spend the rest of the day dressed like this. I was rather worried of stepping out of the room as I was still uneasy about the boys. But, I couldn’t stay locked in here, I had to come out. Opening the door very quietly in case anyone was still asleep, I crept out of the room and headed for the staircase. The top step creaked, echoing round the empty hall, classical ghost story moment. I grinned at the thought and headed down.

“Good morning” said a voice, emanating from one of the room. I looked around trying to find the source of the noise. I had been here before when The Redgewell’s lived here but, even they found it hard to locate a voice coming from one of the rooms. I looked into the room closest to me, the kitchen, and, sure enough, Gerard was there, sitting at a polished wooden table, smiling, with a cup of steaming coffee in one hand. I walked in without saying a word and shut the door behind me. “Have a seat” he said, gesturing to a seat opposite him, which I took. Ray and Bob were also in the room, making coffee and what smelled like bacon and eggs. “Would you like some coffee Aria?” asked Ray. “Yes please” I said politely and smiled a little at Ray, then I turned back to stare at the table. “You hungry?” asked Gerard. I didn’t say anything; I was too wrapped up in my own thoughts. He gave a little sigh and said “You still don’t trust us do you?” I looked up into Gerard’s green-hazel eyes but didn’t say anything.

“Look Aria, I know this is hard for you and I know we only just met and we killed your teacher.” He said, taking a sip of coffee “But we don’t want you to be scared of us” I glared at him “I’m not scared of you” I said in defiance. “Ok then, timid?” he asked. I shrugged, yep, he summed it up well. “Aria, listen. Me, Bob and Ray are going out today and we won’t be back for a long time, probably not until late evening. Why don’t you stay around Mikey and Frank? I’m sure they would like to have your company as well as there own” I considered this in my mind. Well, Frank and Mikey seem to be nice, but, would they mind? “Um” I said quietly “Ok, if they are ok with it” He smiled, laying back in his chair just as Bob and Ray came over with 4 plates of bacon, eggs and toast. “Where are they anyway?” i asked, as I accepted a plate from Bob “They went out early-ish to get some supplies” said Bob, sitting next to me. “They will be back soon, then we will get going” I nodded, picked up my knife and fork and began eating. I had to admit, it was lovely. Gerard looked up from his own plate a smiled, he knew I was happy about having company and to be honest I had to agree, but not this kind of company, especially a gang.

The sound of a door opening and closing filled the house, a few muttering voices followed and then the door to the kitchen flew open. Frank and Mikey, arms carrying bags of whatever they had brought, stood in the doorway. Me, Gerard, Ray and Bob looked up at them, clean plates before us and the two in front of us looking tired and breathing heavily. “You alright guys?” asked Ray, jumping up and grabbing a few bags off the boys. “You don’t know how heavy these damn things are” replied Frank, dropping the rest on the side of the table. I laughed, quietly but loud enough for them to hear. Frank’s head jerked up and looked at me with a stern looked, but laughed himself. “Don’t worry Aria, I’m not angry with you” he said, putting random bits from the bags here and there. “Frank, Mikey, you know we are going out to do a “Job”?” Gerard said. They stopped unpacking and looked up at Gerard. “Yes Gee?” Gerard looked at me “Would you keep Mrs Miller company?” Frank and Mikey looked at me as though summing me up. I looked back to the table, trying not to make eye contact. Then I heard Mikey chuckled “Of course we will keep her company” he said. I looked back up and saw the two were smiling widely “Would be a pleasure” I smiled back at him, feeling a lot more comfortable than I had felt a few hours before.

Mikey’s P.O.V

Aria smiled at me, her eyes looking more alive than they did a few hours ago. I then remembered that she had to get her stuff from her house before The Impius raided her house. “Well, we better go” Gerard said, standing from his chair “We have a rather big assignment” Ray and Bob stood too and went out into the hall. I looked at my brother; he was giving a sympathetic smile. “I’ll be okay Mikey” he said “I won’t get hurt.” I nodded, hanging my head. Gerard came to my side and embraced me, making me feel safer. “I promise I’ll be fine” The sound of the front door opening came into the kitchen and we all headed into the hallway to join Bob and Ray. “Got everything?” Ray asked Bob and Gerard. They nodded, pulling on jackets and preparing to go out into the winter air. “We will be back by evening” Bob said, opening the door, letting the other two step outside. He followed in pursuit, nodded and me, Frank and Aria and closed the door.

We stood in silence, my mind on my brother, Aria’s mind on everyone and Frank’s mind...Well, I don’t know about Frank, his mind is full of crazy stuff most of the time. “So” Frank said, breaking the silence “Shall we have coffee?” My head snapped up, like a string had been pulled. “Please Frankie” I said. He dashed off into the kitchen followed by me and Aria. We took seats at the table were my brother, Ray and Bob had sat and waited for Frank. “I need to get my stuff today” said Aria, putting her hands together and linking them. I nodded and smiled “You may have to use the back entrance” I said “Using the front would look suspicious” She agreed and we sat in silence as Frank came in with the drinks.

“How did this start?” Aria asked “The gang?” Me and Frank both looked at her. “We told you on the night you came here remember?” Frank said. “I still don’t understand though” Aria replied “I don’t understand how Frank got involved with this?” Frank sat in thought for a while, then, sitting up he said

“When i was a kid about 15, I ran away from home. My parents were horrible to me, telling me I was worthless. So I left, never to return. I just stayed wherever I could, even in alleyways, even outside in the pouring rain. Then, one night, I was looking for a place to sleep when a man came up to me. He asked me if he knew of The Impius and I had. At that moment, I knew he was a part of them. I tried to run but there were other guys behind me and they caught me. Then, they took me to the back of the alley, then...”

