Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Why Can't We Just Look The Other Way?

The Makings of a Good Plan

by glitterfreeze1111 3 reviews

Isobel decides she's not happy with her life, so she runs away to protect her mother from what her father might do. And she's found the perfect hiding spot...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2011-10-25 - Updated: 2011-11-02 - 762 words - Complete

My name is Isobel, or just Is.
To start this off, I suppose I should mention that I come from a broken home. My abusive father bribes me to get back at my mama for leaving him. He doesn't really care about me, and neither does his wife or her kids. My mom loves me though. I know she does. I can always see the hurt in her eyes when we fight. But that doesn't mean my mom's home isn't broken. She and my step dad fight all the time. My sister and older brother are old enough to move out, so that don't really care, but my little brother and I have to deal with it.
I'm also having trouble in school. Before I left, I saw my English mid-term and had an anxiety attack. My best friend goes to a different school and I'm left alone, roaming the halls of the high school from Hell by myself. Sure, I made new friends, but most of those people only like me because they LIKE LIKE me. That doesn't suit me right now.
Like I mentioned, my mom's home is broken. She and my step dad, Ian, are facing a possible divorce. I still prefer it there, although my dad isn't too happy about me moving in with her. I think he's watching me. I see cars identical to his run up and down our street. So I considered my options. I'm 15- I'm old enough to get on a train by myself. I could run away. My dad knows people, owns guns, and can easily hide the bodies. If I stay, I'm risking my mom's life and my own. If I find a good hiding spot, nobody will get me. Like, in hide-and-go-seek, if you hide in a closet, they'll find you easily. However, if you go outside and climb a tree, they'll forfeit. And I know the perfect tree to climb....
Tuesday, 9/20/11- Charlotte, NC
I caught a train about two or three days ago, and I've been here, in the city of Charlotte, waiting. Waiting for the show to begin. I stole Mama's debit card, took $900 dollars out of the account, and placed it back in her purse.We can't really afford that, but we can't afford funeral expenses either. I rented a motel room with my fake ID and stayed inside until the concert. I've been chillin, eating burgers and stuffing my face with Oreos. But now it's time. The lights are out and the party's over. I got down in the front and moshed, and my seats were stellar as fuck. Blink-182 and MCR. Gerard Way. The show rocked. IT FUCKING ROCKED!!!
I picked up my bag and walked out of the rows of seats and intoxicated fans. I was going back there. Somehow, I managed to sneak past security. And security was tight, too. I just walked up to the MCR bus with a word. I saw a short, dark-haired man leaning against the bus, smoking and looking up at the sky. No security. I walked up slowly.
"Frankie?", I said shivering. I was cold. It was raining, unfortunately, but it probably didn't help that it was midnight in September, either.
He looked over to me and bugged out. Then, his face softened. Before I knew it, he was taking off his cardigan and wrapping it around my shoulders.
"You must be freezing!"
"Yes, sir." Sir? Did I seriously just call Frank Iero SIR?! Did I really just speak to him?! I'm wearing his sweater- how is this possible!?
You ran away, moron.
"How old are you?" Frank asked. I don't look very old. I can kinda pass for 18 if I have an ID, but I look really young. Maybe 12, at most? But, hey- my lost puppy thing is going okay.
"I'm 15. My name is Isobel." He looked around.
"Are you here alone? Where are your parents?"
"At home in Illinois. It's just me."
"You came all the way from Illinois by yourself?! Why?"
"I ran away. My dad will kill me if I go back. Literally."
"I'm sure he wouldn't do that."
"Yes, he would Frank. My dad tried to kidnap me and smuggle me into Australia when I was 4. He could do so much more."
His face: O_O
He took me inside the bus. It was kinda cramped, but it was much nicer than the motel room.
"Gee, come here", Frank demanded.
Gerard got up, still laughing about what Mikey had just said, and walked over to Frank. "Yeah?"
"We have a situation."
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