Categories > TV > WWE > I've Been Jerispammed

Ted DiBiase Jr.

by demonascreamin 0 reviews

Million Dollar Son gets a turn

Category: WWE - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Parody,Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2011-10-30 - Updated: 2011-10-31 - 692 words

Ted DiBiase Jr.

Name: Ted DiBiase Jr. Son of the million dollar man, Fortunate Sone

Sex: not in the past hour ;D oh I'm a dude

Home: West Palm Florida

Height: 6' 3"

Eyes: Blue-grey (emphasis on the grey)

Hair: light brown, if we wanna get technical it has been described to me as golden wheat…just saying

What is your favorite TV show? I'm a sucker for outdoor shows

What's on your mouse pad? That behemoth of a bass I caught last summer

Favorite Magazine? Outdoor Life

Favorite smell: Cherry, it's the scent of Cody's chapstick

Worst feeling in the world: Getting split from Cody and put on the back shelf/ seeing Randy RKO my Dad

Best feeling in the world: Feud with DX, that was a lot of fun

Things to do on the weekend: Fish, Hunt, Tan, Hang with Cody, team with John to mess with Randy, drive to venues, play life with the iPod, work on ways to aggravate swagger, somewhere find time to sleep…

Favorite soundtrack: Toby Keith White Trash With Money

What's the first thought you had this morning? It's a lovely day in the neighborhood…

Do you get motion sickness? Ha please have you seen the way my dad drives? I'm immune

Roller coasters; deadly or exciting: Deadly, least based on Cody's death grip…

Pen or pencil? Pencil…pens tend to explode on me…

How many rings before you answer the phone? Depends on the ring tone I hear (Cody's is Honey Bee), but I know that I MUST answer the phone when I hear Beethoven's 5th…that's Vince

Favorite food? Tex-Mex all the way…though I do enjoy a good brisket

Do you get along with your parents? I feel compelled to quote the Breakfast Club, so I'm goin to skip this question…

Have you ever been convicted of a crime? Not recently, any suggestions?

Chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla, the possibilities are endless

Crutons or bacon bits? Both, they're essential to the salad

Do you like to drive? I have a supped up GTO similar to Vin Diesel's in Fas & Furious…yea I like to drive

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Not since I was 7…teen…

If you could have any pet what would it be? A boxer or perhaps a German Shepard

If you could be any type of animal what would it be? Muskrat, so I could explore the realm of muskrat love ;D

Thunderstorms, cool or scary? Frickin' Awesome, it's a free lightshow

If you could meet anyone dead or alive who would it be? Billy Mays, so I can personally thank him for convincing me to buy oxy-clean. That stuff works wonders

Favorite alcoholic drink: Budweiser

What is your Zodiac sign? Scorpio

If you could have any job what would it be? Professional Fisherman

If you could have a tattoo what/where would it be: Haven't figured out the logistic just know it will involve Cody in some fashion.

Have you ever been in love? Absolutely! You could say it was love at first sight

Describe your dream wedding: something quaint with a few friends gathered…most of the money will be spent on the honeymoon

What is on your walls in your room? Well since Cody moved in they've been covered with Zelda posters

Is the glass half empty or half full? Depends who poured it. Randy has penny pinching tendencies so it's like to be on the empty side, where John lives in excess so it'll probably be more toward full

Righty, Lefty, Ambidextrous? Lefty

Do you type with your fingers on the right keys? I'm the son of the million dollar man, I have people type for me!

If you could be one gardening tool what would it be? I don't know and frankly don't care

What is your favorite number? 28

Say one nice thing about the person who sent this to you: on John…That man is crafty when it comes to messing with Randy! I tip my hat to you sir

Of all the people you send this to who is least likely to respond? Hunter…I may have extended our feud off cameras…
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