Frank stopped, his voice cracking and he was shaking a little. I put my hand on his shoulder. I knew what had happened next and Frank didn’t want to say it. “I was lying in the alley, alone and I was in so much pain. Then, Mikey and Gerard came round the alley and saw me. They helped me out; they took me to their house. They told me about The Impius and how they had been affected by it, so I joined them in their mission to take them down” Frank finished, leaning back in his chair, looking like he wanted to cry. Aria noticed this too and she looked at the polished wood “I’m sorry Frank” she said “Really I am” “It’s alright” Frank said, sitting back up “At least I wasn’t left in that alley. Who knows what would have happened if they didn’t come?” Aria nodded “What about Ray and Bob?” she asked. “That’s their story to tell.” I said, simply. We silently agreed. “Can I go get my stuff now?” Aria asked. I gave her a grin “Yeah sure. Take your time and if you need help, just call” I said. Aria rolled her eyes “I’m 12, i think i can handle it” and she left the room.

Aria’s POV

It was pleasant to get some fresh air and the idea of actually living in the house with the guys seemed appealing, I had been alone in a house for many a year. I took the back door out of the house, opened the gate to my back garden, walked the small way to the back door of my house and opened it. I always left this door unlocked because 1. I was useless with keys and I would always loose them, 2. The door wouldn’t lock properly anyway. I stepped back into the familiar surroundings, taking in every inch as it would be my last time of seeing it. I immediately headed up the stairs, went to my room and looked around. I couldn’t take everything so I should tactically decide about what I was going to bring.

In the end, 3 bed covers, 3 pillow cases, 5 shirts, 3 pairs of trousers, 2 pairs of jeans, a lot of bras and “other stuff”, 2 jackets, 5 pairs of socks, 2 hair bands, 2 necklaces, 3 bracelets, a notepad, my school bag with my equipment for school inside, all of my money and Unit were piled onto my bed. “Questo dovrebbe essere sufficiente” I muttered to myself in my mother tongue. I gathered it all together, found a rarely used suitcase in the back of the wardrobe and filled it up with my stuff. I then hauled it up and dragged it out the room.

It was a rather bumpy ride down the stairs but when I reached the bottom, it became easier to handle. I breathed out a puff of air and headed to the kitchen to the back door, and stopped. I had passed the sitting room, the largest room in my house and sitting on the shelf, as though it had been purposely placed there, a picture of my mother and father. I dropped the case and walked up to it slowly as if it may run away like a fox in daylight. I picked it up gently and stroked my hand over the glass which was my mothers and fathers faces. I felt hot tears sting my eyes and I held the picture close to my chest. “ Mi dispiace mamma, papà. Devo andare, Devo uscire di qui, Forse un giorno tornerò.” I whispered to the frozen faces. Then, clutching the picture, I looked around the room, gazing at everything I saw in my vision. I could see in my minds eyes my parents and me sitting at the table, seated on the couch or just standing around the place. I left the room, headed for the back door and looked back into the house. “Arrivederci. Tornerò, lo prometto”

Frank’s P.O.V

I heard the back door open and close rather loudly, Aria had returned. I walked to the back of the house and saw her hauling in a suitcase and clutching something to her. Her head was bent and she seemed rather slow and tired. “That was quick” I commented. She didn’t answer, just pulled the suitcase and walked to the stairs. “You need a little help carrying that?” I asked, hoping to get an answer. “No” she said, the word sounding plain and forced out of her throat. “I can handle it” I nodded, turned to leave and looked back at her. “Ari, remember what I said the first night here, if you need me, just call alright?” I saw her give a stiff nod and she lifted the suitcase up step by step, making a small thump each time.

I returned to the lounge, a rather large room with 3 couches, a table in the middle with 5 seats around it, an average sized television and a lamp, quite a quaint room. Mikey was seated at the table, ruffling through a deck of cards and frowning at each one. I came up to him and he looked up. “Aria’s come back?” he enquired “Yeah, she doesn’t seem happy though” I replied. He seemed to understand, his head nodding up and down very slightly. He offered me a chair, shuffled the cards and asked “want to have a game of rummy?” I chuckled, I was pretty good at this “Alright, be prepared to get your ass kicked”

Mikey was about to retort when the sound of a door flying open shot through the house. A few seconds after came a load of grunting of pain and cries. Me and Mikey stood up, staring at the closed door, the only entrance into the lounge. Suddenly, the door flew open and Ray stood there, looking pale and shaken. “Guys!” he cried, sounding afraid and worried “You gotta come now!” Me and Mikey ran to him “What’s the matter?!” I asked urgently. He looked at us, mostly at Mikey.

“Come quick! It’s Gerard!”

Hope you liked everyone. Once again, sorry for slow updating, here are the translations:
Questo dovrebbe essere sufficiente – This should be sufficient

Mi dispiace mamma, papà. Devo andare, Devo uscire di qui, Forse un giorno tornerò - I'm sorry mom, dad. I have to leave, leave here, maybe one day I will return

Arrivederci. Tornerò, lo prometto – Goodbye, I’ll be back, I promise.

If some are wrong, don’t blame me, blame Google translate.
Au revoir for now.
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