Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Room 414

Room 414

by AnotherKnifeInMyHand 7 reviews

“They picked me.” he whispered. “They knew me. They hated me. How can a person hate that much ?" (Warning contains Rape and Sexual Violence)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [R] - Published: 2011-10-26 - Updated: 2011-10-27 - 1692 words

This will probably be a two shot, i really want to continue with Perfection but I've left it for so long now i'm not in the same mind set as i was before so i'll pick it back up when i'm ready. Until then i'll probably be writing oneshots and short stories as appose to anything chartered.
I also take requests if anyone's giving them, whether they're for a oneshot or for me continuing now. I live to serve others.

Room 414

Gerard opened his eyes and he was in the dark. Not the pitch black that makes you wonder if your eyes are still closed, but a dim foggy kind of dark which allows you see your hand in front of your face and nothing more. The room he was in seemed unfamiliar and crowded but right now that was the least of Gerard's troubles. His head was throbbing painfully and he couldn't think straight. Every muscle in his body burned and ached to the point of numbness. He groaned and turned his head as he felt the bile rise in his throat then promptly vomited over himself. Gerard could feel it running down his chin.

"Filthy fucking animal" He heard a low gritty voice spit at him.

Gerard's hazy mind slowly began to analyze the situation and something clicked. That voice came from right in front of him. There was someone on top of him. Oh God there was someone inside of him. More than one person seemed to be touching him, making him feel exposed and weak.

"Keep still you little shit" Gerard winced as he felt a stinging pain tear through the right side of his face. He puked again as someone else kicked him in the ribs. He didn’t even know there were tears on his face until the jeering voices.

"Write a song about this fag".

He passed out again seconds later.


Gerard woke up and he was alone. His fragile body moaned in protest when he pulled himself up and hobbled over to the phone that was conveniently placed on the beside table next to him. From what Gerard could tell he was in a hotel room but he didn't think about much else, he was too overloaded with panic, pain and vulnerability . He tried to make sense of what happened in his head but got nowhere.

As he reached the phone, it took Gerard four minutes to punch in the familiar numbers.

"Hello?" asked Mikey's drowsy voice. "Hello?" he asked again when he got no answer. Mikey did not like being woken up."Listen, asshole, it’s three in the—"

"Mikey" Gerard asked quietly, trying not to cry again.

"Gee?" Mikey's voice immediately turned to one of concern with the faintest sense of annoyance. "Gerard its three in the morning, where the fuck are you?"

"I...I don't know" he whispered "I think...I don't know"

Mikey sighed tiredly "Gerard how drunk are you?"

"I'm not!" Gerard's voice cracked and he started crying "I...I need... help me Mikey...I think i'm...i'm in a hotel room"

"Our hotel?" Mikey asked softly.

"I don't know" Gerard's eyes stung with tears.

"The phone Gee, it'll have the hotel name on it" Mikey heard shuffling on the other end of the line. He heard a loud sound as the phone dropped once, heard Gerard pick it back up, breathing heavily.

"It's our hotel" he whispered.

"Now look at the room number on the phone" Mikey said gently.

"4...414" Gerard said, voice shaking.

"I'll be right down to get you Gee" Mikey promised.

"Wait...Mikey i i need some clothes" Gerard's voice became so quiet Mikey wasn't sure if he'd heard him correctly.


"Yes" Gerard whimpered.

"Okay, I’ll bring you some clothes." Mikey said "I'll be right down".

"Don't hang up on me!" Gerard shrieked hysterically "Don't hang up. Mikey please don't hang up" He was rocking on the bed, blanket around him, knees pulled up to his chest, rocking, phone to his ear, tears on his cheeks.

"I won't" Mikey reassured, trying to keep his own voice from shaking. He didn't know if Gerard was drunk or high or had woken up from a one night stand but he was obviously terrified. "I'm walking down the hall now" he said, narrating the call hoping it would calm his brother down some. Gerard didn't answer. "Now I’m on the stairs . . . almost to your door, Gee. I need you to get up and open it for me, okay?" The line went dead as he heard footsteps.

Gerard opened the door, wrapped in a blanket. In the darkness Mikey could only make out the outline of him, his messy hair but nothing more. Gerard walked back to the bed as the door shut and Mikey turned on the light. When the younger boy turned around his eyes widened and he dropped the clothes he had been holding, a hand flying to his mouth. His eyes darted around the room: cigarettes, beer bottles, urine on one of the walls. "Gee...w-where you raped"

The hazel eyes were wide in confusion, wondering where the mark of impurity on his face was, wondering how his little brother could have known that. “How . . .” His voice turned into a hiccup, a product of all the tears he had cried in the last few hours.

"'re covered in come"

Gerard looked at his shoulders, at the dryness caked on them. Hands flew to his face, feeling the half dry liquid there. He could feel it matted in his hair. There was dried vomit on his neck and chin. A dry sob erupted from his throat as he buried his face in his hands, shaking.

"Gerard we need to-"


"-call the police"

"No!" Gerard shrieked, hitting at Mikey’s chest weakly before collapsing against him in tears. “No. No.” He whispered the word over and over, crying harder when he felt Mikey's arms gently wrap around him.

"Gee, shhh" Mikey tightened the grip he had on his brother when he looked around the room once more. "I'm gonna get a wash cloth for your face, can you sit on the bed for me?"

Gerard gave a short nod and collapsed onto the bed, unable to support himself any longer. His entire body was sore and bruised and to Mikey it looked looked like his brother was definitely in shock. He rushed to the bathroom to get the wash cloth and crouched down beside Gerard when he returned.

Gerard was nearly catatonic as Mikey started wiping at his face and his shoulders, trying to get some of the dried whiteness from his hair. "We’ll wash your hair when we get back to the room, Gee.” He dried gently at the places the washcloth had touched.

Gerard still didn’t move. His eyes just stared intently at Mikey’s face. Slowly, scared of Gerard’s reaction, Mikey began to dress him. When he lifted Gerard’s to arm to put it into the shirt and then let go, it fell right back into Gerard’s lap. He seemed to snap out of it after Mikey had both of his arms through the shirt. He pulled it over his head and then pulled on the pants Mikey had brought: his pajamas from the night before.

Mikey kept a firm grip on his brother's arm as they slowly made their way down the hallway toward the elevator, Gerard turning his head every so often to stare terrified at the room they had left. “Did you have your wallet or your phone?” Mikey asked, trying to calm Gerard down.

"I don't think so" Gerard said "Maybe my phone, probably my phone."

“We’ll call them then, have them change the number and stuff.” They were on the elevator now, almost to their floor. When the doors opened, Mikey lead Gerard down the hallway, swiping their card key at the door. When they got in, he had Gerard sit on the edge of the tub and gently washed his hair. The older boy was shivering when Mikey finished, his shirt soaked.

He changed into the fresh shirt Mikey handed him in the room, crawled onto the bed. Mikey moved to tuck him in, but Gerard grabbed his wrist. “Stay with me.” he said quietly, eyes wide. “Stay with me, Mikes.”

“Okay. I will.” he promised. “I’m just going to get you a sleeping pill and turn out the light, okay?”

“No!” Gerard all but screamed, sitting up again. “Don’t turn off the light!”

Mikey stared at him, eyes wide. “O-Okay. I won’t. Don’t worry, Gee, I’ll leave it on.”

“And I don’t want the drugs either.” he said stubbornly.

“They’ll keep you from dreaming.”

“I’d rather have nightmares.” he said shortly. He must have been drugged. The half of a beer he drank must have been spiked. Why the hell else would he have left with a guy he didn’t even know? Or half a dozen guys. He didn’t remember.

Mikey nodded, feeling useless, stupid, and pathetic. They didn’t cover this part of rape in school. The how - to - help - your - best-friend/brother - after - he’s - been - gang-raped - in - a - hotel - room part. He walked back to the bed, pulling the blanket up to Gerard’s chin and gently touching his cheek. Gerard held up the edge of the blanket, telling Mikey without words what he needed. The younger boy slipped under the comforter, turning to face Gerard who immediately buried his face in Mikey’s white shirt, two hands grabbing fistful of the fabric.

“They picked me.” he whispered. “They knew me. They hated me. How can a person hate that much, ? Enough to . . . to . . .” He choked on his words, silent except for rushed breaths.

“I don’t know.” He brought his arms up, wrapping them around Gerard.

“Don’t leave me.” Gerard whispered again.

“I won’t.” Mikey promised, his voice heavy with tears. "I won’t, Gee."
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